Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I dreamed a dream of times gone by

Yesterday was good fun. I'll recap it with my usual sub-headings...

Thin Section

I had to get to uni by 9:00am yesterday (which is relatively earlyish for me). The reason being, I was making a thin section from a rock which I picked up at Hill End on my Geos field trip. T'was good fun! I haven't finished it yet though. I have to go back in at 9:00am tomorrow morning to cut, grind, and polish the slide. Should be good to look at when it's done!

At the Cafe

The cafe was really funny yesterday. you can refer to Katus' blog. I'm not sure if Matt's gonna put anything up on it, but If you like you can look at his blog anyway.
Anyway. In the hours between 1 and 3ish the Cafe was very noisy. This can be attributed to a few things.
---- Alison ex-communicating people from the "house of Klauss" because they thought she was angry.
-Alison: I went on a camping trip with Tom, and I became really angry
-Pete and Chris: Became angry?!
---- Doug decided to sing "All by myself" everytime Chris said something depressing about himself... which happened quite a bit.
---- Dougie also singing "wake me up before you go go" to Katus with his arm around her. Jenny asking if anyone had scissors soon stopped dougie singing.

I can't remember anything else specific...the whole thing was HALARIOUS!!

Nursing Home

Ash and Jonno were visiting the nursing home in the arvo so me, Em and Matt went along as well. It was really quite good. I talked to two women, both with completely different backgrounds and perspectives of life. One had little family left to visit her. The other had people who weren't even her family visiting her. It was a good experience and I'd encourage people from CU to have a look into it.

Crazy Dream

I had 'The Most Awsome' dream last night, being myself, I have to tell you all about it...hehe

It started with me designing a landscape using sims 2. I made a huge lake with the shovel tool and built up hills around it. I looked at it for a moment or two from heaps of different angles. It was so familiar to me. I moved away from my lake to follow a river. The river ran through a valley...you know where this is going! Well, most of you should.
I started adjusting the valley, it was a tight ravine that I was initially walking through. There were people with me. And knowing that walking was no way to go where I was. I ran forward and launched myself into the air.
The wings in my stories are made of magic, not solid material. They fly out of the back with force. I felt this force from my own back, as much as you can feel force in a dream. I could fly. Not a half hearted dream hover, but flying.
Next i came to a palace perched on a cliff face... smaller than in my stories, but recognisable all the same. I had become Tanya. I was wering a head-dress which was somewhat like chain mail over my face. It looked amazing... not like chainmail at all, but beautiful. The other girls also all had interesting adornments. Maree had japanese ribbons and short hair into buns... I don't remember Chase and Celene though.
From there my dream became for a short while a game design. I was designing a game based on my books. t'was quite cool. I'm not sure why but it had a story similar to 'lord of the rings' though...meh!?
It soon returned to a life like state. I crossed the bridge by the waterfall. Assasins rose from the water like they were part of it. I don't remember much here, but I do remember running, and as I crossed the bridge it collapsed beneith me to leave me hovering mid air. You heard me, again I was flying!
Then my dream took me to the other regions. For the first time, my dream gave me what my regular imagination never has quite done. I could finally visualise some of these places. I saw the desert region. Mayhlem's palace, a long corridor, an open padonga like structure the view from which was only sand. Quite amazing!
I saw the islands. They were finilly a relevant to me.
Lastly I saw the crystal Capital. A sunken city of old. The origional settlement of men from earth crushed by a large crystal metior. The City, now made up of tall crytaline buildings and a tall palace. all of which are half in/half out of the water.

The whole thing was so spectacular! God is awsome!

CU Soon!


Blogger Ascasewwen said...

...when hope was high and life worth living... (etc.)

I am impressed at not only the fact that you have such dreams but also your ability to remember them!

And it had a story similar to Lord of the Rings because LOTR is just under Jesus when it comes to rocking the world.

6:18 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could not agree more, Kate!

Yay for the cafe on Monday! And Wednesday..! And in general!

And just as yay for the Nursing home - I could not recommend it highly enough. I spoke to a 92 year old lady called Hilda who told me she had three grandsons around my age who were 'looking for wives' if I was interested. I smiled sweetly, thanked her and laughed very hard all the way to ECH120! :-)

10:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grrr for slow computer and double posts... lol!

11:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:12 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOO HOO! Just one!! It worked! *Em does dance of joy at desk*

11:12 pm  
Blogger Eh? said...

*headdesk* I thought i'd just leave this post untouched but nooooooo someone just had to make me go *headdesk*

4:50 am  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Matt, the comment I put on K'ville about the time you left these comments also applies here!

10:15 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep! Explain yourself, Mr! Not even I am that bad, and that says a lot!!

6:59 pm  
Blogger Dave said...

all by myself is in the musical!
good song.

1:54 am  
Blogger Amanda said...

lol...you all make me laugh

3:41 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

That works out well because you make us laugh as well, darling.

4:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He he he.

9:15 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See?! :-)

9:15 pm  

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