Saturday, October 07, 2006

To all the CU 'stalkers' out there

To you who are reading my blog, and other CU blogs. I'd appreciate it if you commented. A simple "Hi!" under your name or even anonymous would suffice. Just so I know how many people read my blog. I promise not to get you involved you needn't do any more but let me know you're there now and then. I would really appreciate it!

Some points to make on this subject;
- My knowledge you are there makes me less paranoid.
- I can adjust my posts to better suit your entertainment needs. (ie. personal jokes and so on)
- I do not require you to "get involved". don't feel under pressure to "be a part of it all". I'd just like to know you are there.
- More comments, even just "hi!" makes me look cooler/more popular! lol...
- Doesn't everyone just want to feel like they are important and are "acknowledged"

That is all from me...

CU Soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We find your blog most amusing.

Contrary to popular belief, we are in fact not dead. We only appear to be dead in order to escape the paparazzi.

4:54 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...


I know I said you don't have to use your name, but this is just weird.

At least you're not an advert...

4:56 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Wow, Queen Victoria. Does that mean you can change your name to the Royal Animated Angel Blog now? Does that custom still apply in cyberspace?

I think the stalkers just like making us paranoid.

Plus they're going to spite you by not commenting on your post- just watch, the only comments you'll get will be from the other members of the blogring.

5:14 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

Well, now you've said that of coarse they are going to not post just to spite me...

Thanks alot Katus!

5:16 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:00 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...


See Katus... people are commenting.

My plan to rule the world is comming to fruition...Muahaha!

7:02 pm  
Blogger rainweb said...

who ARE these people?

9:53 pm  
Blogger Eh? said...

You don't know Jace? You serious?

12:28 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know Jace, but I can not remember ever meeting Queen Victoria. And she has the type of face one can not forget easily, too! I think it's the bonnet tied under the very rolly chin. Hmmm.

Incidentally, your highness, you are responsible for the haemophaelia in the Russian royal family, and therefore responsible for Bec's poor boys, Patto and Pete, suffering from the said condition. I hope you are suitably ashamed of yourself.

9:46 am  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Em, I'm not sure it's fair to blame Queen Vic for Bec's obsession with haemophilia.

10:44 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the beast from the east lurks with yeast to see if he is deceased or not answer my riddle and end with a dot dot dot...

delta opal uganda george

9:10 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

Hey Dougie!

9:59 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Manda's friends!!! I'm not stalking you...just keeping up to date with what's happening in Manda's life. HSC ruins social lives!!!!!

10:13 pm  

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