Thursday, July 13, 2006


CU Mac MYC is Soon!

That made little sense...CU: Christian Union, Mac: Macquarie Uni, MYC: Mid Year Conference
I can't wait, we are going to Toukley. There's going to be bible talks on Holiness, and studies, and songs and quiet time, and all that Jazz...Fun, Fun, Fun!
I have to practice drums before MYC. I'm playing drums and My drumming has been quite shocking lately. So practice, practice, practice...yeah...
I had a picture Kate took of me playing the drums, which according to her, looked like I was eating the drumstick...but I couldn't get a good copy of the picture, so you'll just have to imagine what the scene may have looked like.
I'm Cold! [sorry for that sidetrack]
I went to CU's Tangent night last Monday. It was really good to see some of me brothers and sisters again. I think I've started to miss them over the holidays. I think I discovered something about myself. I've noticed that I can be quick to judge people, when I'm just as bad as them. And also I assume too much. I don't know where people are comming from, yet I assume that people will know what I'm talking about, or will think the sae way as me.
Yeah, I guess we can all be faulty that way though. I guess now I've noticed, God will help me to improve on that particular problem.
Ramble, Ramble, Ramble...Kate is the main person who reads this, and she's currently in Tasmania, so I don't know If there was much point in writing this. Oh well, it gives me somthing to do I guess.
CU Soon!
Trekky Update
Episode 10: Journey to Babel
Season 2: The Origional Series
P.S. I've been calling seasons, series, and the series, "Origional Star Trek"...I have changed that to now what I believe is more accurate.


Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Aww, no one's left you any comments for a while :o(

Well I'm back now so I'll comment :o) Roll on MYC!!

It was quite funny, I got a msg from Matt about Tangent Night when I was at the airport about to leave for Hobart. I was tempted to send one back saying 'sorry, can't come, I'll be in mid air', but thought that might be a slightly concerning msg to receive for someone who didn't know that I was flying to Hobart.

11:50 am  
Blogger Amanda said...

lol...yeah, I got a msg from him to. It's good you're back, now I have a friend again!

2:33 pm  

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