Monday, July 03, 2006

funny thing...

Did any one watch 'High School Musical' on Saturday night. I'm ashamed to say I did. If you have no Idea what I'm talking about, it is a terrible disney musical which was supposed to be "the best musical since 'Grease'". Hahahahahahaha! *wipes away tear*
It wasn't!!
'Grease' was on after 'High School Musical', and the commentary between the two movies was ammusing.
'High Scool Musical' had just finished when this guys voice came on and said, "and next is the one and only 'Grease', which is looking better than ever!"
I think I'm the only person that's laughed at that so far...
...oh well
CU Soon!


Blogger Ascasewwen said...

hehe, had I been watching I would have laughed.

5:45 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

it was excellent timing..just as I was thinking, "you can't replace 'Grease'"

12:28 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

These are automated messages arn't they?...

2:09 pm  

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