Friday, June 16, 2006


I had my first exam today. Geos268 to be exact. For those of you who don't understand Macquarie Uni Geology linguo, that's geophysics. It was allright, though could have been better. My hand was having major cramp issues. Every 2 minutes I had to stop and shake it out. I kept curling it up into an "evil claw" position, and while that somehow helped with the pain, I kept thinking It was about to attack me.
I have provisions in my exam for 10 minutes rest for every hour (If you really want to know why then leave a message, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can). Have you ever tried to ask for a rest break in an exam. You're never quite sure how loud your voice is going to be. So as it happened, in the sentace "can I have a break now?" I heard about 5 distinctive tones; ranging from quiet squeak to hoarse whisper.
I'm going to see swan lake on ice tomorrow. For Katus' birthday, or something. Should be fun.
CU soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmmmm :P teehee. Luv Claire xox

11:23 pm  
Blogger Julia Ba Gulia said...

yay manda has a blog!! woo aw exams suck but im sure you did very well :)

11:27 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

welcome all to my blog
I have friends...see katus, i told you so!

11:31 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

I stand corrected.

Katus' birthday or something??? lol!

7:05 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

sorry Katus.
It was for Kate's Birthday and we had lots of FUN!!!
there...are you happy?!

3:52 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Ecstatic ;-D

4:42 pm  

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