Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Just Like Katus, I quite enjoy the rain, and just like Katus I find the aray of umbrellas that appear in the rain quite ammusing (hey kate, I spelt it right).

I have made an observation whilst at uni that you're more likely to have an asian randomly walk into you when walking along a path, then an Aussie. No offence meant, but I think that Asians don't look at you and move aside so as to avoid a collision. Instead they plow straight on, possibly hoping the other party will move before impact takes place. On the other hand, Aussie's make very brief eye contact, or at least glance up, then they unconciously start to move sideways. This way, a collision is generally avoided.

Maybe it's just a cultural thing

Never-the-less, I noticed this particular 'Asian' trait to be dangerous today. It was raining and umbrellas have pointy bits. I find myself having to choose between loosing an eye or jumping into a puddle to escape the flowery umbrellas of doom.

Aaanyway...that was my random two cents for today

CU Soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol - try living in Japan. It's hilarious! They actually have attachments for their bikes so they can ride with an umbrella held over their head - sometimes with a plastic windscreen sheet thing hanging down in front! I miss Japan! So many fun memories... he he he. :-)

11:23 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try attempting to get on the school bus with 500+ Asians in the rain!!!!! Actually, trying to get on the bus in the rain with 500 people of any race would be complicated....

12:02 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

I really want to go to Japan!

6:06 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

LOL at what Sarah said, although I don't even know you...

But at least you don't have the dance with the Asians... you know, where you make eye contact, so you both move to the side, but you move the same way, then you both move the other way, then the other way, then you both get frustrated, plough on ahead and slam into each other. Happens in doorways a lot.

Ah, I love being a human.

You're always going to have path problems in a place with people from different countries because Australians generally keep to the left because we drive on the left, but those who drive on the right will keep to the right, hence the collisions.

6:16 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

Yeah. I took the left and right driving thing into consideration when thinking up possiblitities for the danger I feel when walking on a path with asians. After some testing, I found that that is partly the problem, but try walking on the right. The same thing often happens.

9:09 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

lol yeah, those are the Australians. hehe

9:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come to Japan then! We shall have to plan a group excursion - one day when we all have money! Which means we may have to organise it for a slightly later date.. maybe in 10 yrs...? :-P

and btw - you two truly are mad! :-) YAY!

10:44 pm  

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