Thursday, April 12, 2007

nugDaq 'oH puchpa''e'

I'M BACK!... again. I'm not sure how many times one can make a reappearance in a month or 2, but I'm sure I'm setting a record!

Lol... all that refering to Star Trek in the last two posts made me Spock hungry! Wow! That sounds creepy. In more normal terms... I've begun watching Star Trek again.
You can't be a Trekkie without watching the Trek!

Jeepers! (ha! just felt like saying that... this is going to be one of those posts!)

OUr Net has been down for 3 days nearly, but it's all good now thanks to Ems and Len. I think Katus and myself were rather lost for ideas or experience. I only got as far as disconecting and reconnecting the cables, and then restarting my copmputer a few times.... Alot of help I was. When I couldn't think of what else to do I resolved that the next best thing for me waqs to watch Star Trek, play civilization 4 on James' Laptop and to kill a few randoms in UT2003!!!

Ahhh UT!! (for those of you who don't understand the awsomness of gaming, UT stands for Unreal Tournament). I'm getting better at gaming again. I was real bad just recently because of a terrible thing I like to call "mothers syndrome".
MS... wait... I think I've explained this before in anopther post. I'm just looking for it now so I can link it. Isn't it amazing how distracted one can get whilst browsing ones own blog history!! My my I'm a strange one... Ah here it is... NO, wait, thats CMS (HA! lol... Church Mother sydnrome) .. . I think It must have been something I have discussed with people but have not actually explained on my blog!!

Well here it is; MS is a syndrome which is similar to "Dad Joke" desease. It may begin to effect females who are above the age of 18. Symptoms include;
- decreased co-ordination
- decrease in appetite *also may include gross-outedness from fast food*
- more easily tired
- lower scores in games including death and massacre (which totally bums me out)
- mild case of "Dad Joke" desease can occur in more severe cases

Yeah! It's pretty serious. I've been getting over it though. It has taken a great deal of concentration and gaming, but I am now able to kill like the "killcow" I used to be!!
Ahh... those were the days.

BTW: Killcow was my old killing nickname in games. It is a derivative of my old 'in life' nickname', which was moo... though I'm still not sure why...

All righty then...
ummm... yeah. I don't remeber what else I was going to say... I think I have been sufficiently distracted by my own blog.

CU Soon!

Trekky Update
Episode 9: The Tholian Web
Season 3: The Origional Series


Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Woohoohoo, the mummy speaks!

*chuckles at her own cleverness... MS... mummy... chuckles some more*

6:14 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

Oh dear... that's pretty bad Kate.

6:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


*wipes away tears of laughter*

That is so true, Manda. He he he.

And welcome back!! Keep up the posts - we miss our Manda! (blogwise, anyway... I don't miss you in real life. I see you too often for that! :-P)

7:05 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

Indeed... We live together. Just thought i'd point it out. You know... that sorta thing isn't too obvious, the whole living together thing that is...


7:16 pm  
Blogger rainweb said...

honestly, you people are crazier than i gave you credit for.
yay for manda!!!she gave me lunch and told me stories!!!!!AND drove me around
yay for kate and len who laughed much and often.

10:04 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To say that you are all a bit crazy is surely an understatement.
Unless I am mistaken, the three of you posted four times in one hour, all while living less than 20 metres from each other. What has the world come to, you are not as motherly as you might think. My mother is not reliant on technology to call down the hallway.

12:05 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

LOL, Ben!! The sad thing is, this is just the half of it. We also sit in adjoining rooms and talk on msn. On the upside, it saves us from the indecorum of shouting down the hallway to one another.

12:49 pm  
Blogger Emzzz said...

u nutter manda

first of all no matter how hard u try i will always win a series of deathmatches in any game against you, secondly killem is better than killcow and thirdly u still have MS or CMS or watever, u don't like the whole junkfood much anymore do you. Ahaha Emily will rule the world!!!

5:58 pm  
Blogger Emzzz said...

and keep blogging
its fun to insult you

5:59 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

Ummm... I think you're forgetting something vital.
Killem was a copy or derivative (lol... that's a fun word) of Killcow. Killcow was the origional in our household, and there is no denying that fact my dearest sister.

HA!!! Take that!

Manda will rule the world!...

6:08 pm  
Blogger Emzzz said...

your forgetting i was only what six when you had that name and of course i would copy you but my even dearer sister and animated angel is much too sensitive to beat Lady M (think Shakespeare)

Emily will rule the world again

6:14 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

I think... dear sister... that you are underestimating animatedangel. You forget that she is infact Myself, Tareshima, Tanya, Par-sec and Killcow... Incarnate!

AniAngi is the most awsomness of all!
Yeargh *pirate kackle*

"Where is the Bathroom?"

6:17 pm  
Blogger Emzzz said...

Hmmm... this leads us back to our original conversation where i told you that not in a million deathmatches would you reign over me
hehehe (ring of fire)


6:19 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

Hmm... what did you call the ring of fire last night?

6:22 pm  
Blogger Emzzz said...

well... i'll give you a clue my feeble minded sister, i used the word in my last comment, three guesses what it is

6:23 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

oh yeah... well still I'm not the one who called it that!!!...

go manda! go manda! *does victory dance*

6:31 pm  
Blogger Emzzz said...

i was making a cleverly strategised pun, chicken face

6:32 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Ah, the joy of sisters. :-) Gotta love it.

And Ben - one of the best parts of living together is that we can have coversations OTHER than online! Lol - just look back to the blog archives and see what we were like BEFORE we lived together. *smiles sweetly*

He he he.

And Manda? The Emilys shall rule the world. Mu ha ha ha!! Go us, Em! :-P

6:33 pm  
Blogger Emzzz said...

look at me...I'm burning *arms catch on fire, tilts head eerily to one side and smiles*

6:34 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

Who are you callin' chicken face?...
Anyways, I must end this Charade as i should be off to dinner.

BTW: the score stands thus;
Chicken face: RULING THE WORLD!!!

6:34 pm  
Blogger Emzzz said...

right on em, chi cha, Manda will never rule the world or win deathmatch against me!

6:35 pm  
Blogger Emzzz said...

I WOn you forfeited when you had tov go to dinner, therefore i win i rule the world AHAHAHA

6:36 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, good luck with that argument, Em. Lol.

6:45 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

I leave you kids alone for one night and this is what I come back to! I don't know, kids these days. *shakes head*

12:25 am  
Blogger Amanda said...

Ha! You're one to talk... :)

2:19 pm  
Blogger Emzzz said...

um when are you gonna add my site on ur site, maggot face?

1:07 pm  
Blogger Eh? said...

When you actually force her to *nods*. You know Manda's rarely bothered to update her blog...

10:40 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Only lately. She used to update daily. And you can't talk- you haven't been updating much more than Manda of late, Mr Matthew!

10:37 am  
Blogger Amanda said...


10:45 am  

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