Thursday, September 21, 2006

So much to say, so little time

I have so many things to report on. I'll be as brief as i can, only putting in highlights as I have to prpare to leave on a field trip.

Jemimah's 18th

I went to Mima's 18th last Saturday. It was really good. I was expecting myself, Dave and Sarah to sit around being bored, and Sarah was expecting to be ignored. We don't see Mima all that often.
Jemimah was really friendly after all these years. Her friends were great and we had an awsome time. I was really surprised to see Charlie from Uni turn up. You can look at my Pics. site to see me and Charlie doing the penguin.
I taught some girls elephant face, which a few of us then proceeded to play. I'm sure it was ammusing to watch... keeping in mind, this was a cocktail party.

Womens Day

Womens day at CU was really good. There was a nice mix of topics, and bible based talks and examples from real life situations. Liz Burns, our guest missionary told us about her time in Tanzania. It was really encouraging seeing how people there persevere in faith and service. Also Liz put a real positive swing on being a single missionary, saying that she was free to go places couples or mothers couldn't go.
Myfanwy reminded us to be thankful instead of complaining. When we thank God for things, then we are grateful for them instead of finding fault in them. I found that really helpful.

WAM (women and men)

The mixed Men's and women's night was fun. We voted for a movie...hehe. Bill & Ted won!! Most Triumphant! Though only 4 of us ended up watching it in the end.
Finding out how incredibly ticklish Mike A. is was halarious. Robbo only had to reach out a hand and Mike would be nearly falling off his chair in fear of being tickled. Matt's blog has more on WAM night.

Small Group Social TO Insomnia

Our small group had a social on Tuesday. It was great getting together in the "holidays" and chatting. We saw a movie. Well I should say, started to see a movie. Snakes on a plane was abit much for the girls, and being also a girl, I decided that out of friendship I'd sacrifice the rest of the movie to hang out with Kath, Linda and Kat.

After the social Kat, James and myself went ten pin bowing, which was really fun. We had fish and chips and gelato afterwards together.

After that we headed off to Insomnia. I had to pick Matt up from his house and take him to the Cafe. Well, intraditional Amanda style, I got lost. WE got to Insomnia eventually.
Refer again to Matt's Blog for info. and my pics site for pics. (Coz' I'm in a rush)

Sorry this has been a very short and boring post. I can go into details when I get back from my field trip to Hill End. Pray for me. I just got my *women's troubles* and have to trek around possibly without an immediately avaliable toiltet near by, which is a Bugger... (sorry to the guys for that bit of info.)

I love you all and will CU Soon!


Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Poor darling, I hope the field trip isn't too miserable for you!

If you're prone to getting lost the trick is to designate the front seat passenger as navigator, then when you get lost you blame them. hehe Works for me! I'm sure some of you have met my sense of direction before. Or lack thereof...

8:29 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

We are taking a bus...
...though I do seem to be getting a reputaion of never being able to get to insomnia on time!


9:52 pm  
Blogger Eh? said...

LOL, it's ok my house is in the middle of nowhere so I can understand :)

Have fun on field trip somehow :) Of course apart from the obvious pains...

10:09 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

:P hehe


10:36 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

:-D Have a marvelous time, my darling! I am sure you will - despite all issues associated with being female!

Oh, and Kate? Remind me never to sit in the front seat of your car!! :-P Unless I know exactly where we are going! snnnnn indeed!

11:03 pm  

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