Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Ahhh, those good old days

Ahhh, those Wednesday Arvo's. Last semester was great after CU on Wednesdays. We would have bible studies, talk, joke, and play celebrity heads with small fluro pink post-it notes. Great times...but this semester, its been kinda different. It still has its little purps (Is that even a word? I know you can put it in a sentance, but... yeah, never mind), but it's not... the same!...

HEHE... untill NOW!... this arvo was great...Almost how it used to be. A bunch of us there provin' you can have fun around a circular table. I can't remember any exact quotes, I'll leave that up to Katus the quotable quotes master!!

Maddie, Robbo and Mike were all sitting around challenging each other at snake on Maddie's phone. Mike had gotten to level 5...the game was on...when Robbo finally got to level 5 he looked quite pleased. Maddie didn't get there though, I blame her Uni work distracting her. There are more important things to do than read through work Maddie...tut tut!

I don't know how many times I had to explain the 'Amanda Pat' to the guys. Once each for Dougie, Robbo and Chris...hehe. Strange boys!!

I'm surprised how many people read the blog ring and dont comment...come on guys. If you read it, than comment...Otherwise it's just scary. At least say, "Hi!".

Bella had a picture of a Llama on her phone, I started singing the Llama song... SHE DOESN'T KNOW IT!!! Sooooooo...*drumroll* Here's a link just for you Bella!!

CU Soon!


Blogger Ascasewwen said...

It still has its little purps (Is that even a word?
Perks. :o)

Ah, fun times were had this afternoon. I confess I wasn't paying complete attention to the snake club's quotes, I was chuckling at James and Matt and their attempts to be vindictive to me, which failed because Bella is nice. :o)

You forgot to mention Justin playing with my umbrella, apologising everytime he did something funny, then doing the same thing straight away!! hehe

What's the bet one of the boys will try and give you the Amanda Pat one day and will totally get it wrong? Although their attempts were amusing, though somewhat concerning...

The blog lurkers are stalking us! Maybe they are really the time travellers that Hannah and Kristen are discussing in my comments pages!!

Ha, I haven't yet checked out the link but I see it's an albinoblacksheep one. There are some great LOTR things on there.

7:33 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do remember this other llama moment in a childrens cartoon - it's this llama guru who says 'llama llama llama' really quickly when he meditates, and that causes him to levitate.

That is very random

10:17 am  

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