Monday, June 19, 2006

Bride of Dracula

For all of you out there who are Youth Leaders at your church, you may be able to relate to what I am about to say...
At youth group on Sunday, our games were of the theme, "Vampire Hunt"! This meant that our youth worker was kidnapped by Dracula and the kids had to kill dracula to find her again. In order to kill dracula the 'kids' (and I apologise to any of my youth group 'kids' who read this and may be offended by the word 'kids', but its the easiest word to use. Sarah, I'm thinking of you here), the 'kids' had to visit three characters set up around the plaza and perform tasks to get a clue. Then with the clues the 'kids' would go to the church, run through a 'scary' maze and kill dracula with holy water. Good Fun!
My part in all of this was to play Bride of Dracula. This involved putting on white clothing a veil, terrible makeup and fangs (which I couldn't talk in). Then I had to walk out onto the plaza and stand around waiting for the 'kids' to find me.
Whilst standing around in the middle of a public area, I had three different reactions from strangers walking past...The first woman walked past with two childeren and commented on how lovely I was looking. I said "thank you" and hissed at one of her childeren. Another woman and her family walked past, she looked scared and walked past me, as far from me as she could manage. The third woman looked stunned and then giggled.
It's not as bad as my friend Dave. He was frankenstein's monster and was followed around by some children who obviously found him ammusing. Also from what I've heard two girls were trying to pick him up!
The things we do!


Blogger Ascasewwen said...

lol!!! That sounds like so much fun! It's the Friday night yg leaders who get to do all the fun stuff with our yg kids. We don't have time to do anything like that on Sunday mornings.

Did I tell you about the smoke machine one Friday night? You can probably guess. The moral of the story was that if 'Rock Boy' wants to use smoke machines at yg he should first take thought as to how sensitive the fire alarm is, and know how to turn it off!

Your post reminded me of when Scott was telling us about a thing they did with yg kids where they had to find the leaders, I think they were down at the Quay or somewhere. Scott was dressed as a homeless drunk or something, I think. lol

4:39 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

If were thinking of the same scott, I can imagine that would have been funny

4:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've never done this!! Just to be objectionable...DO I LOOK LIKE A KID TO YOU????? Did I hear a NO?!?!?! Ok, you're forgiven!! But we WON!!!!!!!!! Sarah and Emily and Tash and Claire and Alistair are the CHAMPIONS!! ok, put myself first...rude huh??? Can't be bothered changing it.

5:47 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

Sorry again for the 'kids' comment, even though I know you (SARAH) are mentioning it just for the fun of it.

AAAnyway. Welcome, Sarah, to my blog.

Sarah this is Kate, Kate this is Sarah...I hope you can be good friends


6:03 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Yeah, Scott as in CU Scott. You can see it, can't you? lol

I don't think I've ever been introduced to anyone via a blog comments page before. MSN, yes, but not a blog.

Hi Sarah :o) lol

btw Manda, random thought, but you do realise that those are your hands in the foreground of my profile pic don't you? That was a good hand of cards you had. You would have won if you didn't keep forgetting to say UNO :-P hehe

6:33 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

Yes I did know that those are my hands. And thank you for bringing up my inability to play UNO in a non-blonde way at 11 at night.

9:08 pm  

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