Friday, July 07, 2006

My Life as a Ham Sandwich

I sit, alone
A single piece of ham in a refridgerator.
No friends to speak of.
No life outside my cold, dark, prison.
No blessed union.
Does no one love me?

I yell out, "Take me! Use me! Am I not tasty, cold meat?"
No one hears, and no one responds,
And then I remember, I AM HAM!
I have no voice!
I cannot be heard!

Then, Suddenly!!
As if someone out there had heard the cry of a lonely ham
The refridgerator light turns on
The settled mist now swirls and rises, dancing like the very joy within me.
A hand reaches. Reaches. REACHES...
Straight past me...
It grasps hold of the butter and pulls away.
The darkness envelopes me once more.
"Give up Ham. Give up! No one wants a sandwich today."

The light again flicks on as the hand returns.
Reaching in it takes hold of me.
It pulls me into light and into the warmth.
I am carried across the kitchen and placed onto a slice of bread
Another slice of bread is placed on top of me.
This lonely Ham has a new friend. Bread!
Bread will be my friend.

Bread holds me close as together we are lifted into the air.
A firm hold, with two hands. The end is drawing near.
I look at bread. Bread looks back at me.
With a simple glance I know that bread understands me, a simple piece of Ham, better than anyone could ever.
And as we soar together I know,
That tonight, I will perish with the one I love.

P.S ...I was really bored when I wrote this!!!


Blogger Amanda said...


3:59 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

No, you were REALLY BORED when you commented on your own post!

I like it. An anthropomorphic metaphorical representation of the basic existential and metaphysical need for fulfilment and gratification of the gregarious yearnings of humanity within the paramaters of today's esoteric cosmology.

(if anyone can explain to me what I just said I'd be most grateful.)

4:10 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Now your readers really have a dilemma- which one of us should they be more concerned about?

You, for writing a poem about a piece of ham, or me, because I managed to come up with that tongue twister?

And they say HSC english doesn't teach you anything. Two years on and I can still cobble together a sentence of big words while having no idea what I'm saying.

4:14 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

You lost me back at REALLY BORED

6:14 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

I lost myself looooooong before that.

I let my mind wander and it never came back.

6:38 pm  
Blogger Dave said...

Wow, so random!

1:26 am  
Blogger Amanda said...

I just read over these comments...and made myself giggle!


3:00 pm  
Blogger rainweb said...

translation of kate's...comment:(yes, i am qualified read: insane, i did 4U english)
it gives ham human characteristics and tells a story where the ham represents us as we search in an almost futile manner for fellowship, friendship and love.

10:47 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Gosh, did I say that?

I'm not sure what worries me more. The fact that my conglomeration of randomly chosen large words did actually mean something or the fact that Alison was able to translate what it meant.

Or maybe that when translated, my assessment does vaguely relate to the subject of the poem. That wasn't intentional, I assure you! lol

11:42 am  

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