Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hit or Miss!

I remembered what I was going to post (If that comment seems out of context, than read the post before this one)

I have this thing I do. when I can't sleep I turn on my TV. The channel I usually pick is SBS! It's a hit and miss thing. You've got to be careful, there are some dodgy things on late at night on SBS. Those are misses!! The hits are what I'm talking about!

Here are some recent HITS

"The Nanny"... The Iraqi version. An exact copy of the English one. I could even recognise the episode. It was the one where Fran goes to some premiere with max and he makes her leave the house with a handbag that doesn't match. etc. etc. creepy, but ammusing!

An asian movie. Those are always cool. This one was about destiny. The two main characters had met on a train and at a fair and fallen in love. I couldn't follow the whole story, 'twas abit difficult. They wanted to find each other but couldn't. turned out they had nearly met again heaps, but had never actually seen each other. Someone took pictures of the girl and the guy turned up in the background of every picture. It was really cool. They lived right next to each other, and she'd listen to him playing the violin without even knowing it was him. They ended up together in the end though, so it's all good! Whoot!

I think i was a French movie set mainly in Japan and quite abit of it was in Japanese. It was about a girl from France named Emile who went Japan to try and start a writing career of some sort 9can't remember). Some of the Japanese were really terrible to her. One woman espesially thought that she was inferior and stupid and treated her that way. In the end Emile quit to go back to France and start her career there. It was really sweet at the end though. Emile made a career for herself. She got a letter in the mail in japanese form the horrible woman. It said "Omedetou" which means "Congratulations"...

This one was just last night. It was a French movie about a woman and her son. The son did break dancing. The dancing was sooo cool. The mother yelled at her son alot, and the son was rebelios and disobedient. There were two break dancing teams that were going to compete against each other to go to America. One was UCB's the other was LD's. The son left home and the mother tracked him down to his rehearsals with the UCB's...he kicked her out. Then she met the LD's. She started going out with their DJ's...kinda weird...It was funny. Then she learnt some break dancing moves and joined the LD's with her old fashioned dance moves... like the Nicholas Brothers! In the end The mother and LD's go up against the UCB's and the son. I don't know who won, all I know is that the mother and son made up through the complexities of break dancing solo's and responses...meh?! The dancing was cool though!

Yeah, so it's worth checking out SBS at night! Like I said before though, be careful. It could be a HIT, or it could be a MISS!... are you game?
(Sorry that was totally random!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He he he. Yay for posting! And yay for SBS! And yay for Inspector Rex in particular! In front of the TV is the place to be on a Thursday night at 7.30 pm. 'Tis tradition in this house! And other than DVDs is the only TV I watch these days... lol.

8:22 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you watch greys last night??? Weirdness was happening at the end…there was no add for next week!!! It's the season finale, I'd expect there would have been much adds featuring the words "Who will die?? Who will hook up and have hot sex in a classroom and be walked in on by someone else’s girlfriend?? Who will look the hottest at the prom thingy??" (Is it a prom when your adults???)
Anyway, I’m going to go and try and get a life and stop living vicariously through a tv show. Two weeks today and I am DONE!!!!!

9:04 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...


Yes! I did indeed watch grey's... sorta. I was partially distracted by my uni work.. hehe. I love that. My uni work was distracting me from TV...
Yes. 'Twas a wierd ending!

9:19 pm  

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