Friday, October 13, 2006

SUFM. SUFM. SUFM is here again.

In 2 hours I will be leaving to pick Laura up from her house and will start the long(ish) journey to Katoomba. Yes, atlast! My Beach Mission weekend away has arrived. Huzzah!!!


I'll be away for the weekend so I won't be posting untill Sunday night at the earliest, so feel free to chat amongst yourselves. If Sarah turns up say hello coz' she's missing out on the mission weekend because her HSC exams start next week. Don't stress yourself too much sarah!...

What is sad, is I wonnt be able to come to the trivia night for Pete and Em's Mission. So I'm gonna leave you guys some answers that will surely win the night for you!

1. Madagascar
2. Amanda rox
3. Madagascar
4. 2 Kings 8:1 (the only place in the bible you find canablism)
5. The Nile
6. Frodo... No. Pippin
7. 1984
8. Madagascar
9. the Bee gee's
10. Kwame, Wheeler, Linka, Gi and Ma-Ti

If all else fails, stand up as a group and sing the national anthem. When I get back I expect to know how many people stood up and joined you.

CU Soon!



Blogger Ascasewwen said...

What are you talking about, it's a 40min drive to Katoomba! ;o)

Hope you have a great weekend away!

And Sarah... the end is in sight! You'll be fine! :o)

5:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I only just read this, the audience participation in Advance Australia was minimal. Not even Pete and I did it. Shocking, huh?!

It was a lovely night though! Have fun on camp! And Sarah, you'll be fine - just keep smiling!

11:55 pm  
Blogger Dave said...

Hullo hullo, just commenting to say hi! I hope you have fun while you're away. Oh, i found a t-shirt i think you would like:

2:20 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Planeteers!

Hope your mission weekend was fun.

2:49 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate the HSC. And maths. Maths is BAAAADDDD!!!!!
I want to be on mission weekend *cries*

3:22 pm  
Blogger Eh? said...

It's only your school Sarah, no worries, no pressure at all :) You'll be fine :)

12:32 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No pressure at all... Matt, what would you have done to someone who told you in year 12 that there was no pressure at all? I think I would have hit them!!! lol.

9:15 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

Hey cool! now people who don't know each other that well are talking to each other on my blog. I'll have to introduce Dave to the CU bunch!

1:19 pm  

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