Friday, October 20, 2006

Wednesday Arvo.

Sorry it took me so long to post. We are currently renovating. The flood is reboarded and mum 'n' dad have been painting it. For anyone who knows where my room is in relation to the hall and lounge room. That whole area is wet. I have to reach around the corner to get in and out of my room, so I have had little motivation to get to my computer let alone post... so yeah, sorry!

Wednesday arvo after CU was fun though. I got my fairtrade tea and it tastes good...mmmm. Emily was delighted to get her chocolate. The tea box was handy, it had step-by-step intructions on how to use the tea.

Katus: "How to use a tea bag"
Bella: How do you use a tea bag?
Katus: You eat it.
Bella: So, what do you do? Take off the paper and pour it out...?
Katus: No. You eat it all. Paper, Tea, and staple. It's a staple diet! *Buddum-Ching*

Also Em had a cup of hot water.
Nora: Why are you having hot water on it's own? Isn't it a bit warm? (Nora wanted me to put a note up that she was refering to the weather)

Bella, Ali 'n' me were singing in the cafe after CU. We had to stop,. I think we were drawing attention to ourselves, with the three part round of "He is Alive... and we are glad"

Here's a definition for you.
Church Mother Syndrome; Where a man/woman indicates that they are "leaving", yet some minutes later are found to be chatting with someone else; normally someone closer to the exit.

According to Katus, Chris has Church Mother Syndrome...


Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Some minutes later??? Sometimes over half an hour later!! lol

At my church we have made the discovery that one contracts this syndrome as soon as one begins driving oneself to and from church.

4:31 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

Try holding a bass for 30 minutes while your mother talks to the minister. Your arm hurts. I though mum was coming, but no! She never intended to leave, so I never intended to relieve myself of the bass... grrrr *ouch*

4:35 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...


4:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol indeed!

And you are right, Katus - Chris does have it! But then, so do I. And so do you, for that matter! lol. In fact - we all do!! Sigh. We're just Church Mothers in disguise, methinks.


9:13 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

It's because we are all responsible for getting ourselves to and from places. Plus we usually have uni work waiting for us when we leave, so it's much more preferable to stay and talk.

9:42 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, are you blaming my father for something there Manda...??

12:04 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

No! *shifty eyes* of course not. i'm blaming my mother, and probly more so myself for holding the bass for that long!

1:18 pm  
Blogger rainweb said...

oh my parents are the best at time the ppl packing up at the church turned the lights out to give my parents and the ppl they were talking to a subtle hint that it was time to go home.

9:01 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

lol They do that to us all the time! It never works. hehe

9:13 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm on contemplating church mother syndrome... what is the correct way to exit a post church conversation with a person and move onto the next one... without saying you are leaving... and making them comfortable with being left on their own...

8:52 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Palm them off onto someone else. lol (nicely!)

Or wait till someone else joins the conversation then excuse yourself, or going and getting a drink or food is always a good way to move between conversations.

2:11 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

That's what I tend to do. Our church is rather friendly and someone else always joins the conversation.

4:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Our Royal Personage is finished conversing with them we throw them into the Tower of London. That discomfort puts into perspective their feeling uncomfortable about being left on their own.

But that is just Us.

5:01 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

who on earth are you?

5:22 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL!!! Oh, this is hilarious!!

8:20 pm  

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