Monday, August 21, 2006

This story does have a point

My church is rather small, so if something happens...say, someones phone rings, most of the time people just laugh. Well that's what happened to me last night. I don't usually turn my phone off in church because nobody tends to call me at that time (the occasional message, but nothing more). My phone went off during the sermon with a loud happy ring tone called "Rhondo Caprio". It was a call from home. I hung up and put my phone on silent whilst everyone giggled and stared.

The sermon continued, untill... do you know that loud beeping noise radios make when you're recieving a message, well that happened through the piano speaker (so it was loud). I looked down at my phone expecting a call from home again, when my sisters phone went off. Her phone ring is also happy-go-lucky (It's called "Beach"- we both have the same 'nokia' model). She hung up!

We all had a good laugh. Sarah made a comment about someone trying to contact the Smiths. Me, thinking it could be an emergany walked out of churched and proceeded to call home. A rough version of the phone conversation is below:

Dad: Hello...
Me: Hello
Dad: Oh, thank goodness.
Me: Why are you trying to call me during church?
Dad: Mum's phone is off. Why aren't you and Emily answering your phones?
Me: We're in church! Mum always turns her phone off. I don't ever get calls so I leave mine on, but you called during the sermon.
Dad: ... We need milk!
Me: ... Why did you call during church to tell me that?
Dad: Because I would have forgotten later.
Me: You could have messaged.
Dad: You wouldn't have checked your phone... then I wouldn't get milk!
Me: Ok!?... Bye...
Dad: Bu-buy.
*hang up*

I walked back into church and sat down next to mum. She leant over and whispered, "What did he want?" I replied, "Milk!"

...*silent hysterics*

When I told Emily later her response was, "Why doesn't he drive up and buy some?"

Parents are funny!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He he he! Yes, yes they are!

11:27 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah's comment was more like "Do you want to check yours Fiona??"

3:18 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...


4:46 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

LOL!!! Ah, families are a constant source of amusement!

7:16 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Funny phone in church story:

You know those phones that have all those random noises you can set as ringtones? A couple of years ago our youth group leader had his set to a cow mooing, and one night it rang in church, so there was just this 'MOOO MOOO' in the middle of the sermon.

Another guy I know has his set to a doorbell noise, and quite a few times he's been in someone's house and it's rang so they've gone to the door as he sits and looks innocent. That happened once when he was at our minister's house and our minister went to the door and found no one one there, then realised that they don't even have a doorbell anyway! lol

7:20 pm  
Blogger Eh? said...

LOL at both ahahhahahaha...

Unforunately my phone can't do that so i'm stuck with leaving mine on silent, but if you wanna hear what mine would've been, just ask me to play "Smooth Bro" to you guys and you'll get the point :) It's as random as the "MOOO MOOO" ringtone :)

7:47 pm  
Blogger rainweb said...

the best ringtone i ever heard was that belonging to a guy named john. it simply went "John, come on, your phone's ringing, come ON , NOW, JOHN!!PICK UP THE PHOOOOONE!!!!"
it was a guy's voice. you know that LOUD, regardless of anyone's safety or wellbeing kind of boorishly loud?
is fantastic.

10:52 pm  

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