Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Woe Is Me!!..

I think it's difficult for people to understand what my "Woe is me" mood is exactly. They all say, "but you can serve God without a boyfriend", and "God provides all we need". I know that so well. I do admit that sometimes I don't put all my trust on God, and there is almost doubt in my mind, but never anything that would 'logically' make me feel the way I do.

I feel alone, even though God gives me friends and family that love me
I feel cold, even though God holds me in an embrace so warm and comforting
I feel desperate and rushed, even though God's timing is the best
I feel worthless, even though God himself has paid the price for me
I feel useless, hopeless and helpless, even though God uses me for his own plan to further his kingdom... and I know it's not up to me.

There is a conflict between emotions and logic, and emotion always wins. It's the same in all of us. We try to justify actions or feelings with logic. For example;

"Why did I yell at my husband just now? All he wanted was for me to sit down for a moment and rest from housework. It must be that I'm tired. He askes now? He never helps out! There is still too much to do"

This is what logic may lead this woman to think of the situation. In realitly it may be this;

There is nearly no housework left to be done, and her husband truely does want her to rest for a moment.
The reasons behind it could be, for example;

"My mother used to yell at me when I wasn't working. It was a shamefull thing to have fun!"

The emotion, despite her logic of "I shouldn't yell at my husband over something like this", gets the better of her. She feels shame, hopelessness and fear, which are quickly covered by one of the easiest things to control... Anger. Yes you heard me. Anger is being in control. We avoid our real emotion with a cover we can use and control. i'm not saying anger doesn't get out of control. It does, but thats the action. I'm talking of emotion.

You can see now what I mean by my emotion gets the better of me. I know the reality. I trust God!! But the feeling of I'm worthless and no-one loves me is still there, brooding and fluctuating... out of control.
Feeling sad, as I do for "no particular reason" at the moment, is another control feeling. Anger and sadness are two of the biggest cover emotions.
When I say "no particular reason", I dont mean for no reson. Like I was saying before, this is an inappropriate reaction to the situation. I know somewhere in my emotional memories there has got to be a reason for my feelings or worthlessness, helplessness, and lonelyness. Something that is triggered by a similar situation to the origional. So just like the woman, where a similar experience to the childhood version popped up... My "wanting" a BF situation must have a childhood equivellant. (I'm not sure if this is making any sense)

Anyway, whether it makes sense or not, I have been having difficulties with this and my lack of motivation when it comes to doing...well, just about anything. Both are not normal, and both are inappropriate. Could people please pray that God may help me find the hidden emotions behind the cover behaviors of feeling sad and procrastinating. Also pray that I may work around them, especially the motivation/procrastination one as exams are nearly here.

You are all so encouraging to me and I thank God for your friendship.
CU Soon!

P.S. All of this info. was from a book called "Self Therapy" by Muriel Schiffman... It's a really good book. It helps you to discover and tame self defeating behaviours. If you have any questions about the book, I'll bring it into uni/church/wherever... though it is my dad's, and he is reading it at the same time as me.

P.P.S. I really can't be bothered going through the whole thing and fixing spelling mistakes. So, yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you, darling, but not as much as our God.

Keep on smiling, honey - He has it in His hands.

12:02 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What would it accomplish?

5:08 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

what would what accomplish...?

5:18 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

... having a bf. What would it accomplish?

5:49 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

Nothing... and I know that! but like I was saying, it doesn't stop me from "feeling" lonely. I know very well I'm not, and I know that having a BF will accomplish nothing. I will still feel insecure if I had one. Self defeating Behaviour is what it is. It will still be there, these feelings, even if I had a BF.

It's similar to a guy looking at other women before marriage... will he really change his behaviour after he is married.

Having a BF will not only not achieve anything (well, I dont think it will), it may even become a hinderance to fixing these problems i have. It may "cover" the feelings temporarily. They would come back though... I doubt they wouldn't.

On the flip side... Having a BF may infact free up my mind to discover what the true problem is. Instead of my believing that it is my lack of company.

6:01 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

I dont really know, our minds and hearts are complicated and full of sinfull desires. We cannot fully know ourselves.

God is the only one that truly knows the secrets of our hearts!

6:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been studying equity and fairness at university for the past two weeks.

If hypothetical #1 (it becomes a hindrance), then that's no good at all.

If hypothetical #2 (you discover the true problem), then what will do about your bf after you've presumably dealt with the problem?

As you can see, I am trying my best to avoid my impending exams. =(

11:03 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

lol... yeah, you are.

hmmmm... that is a good point you've made about the then "usefulness" of the BF. The word "usefulness" i think sums it all up nicely. What would be my reason in having the BF? Is it simply to discover the source of my 'problems' or is it to enjoy a godly relationship, and to grow with another person. I think the correct answer is obvious. I would not simply 'dump' said BF because they have out-grown their "usefulness". I intend on finding an eternal relationship. Afterall, that is what is ideal. That is what God has allowed us to have with him.

