Friday, September 08, 2006


I've been sitting at my computer all day doing work. Now I've come to a point where I can no longer work. My brain is numb and my eyes hurt which makes me feel dizzy... not fun. So what do I do. I take a break. not off the computer, that'd be too smart. Instead I just change locations within the computer... so here I am posting!

Today has been going really slowly. On one hand that's a good thing because of all the work I still have to do. On the other hand, I just really want tomorrow to come. I want to spend a day with Sarah, and show her around uni. I want to meet up with friends and just relax and enjoy the relationships that God has given me.

This brings me to another thought. I'm not sure at the moment how I should act in my life. I've become very self centered in that I wish to enjoy everything I do... sure, 'doesn't everyone?' you say. Remember, I said "self centered". I have recently been out for MY OWN joy! I am finding it difficult to rejoice in God in all aspects of my life. This does not mean that I am moping around all the time or that when something specifically sad comes up I can't deal with it. In those situations the focus IS on God, because I find that there is nowhere else to look...
I am speaking instead, of the situations where I could be having fun, or I could be thinking about God, but instead my focus is on other possibilities.

Take today for example. I have been sitting at home wishing that it were tomorrow so I could go out and "enjoy the relationships God has given me with people". I do not wish to do work, so my attitude towards my work is half-hearted and is contemptive (if that's a word). In other words I am not making good use of THIS situation God has given me.

What should my attitude be...?

I have been thinking about it a bit. God has given me relationships with CUers and Sarah, Yes. But he has also given me my parents. I should respect and honour them by doing my uni work. Does this mean that I am to "enjoy" my work though???
I feel tired, like I have achieved nothing... but I've done work!?! It is only just now in thinking of my attitude in all situations that I have energy, that I feel like I have achieved something. The only way I feel like I have ever achieved something, is when God achieves something in me! He has achieved in me today a greater will to please him in all situations and a better understanding of what that means...


So, after that interesting insight (or ramble as some people like to call it) into my life, I move on. Batteries? you ask. Well I need to charge some batteries is all!
First were my 'spiritual batteries', which are now more sufficiently full. Next were my camera batteries so I could take photos tomorrow. They are in the charger. Also, my phone has 2 bars left. I'm still to deal with that! lol! Lastly, I have no enery physically...So I will now go and have a cup of tea...hehe.

Bye the way... If anyone gets bored and needs a quick giggle heres a good site. Katus gave it to me a while ago on MSN.

CU Soon!


Blogger Ascasewwen said...

I'm impressed- I think through your ramblings you worked out the solution to your own problem.

I want to see lots of photos from the social, people! I'll be there in spirit but I still want to see the hilarious photos so it felt like I was there in person!

Woohoo for tea!

'Fess up Manda, how long did you spend playing with the rabbit today when you were meant to be working? hehe

5:42 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...


My camera doesn't hold may photos and runs out of batteries really quickly. But I wanna take it anyway. I'm always relying on other people to take photos.

5:46 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

I know, I'm usually one of those people! lol

5:55 pm  
Blogger Eh? said...

Well at least your ramble made SOME sense unlike mine...

Hehehe, well hopefully i'll get a good lot of them and post them here :) But i do need a new SD card to fit more photos though...

Ah that rabbit game...if you want more stuff like that, check out
It's a classic source for me when I get REALLY bored...

9:10 pm  
Blogger Eh? said...

Argh the formatting...

Just paste both bits...U get the drill...

9:11 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

hehe... good times!

10:30 pm  
Blogger rainweb said...

BTW, it's a MANTLE!!!not a blanket.

7:03 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...


10:11 pm  

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