Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tis a post *Yargh*!

I haven't been posting much lately. I'm not sure why that is. Prehaps it's that I have little to post about, or that I lack the motivation to type anything at all... not exactly sure...

I had some specific content/theme that I wanted to post about but I can't quite remember what it was. All I know is that I was reminded of it last night. Oh well, prehaps in another post later today.

There have been various complaints about my absence at the Uni Cafe yesterday. There is in fact a story behind it, and here it is.
It was a sunny monday morning...wait was it sunny?... I can't remember. The weather is all messed up and I can't remember one day from the last! For now we'll say it was sunny.
So! It was a sunny monday morning when I got up. I got dressed in my stripy grey top with an orange skirt that no one at uni has seen yet I believe (Me thinks I should wear it tomorrow). I was planning to go fill up my car on the way to uni. Little did I know, I would never make it to uni (on time anyway!). I did my hair, like I always do. To my great surprise in styling my hair I discovered that I could tie my hair back into a little ponytail. Actually, it was more like a stump.
I've been growing my hair. My mum got pins out and tried to make it look acceptable to wear out. It was when I wore a head-band with it. By the time I had waited for my hair to dry to see how sucessful the pins had been it was too late for me to go to uni. You will indeed all see in time, the great absorbant powers of "Amanda'su Maghti Thicku Hairu!" *that has to be yelled in a japanese accent...prehaps also with an echo*
Yeah... so there it is!

Ok... moving on

Exams are fast approaching. For many this means study. For me it means try to study, but instead end up procrastinating!... Here is my list of awesome procrastination games (which I have ashamedly been playing);
- DOA 4 on X-box 360
- Perfect Dark zero on X-box 360
- Sims 2 in PC
- Call of Duty on both X-box 360 and PC
- AQ! on the net... yes Matt, I know. AQ is addictive when your trying really hard not to work...*giggles*

Ahh dear! I be a silly one Yargh! ***still can't believe I missed "talk like a pirate day"***

CU Soon!


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