Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Hey all,

It's been a while since I've posted anything. There are a feew reasons for this. I'm tired and lazy I think play a big part. I haven't been on my computer much lately... Oh and the big one... My net has been down! So posting has been difficult.

Anyway... all excuses aside, I am back.

As some or all of you may know, my church puts on carols every year in Helen St Park in Lane Cove. This year is no exception... well, so far. There are some prayer points I'd maybe like people to pray for if they read this in time...

- The weather; It's rainy. I know Katus... the rain is awsome, and somehow I feel a bit silly praying for it to clear up when we are in the middle of a drought, but many non-christians come to the carols and the gospel is preached... Could you pray that God would have everything in control and things would work according to his will, whatever that may be in this case.

- Illness; My little sister has just tonight, after our last rehearsal fallen ill. She has a sore tummy and I hope it's nothing too serious. She's looking forward to playing keyboard tomorrow, and I really don't want her to have a crummy Christmas.

- Sore throats and breathlesness; six singers including myself have been practicing with the other musicians for the carols over the last three days. Our throats hurt and I am slightly breathless. Could you pray that our voices would last and endure... especially Dave's. His is pretty bad and he's doing the opening item with me...

- Lastly; Pray for all those who might not know God... pray that they would hear the news of hope and that some may recieve it into their hearts.

I love you all dearly and hope you have a wonderful Christmas!...
BTW: If any of you are not going to the CU Chrissy Partae perhapsyou could make it to the carols... assuming that they are still happening. It's at Helen St Park in Lane Cove... (you go to the end of Epping Rd and turn left onto Pacific. Then the first left after that... then right at the bottom of the rd and keep going untill you find the park...*It's the second one...the big one*). There'as a BBQ at 6:30pm and the carols start at 7:30pm...

For those of you going to the Partae...I hope you enjoy yourselves thoroughly! Have a wonderful time...

CU Soon!


Blogger Ascasewwen said...

*is in total and utter hysterics at the latest can of worms she's opened, and no, it has nothing to do with this post*

12:06 am  
Blogger Amanda said...

o...K...?... Very confused....... also relatively ammused.... but mostely confused.....

12:09 am  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

How did you die, Manda? Now does it all make sense?

12:25 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Emily is confused. Again, :-P

12:56 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bella is also very confused

But I will be praying :)

9:02 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why was that anonymous? Still, I used my name in the post, so there should be no questions as to who it is!

9:04 am  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Assuming it was you, the comment you left on K'ville this morning was also anonymous. I figured it was you because no one else leaves comments at 9am or before. lol

2:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, that was me. How strange, I must pay more attention to my commenting :P

3:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did it go???????

12:10 pm  

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