Monday, August 14, 2006


How exciting. I took my echo around the block afterwards to see what it was like driving by myself. I was surprised to find that it was actually easier than having a liscenced driver watching your every move. Then again, looking over that last sentace it's actually quite easy to see how I'd be more relaxed without someone breathing down my neck. hehe. I did the worst reverse park I have ever done... ever! It was terrible! I bumped the curb when reversing, then when I straightened up I messed up the gear changes and jolted the car backwardds and forwards. When the guy spoke to me afterwards he said, "You've passed. You need to work on your reverse parking though. You didn't get any of that right." My response was, "I'm actually usually good at reverse parking... really!" I was telling the truth, that was by far the worst I've done reverse parking.

BUT I PASSED!! YAY! I wouldn't say I'm a bad driver anyway, just inexperienced. On the way home I noticed people not indicating, shooting straight through stop signs and speeding. I bet if they did the test I just did, they'd fail! Just goes to show I've got to be extra careful driving when there are crazy people about... oh, wait... I am a crazy person! lol

CU Soon!


Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Woohoo, yay for Manda, welcome to the world of insane Sydney drivers where you pay $3+ to sit in gridlocked traffic!

I'd hate to do the test in your area, give me my nice quiet little RTA any day.

And everyone else... keep off the footpath, she's been unleashed! ;o)

6:22 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

hehe. I did my test in North Ryde. It's actually quite a good area.

6:25 pm  
Blogger Eh? said...

Apart from parking yeah...

Just let us know so we can get off the road when you're on :) Then there won't be traffic for u then :)

6:49 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

haha, Yes but we have two sets of traffic lights in my test area. :o)

Oooh, I should try that. I must broadcast a warning to Sydney to get off the roads when I'm going to and from uni. Especially before 9am and after 3:30pm.

8:58 pm  
Blogger Eh? said...

Two sets total? Whoa...

It would probably work...unless both of you went on the road at the same time...

10:08 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he he he. Yay for Manda! Welcome to the ranks of poor people with no money because we spend it all on petrol! :-) However with the removal of my car I may suddenly grow rich... always look on the bright side of life! he he he.

10:59 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Well there are more than two within the local area but there are only two within the test zone radius because we only have one main road that has lights.

Actually I tell a lie, there are three sets within the test radius.

5:04 pm  
Blogger rainweb said...

an aside on dating finances (coz talking about dating is kinda fun): GUYS SO VERY VERY OFTEN not always BUT EXTREMELY OFTEN IN MY EXPERIENCE, WILL TRY TO PAY FOR YOU. i have had that many arguments about this. i would not see it as a barrier to a relationship, even if you're both broke.
but i do want kate to tell a job interviewer that she's purely there so she can date someone.

11:11 pm  

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