Friday, August 11, 2006

Warning!...this post is long

I apologise in advance for this post as it is very long. I havn't been on my blog in days and have an accumulation of things to say. Things will be under sub headings as this is the easiest way for my readers to pick and choose their information. Thank you for your time...


On Tuesday night I went to Ashleigh's house to play games and chat. Myself, Ash, Em, Dougie, Ben, Robbo, Matt and Ash's little brother all hung out eating sugar and laughing at Doug's 'terrible' pick up lines, which I dare not repeat. lol. (There not as bad as I'm making them sound). The whole night I was coughing, and at one point I started having a coughing fit and everyone stopped and stared. I think Ben thought I was dying. He looked quite concerned.
We were having a general discussion about how guys mutilate themselves, and how that's stupid. (tut tut). Robbo and Dougie's response was to play "Elephant Face". Instructions are as follows: 1. put left hand open on face. 2. put right arm straight, through left arm, so you look like an elephant. 3. swing arm violently, hitting the other player.
Really quite amusing!


At CU this week we had talks on dating. We also had a pannel answer questions on the same topic. It was really interesting to discuss some of the issues that christians have with the topic of dating, and how to go about it. Most of my thoughts on dating and marriage were affirmed during te meetings. One of the things I thought was interesting was how Ian said that these are all different ways of preparing to serve in a relationship, and the topic of finances came up. I'm broke! This may be something I need to consider fixing or talking to God about before I start any relationship, because I do not with to be a burden on my significant other... (not like I have one, but I should be prepared).
Chris in Thursday asked the pannel, "why don't girls just come up to you and say what there thinking. Why do they just giggle and expect the guy to do the work?" That was interesting, but kinda true. I guess girls want to be persued (that's what Ali said too). At the same time, we can't expect guys to know exactly what we are thinking. If a girl likes a guy, she should pray, talk to close friends, consider the issue carefully, then if the situation calls for it tell the guy she likes him!. I'm speaking from experience. And while saying something hasn't solved all my problems (obviously) I have gotten my feelings into the open, and then allowed the male in question to 'take charge' of the situation.


No. Not quite yet! I'm finally going for my P's on Monday! Pray that I don't crash and kill a whole row of school children.

Which Bank...?

The bank didn't realise I was still a student so they started charging me monthly for my savings account. I went and fixed that today. I have two quotable quotes about my bank experiences, and funnily enough they are both exactly the same.

Me: I have to go to the bank
Ali: Which bank?
Me: the commonwealth bank...

Alison thought I had set her up!

Me: I have to go to the bank
Maggie: Which bank?
Me: *sigh* The commonwealth bank...

Random Quotes

Pete: (eating chocolate which claimed to be 'the finest in the world') It's the world's finest chocolate, if you compare it with...Saturn

Whilst me an Ali were eating the same chocolate
Ali: It's funny...(pulls face)
Me: But not ha ha funny...

Robbo: (whilst playing Bartok, a version of Uno where you can't point or you get a card) You've got to fist!

St John's anglican in North Ryde has a new sign up which says.
God thinks you're to-die-for"

(~I found the sign Rach!~)

Life in General

I feel so confused. I'm trying to stay on top of things and organise myself early in the semester, but I'm having real difficulty doing that. If people could pray that I'd keep my thought on track and keep ontop of my work before I become overloaded, It'd be much appreciated. It's really great that we can put prayer points down on our blogs, and that people then pray for them. Thanx for being great friends!

CU Soon!

Trekky Update
Episode 23: The Omega Glory
Season 2: The Origional Series


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Manda! I know what you mean re the dating thing - it was helpful in just reminding me that God has it all under control. I think if my guy has not worked out that I like him he is strangely and uncharacteristically slow, so I am willing to leave it to him now, and to God. Or I want to be willing to, anyway! Well done for being loving enough to tell yours, Manda - I think you are a lot braver than I am!

What was this chocolate, and what was wrong with it?

I will be praying for you, sweet! Thanks for being such a wonderful friend! God bless.

4:51 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

*sighs* Wish I had've been able to go to Ash's :o(

I had the same realisation re: finances.
haha How would that sound in a job interview?
'So why do you want this job?'
'I want a boyfriend but can't afford one.'

If you kill a row of schoolkids I don't think you'll pass the test. That's just my word of wisdom.

And thankyou backatcha for being a great friend! :o)

4:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish you'd been able to come too. But never fear, Matt and I are trying to arrange another one!

5:00 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...


5:02 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indeed! Expect email in next few days when we have sorted out a few bits and bobs.

5:12 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

It seems that long posts attract more comments. Prehaps i should write long posts more often.

To Em: I think you're right in trying to be patient. It's sometimes hard to trust God completely in these sought of situations. You have to also be careful. There may come a point when the loving thing to do would be to tell him how you feel. Though your situation isn't the same as mine.

To Kate: I also wish you had been there...It was fun, though things are usually that much funner when you're around.

To Em (again): Fantastic! we need another fun night like the one at Ash's! Let me know what's going on.

8:34 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Well one more lunatic in the mix always makes things that bit more interesting :-P I will attempt to be there with my lunacy next time.

Instead I was at home getting excited when I recognised things in the reading from yr11 ancient history. Actually I don't think I should have admitted that. Hm. It can be interpreted one of two ways...
a) The reading was THAT BORING
b) I am really sad.

Probably a healthy mix of both :-P hehe

And yes, I've also noticecd that long posts attract more comments. That and posts that will prompt discussion.

8:41 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Manda - yes, I know. I shall address that when and if I come to it. :-)

Look on my blog to see info - or just check your email!

8:55 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I HATE the hsc. I feel so out of your life. I never know what’s happening any more. I'm all *study* *study* *study* and no going out, having fun, spending time with my friends, finding out what they are doing with their lives. So sad. Roll on 7th November!!!!!! (just when you will be about to start exams) *sigh*

3:51 pm  

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