11:08 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure that if its good, God will provide (it may take some 400 years for some but He will)!

11:31 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8.28

11:58 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

Our God IS an Awsome God indeed!...

12:09 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you Manda...and so does God

I can totally understand what you're saying though...even though I know God is in control, of course I would still like a boyfriend...and sometimes when people say those things about not needing a boyfriend (which are true) I feel kind of embarrassed about thinking that way.

So...we all need to trust in God, and I am definitely praying for you

5:52 pm  
Blogger rainweb said...

oh honey, that's so horrible.
stop being logical Jason, this is emotion, not an actual thing amanda is arguing she should have.
altho you are giving her a lot of attention which is what good friends do, so yay for Jace.
oh manda honey, i know how you feel. GAH!you can't feel my sympathy in the same way anymore coz now i have a boyfriend!
i don't like how my friends who are girls who don't have boyfriends can't feel my empathy as much coz i have a boyfriend.
like, one night i hugged the couch for a while and cried.
guess what, this will be a long comment.
honey, you ARE a wonderful person.
do NOT try to qualify that statement. God is working in you and you are a wonderful person.
that being said, it is most likely you will get a boyfriend - if it is God's will.
as in, you are not avoiding boys, so it's pretty likely.
you see?you are very wonderful.wonderful boys like wonderful girls. given enough time
we have likeingfulness.
as i have said before, the idea that you havent had a boyfriend and thus you will never have a boyfriend, while present in some girls' heads (hopefully not yours) is illogical. you are wonderful. the longer you are without a boyfriend, the more likely it is that someone will come along.
ok, it's like someone running across the road without looking for cars. they say 'i haven't been hit by any cars, so i must never be going to be hit'
but the fact is that everytime they AREN'T hit, they increase the odds that next time they WILL BE.

in short hon, God loves you and will take care of it. really.trust Him. He does know what He's doing. you can cope with this.
and we're all with you.

10:10 pm  
Blogger Eh? said...

You're telling Jace that he's too logical? Think about what degree/s he's doing...

Apart from the couch and crying bits, I can understand where Ali's coming from. It's natural for both guys and girls to want a boyfriend/girlfriend when they don't have one.

Like what Ali, Jace, Sarah and Bella said, it is all up to God's will, but putting that trust in Him about ALL aspects of your life is something really, really hard. We've all been there.

Keep praying to our Lord and we'll be praying for you :) Besides, worse comes to worst, there's still this video here to cheer you up :)

But we, like the Lord, will always be there for you :)

11:58 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

lol.... yeah, that video. hehe.

Thanks guys. Your all awsome, and I know that the attention should not be on me. Every one I think goes through similar things.

God is good, and I know that he provides what I need, and that may not be a BF... I guess we have to accept how God uses us. He knows best, and it's for his glory, not ours!

12:18 am  
Blogger Douganator said...

"I feel alone, even though God gives me friends and family that love me
I feel cold, even though God holds me in an embrace so warm and comforting
I feel desperate and rushed, even though God's timing is the best
I feel worthless, even though God himself has paid the price for me
I feel useless, hopeless and helpless, even though God uses me for his own plan to further his kingdom... and I know it's not up to me"

I really liked this part of your post. Somehow This encapsulates the struggle everyone feelings between knowing that there is a God that is out there and perfect who has everything under control and our own frustrations with life. If marraige is forever, we have a whole life time to be with someone... yes we are designed to be with someone, and not on our own and we may be deluded into feeling that our life is incomplete without a counterpart...but really it isn't. The world tells us that we need romantic relationships to be living a life that is worthwhile. We already have the best relationship we could possibly ask for, with God :)

Just a thought, because this is something I need to do at times as well, is it the world or the bible that tells you that your life is incomplete without a boyfriend(girlfriend)?

The desire to be with someone is real and God given, but the need to act on every impulse is not. This is a massive struggle for me personally because I have acted on impulses for most of my life. GFs/BFs can be awesome but to be honest if they aren't the right person they don't really benifit your life that much at all. Also not that you are, but...if you become dependent on having relationships you become kinda numb to it all. You just settle for people who come along who have some but not all of the qualities your looking for me, sure there are people who are sxy, fun, exciting, intersting etc... but don't give part of yourself away for something that is sub standard.

