Thursday, June 07, 2007


I am rather sad to say I'm sick.... and yes, I do make a fuss about it unlike a certain someone I know. I don't feel I need to be treated special for being unwell, I just like telling everyone that my health is rather depleted. It makes me feel better oddly enough. It also serves as a warning for those who do not wish to catch whatever 'unwellity' I have. Funnily enough when I say "carefull, I'm sick!" people come up and hug me. Have you ever thought that to be a little odd?!?

Anyway, things aren't all bad. I went to a job interview today. I think I did ok, not sure though. I have another job interview in St Ives tomorrow. We'll see how that one goes.

Just for a last laugh... I was sitting after CU yesterday teaching Doug how to crochet. Incredibly amusing!! It seemed he wasn't as much naming crochet moves as he was dance moves. Who can complain, his style seemed to work, even if it did consist of the moves he named; Twist, through the hole, twist, whack it back, twist, pull, twist, pull.

CU Soon!


Blogger Dave said...

hooray for job interviews!
Good luck!

Wow i haven't done this commenting thing for aaaages.. crazy.

Anyways see you soon :)

8:53 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

I didn't come up and hug you. And yet I still caught your dreaded lurgy. Hmph.

3:19 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

Sorry! Everyone seems to be getting sick though...

6:32 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't hug you and get sick. And, what's more, I won't! Lol. :-P Hug you, yes, but get sick, no! :-)

6:57 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Did anyone say hubris?

7:11 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bless you.

If that was a word, I was unaware of it, so not I! :-P

7:45 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...


And she calls herself educated!

7:59 pm  

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