Wednesday, July 05, 2006


It was Ash's 18th birthday partay last night. It was at a Chinese place in Hornsby...mmm chinese. Alot of the night I spent talking to Ali and Rach, and alot of that conversation consisted of what our 'Monty Pithon and the Holy Grail' names should be. This sprung from the name "Roger the Shrubber"
'Rachel the chain mail shiner' had already made up her name with some other friends. Some names we came up with were; Jay the castle door knocker, Alison the princesses hair braider, and Ashleigh the dragon slaying princess.
My name was a long "joke". Where the other names contained who they were their job and specifics, my name contained my name, job and specifics, what I'd done with who and why.
So now I am known as none other than "Amanda, 'Roger the shrubbers' assistant, who ran off with 'Roger the shrubbers' increadably handsome son because she didn't particularly like...'Roger the shrubber'."
Sad I Know!
We were joking that we would give other people at MYC "names" also, and refer to each other by "name". My comment was, "No one will want to talk to me if they have to say that every time". I'm probably correct in assuming that.
CU Soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are just a little bit mad. But I had italian last night and then we went to pancakes on the rocks!!!!! But I am now poor...and fat...

5:08 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

I eat heaps when i go to chinese

6:05 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

I'd call you that name! If I could remember it....

3:20 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

lol, You also need a name. well not NEED, but a name would be fun. Me and Rachel the chain mail shiner were going to make up a song, and sing long notes with straight faces when it came to my name. That image may only work in my head.

3:56 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Howzabout my personal spin on that Russian woman Katherine the Great, katus the greatus? hehe

Well, my personal spin or the scientific name, take your pick. lol

9:35 am  

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