One observation from a guys perspective. One of the most attractive things about Christian girls is they value themselves. They don't have the worldly attitude of idolizing their boyfriends and needing guys constantly in their lives to be complete. They respect themselves and know their own worth because they are valued and loved by God. Because of this higher value, it will actually scare guys who aren't all that serious about relationships off. However those who are willing to risk commitment will in my perspective appreciate that value and want to value you like God does. Thats the sort of boyfriend i imagine you would want?... not just the concept of one, but a guy who truely values you like God does and wants what God wants for you and not what he wants for himself. Don't conceptualize the idea of a boyfriend, just enjoy relationships with both members of both sexes, and if someone comes along like the person i described then don't be scared of it either.

In conclusion....
Know thyself, be thyself to the best of your ability
Love God
Don't settle for anything less than the best
Your a cool chick with a passion for God, someone will value you for what you are worth, know it, believe it, and entrust God with it, then don't worry about it :)

3:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doug, that was wonderful. All of you, that is so true!! We have no need for anyone other than our God, even though we naturally desire someone else to be there with and for us.

I have been the same, as some of you well know, but I rest in the assurance that, like Doug and the others said, if God has someone in mind for me, He will show me who and when and where. And there is nothing I can do to change that other than live my life for Him, as he directs me. Which is what I, with His help, intend to do!

The world has painted us a picture we are meant to model our lives on in which life is incomplete without a partner/ husband/ wife. But look at the divorce rate. Are those people any happier becase they found a relationship?

Unless you can find a love closer and more secure than that you feel for your family and closest friends, one you can entirely trust and honour and respect, you are throwing yourself away on a day dream, my beautiful girl. You are GOD'S DAUGHTER. You are a Princess. You have been set apart. And if God does intend on filling the place by your side, He shall do so at His will and according to His purpose. In the meantime, as hard as it is, to be content with your life as a beautiful single woman of God is a huge blessing. A hard cross to bear at times, of course, but one He will help us with if we ask Him to.

A relationship between a husband and wife is, as has been discussed, God given. But the need for that to happen as, when and with who we wish it to is the voice of the world, not God. To stand up to that temptation and be content living with who you are without a boyfriend/ girlfriend is a great way to show your love for our Father. And one I freely admit to struggling with! But with His help I can get through it, just as you can, my darling.

For all the girls out there struggling with this, I really highly recommend that you get yourselves to Koorong and get a book called 'Lady in Waiting' by Debbie Jones and Jackie Kendall. It's in the devotional section of the store and is the most relevant and helpful book I have found on the topic. Ash found it, actually! It's great. I'm afraid I don't know any guys ones, but this one helped me lots!

God will guide us all - He loves us and chose us and set us apart. He really is an awesome God!!

11:53 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Having sat by and watched the replies appear on this post I'll finally add in my two cents worth.

Given I would say the same as everyone else and not nearly as well as they said it I'll simply say amen to all of the above.

But I will also say that all these replies show what loving and caring brothers and sisters God has surrounded you with. I also know from experience that it doesn't always feel that way but you are very definitely loved, both by us and by God, and the verse Sarah quoted is an awesome one. God will provide all that you need in his perfect time. At the moment he's surrounded you with friends who love you and who are praying for you in your struggles, and if this is any comfort to you God does definitely help people to be contented with their singleness. I've seen that in other friends and I know that God will help you to bear whatever he has planned for you.

10:02 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are all my family, and I love you all dearly as my brothers and sisters in Christ. To know that you love and care about me in return is a huge blessing - I think the idea of love has been so twisted. In the same way as I 'love' my family and friends, I 'love' ice cream, or my book, or the rain. Just made me think of this.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always perseveres. Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13: 4 - 8

May God bless each one of you and hold you safely in His perfect love for you. Praise God for this gift, and for the gift of friendship through all the trials and challenges of life! :-)

10:44 am  
Blogger Amanda said...

I really love that Corinthians Passage. I think it would be one of my favourites. I am reminded through reading it that love is indeed twisted by the world. It is thought of as a wonderful feeling you get, then will do anything for the person you love.
In fact, love is the action itself. "Love is patient...", we are loving when we are patient. We can see the greatest 'action' of love on the cross. If we could only strive to love one and other in the way christ loves us...

...God has given you all the ability to really love. I can see it now as I read through these comments and see the genuine care you have for myself and one and other. It's amazing!

2:19 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey darling Manda,
there's been so much wise and caring advice given that i pray is really touching your heart!
You realised that it was the feelings not the facts that were affecting you and I understand that completely > but if we dont reinforce the facts with the truth, the Word of God, then they lose their strength to conquer self-defeating emotions.
'Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.' Matthew 6:34
If you get through today on God's strength - you will get through tomorrow on His strength also.
And it's like everyone has already mentioned, you are not alone but are a precious and beautiful member of the body of Christ.
Love you muchly so muchly!

4:32 pm  

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