Monday, August 21, 2006

The Psychology of Water

There was alot of Coffee tasting at "Coffee Cognizance" tonight. The Gloria Jeans people brought us water afterwards to wash down the coffee. It's amazing how much entertainment you can get out of a glass of water when you're hyped up on caffine. Me and Em, after having a good laugh at how we could so fluently slur our speech and race our words, decided to deldge deep into the psychology of a glass of water. We swirled our cups and looked deep into the water...

Em: How does the water make you feel?... My life is a whirl wind.
Me: I'm going in circles.
Em: I'm... in a dishwasher.
Me: I feel transparent...
*fits of giggles*
Me: I'm cold.
Em: I'm shallow.
Me: I'm bland, yet refreshing.
Em: multi-purpose... able to be frozen or boiled.
Me: I feel like I'm just going with the flow of things...
*fits of giggles*

A one time experience of insanity...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

he he he!! Fun times! I think I have learnt once and for all why I don't drink coffee - even the smell makes me hyperactive!! Memo to self - stick with tea, hot water and drinking chocolate!! lol.

11:09 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

lol I wish I had have been there to roll my eyes at you amidst my hysterical laughing...

7:14 pm  
Blogger Eh? said...

I don't think that's a "one time" thing...I should have turned up as well just to see that happen...and to point and laugh as I normally do, complimenting what Katus would do :)

That or walk away from you guys either way works for me :)

7:43 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

lol We can always count on your support, Matt :-D

8:52 pm  

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