Monday, July 03, 2006

Pointless Post

This is a usless post with nothing very interesting on it. I just figured that if I stop writing on my blog, people would stop reading. So I came to the conclusion that I needed to post something, and here it is. My pointless post.
What's been happening in the boring world of Amanda. Lets see...
  • I now have enough hours to get my P's...that's exciting
  • my sister and many friends have been having birthdays...that's slightly less exciting
  • I've been playing alot of SSX on play station
  • I've been trying to go to Taekwondo more than once a week

Yeah, my life is boring at the moment

Thoughts: "I still need to get a job", but my delema is 'what job'? I'm indecisive and don't want to get a job that demands my entire life. So my reaction, as usual, is to avoid the problem and do nothing. I hate myself sometimes.

I couldn't make it to Bella's 21st. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bella (If you ever read this).

Yeah, well that's really it.

CU Soon!

Trekky Update

Episode 15: Shore Leave

Series 1: Origional Star Trek


Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Your life sounds as interesting as mine at the moment. Except being one of the friends having a birthday, my life was probably slightly more interesting while the birthday stuff was happening. Now it's back to being boring.

5:45 pm  
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7:42 pm  

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