Monday, October 09, 2006

What to say...

Lord it's you who gave me life and I can't explain just how much you mean to me...

Sorry, I side-tracked for a minute there. This post is an update of my life;

Today was ammusing. I went into uni to do research and buy cardboard for my poster and as usual found myself sitting amongst Cu'ers in the Cafe... typical. 'Twas good fun, till 2pm when everyone 'cept me and jenny decided to skidaddle (hehe). It's all good though, because Katus cam, then Pier and Lauren. I couldn't help but bring up the topic of an ammusing torture for my novel... hehe. Lauren's was my faverite and I may actually use it.
Lauren: How about being beaten to death with a stick of celery?

Uni work
I hate uni work, but being at uni I have to deal with it! I still have to finish my poster for Palaeontology... then why am I posting you ask?... [discussion topic!] (lol)
After this week I'll be free from any major assessments for a while...WHOOT! *dancing turtle*

Sarah will be coming to CU on Wednesday... I think she was angry with me on Sunday for destroying her sadness that the Doctor couldn't actually say "I love you" because there would be complaints from long time watcher. She didn't like that. I hope she can forgive me for spoiling her deep despair, just as I have forgiven her for shoving her hand over my mouth to shut me up...*tee hee* I LOVE YOU SARAH!

Stupid Telstra
I'm with AAPT which uses Telstra's network I believe. Telstra have changed things around to make way for their NextG net thingy...STUPID! I now have no coverage...none, anywhere. My mobile is (hopefully temporarily) useless.

I feel generally sad at the moment for no reason...but I do that. (By the way, I know you people. Now that I've said that you all being loving are going to be all like "I love you", "Smile", and "Your special"... come on. I know you all care but just this once I'm actually not looking for sympathy... Insult me, make me laugh, comment on something totally random...just this once. If I didn't say this I know you'd all only focus on the Amanda is sad thing)

Well, I'd better be off. Gotta finish my stupid uni work. Toodles!


Blogger Ascasewwen said...

I'm not going to try and cheer you up- everyone is entitled to feel miserable now and then if they want to, and you have just as much right as everyone else!

(*looks around nervously in fear of sparking yet another d&m argument on this subject* hehe)

Incidentally I have never quite understood the need to be happy. Maybe I'm just showing what a cold hard unfeeling little creature I am but I really don't get why on earth happiness/ contentment/ satisfaction/ pleasure are such a big deal! ...Anyway... *steps down off soapbox*

5:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your mind is so open - so open that ideas simply pass through it.

Thats the only insult I could think of. Hope its funny.

10:04 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

I'll give you an A for Effort...hehe

10:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOU SUCK!!!! Not only did you not come to church last night, you ALSO wouldn't let me drown in a pool of misery that he only managed "Rose Tyler, I-" before he ran out of energy. Oh David Tennet is SEXY...and he cried *tear*

10:19 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

The Doctor never cries. How sad was that!?!

I know he couldn't say it, but you could tell he meant every word of what he 'didn't say'!

10:24 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I shall merely say that I know how you feel, darling - no matter how cheerful you are it is essential to feel sad for no apparent reason fairly regularly! I find the best cure is ice cream and tea. With honey. On the ice cream, not in the tea. Mmmm. Honey and ice cream... yum. Or I have been told that standing on your head also works wonders. Gives you a whole new outlook on life. But that's just what I have been told... :-P

8:43 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

So you put the honey on the ice cream and then put the ice cream in the tea... well it would certainly take your mind off feeling morose... *gags*


10:58 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what would happen if you did put ice cream in tea? Yuck! The thought revolts. What an imagination, Katus!

6:31 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

You'd have a tea spider! :-D

And what if it was green tea icecream? Ah, the possibilities!

7:11 pm  

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