Monday, August 07, 2006

Blog Crazy!

wow! It seems that there are alot of CUers that have pre-existing blogs and I didn't know about them. I've added some of them to my "Friends" It turns out I'm allready on the friends list of some blogger's. I'm on Matt's. HI Matt! Now poor Dave is the only non-uni blog friend. I would make Sarah get a blog, but she's doing her HSC and I couldn't tempt her. That's just Cruel!

I have this nasty cough thingy. It's making my throat dry and ouchie, but you didn't really want to hear about that did you?! teehee


Blogger Eh? said...

Hi Manda :) *Waves* Hope you get better soon! Oh yeah, don't think about faeries too much...

3:00 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

lol...I wont.
Hehe. I have lots of Blog friends now. Though I havn't really gained new friends when you think about it. I'm just talking to my friends from CU online. Still fun though!

*snort* SCARY!

3:56 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

But you see what people are *really* like in their blogs! Ok maybe that isn't such a good thing. lol

7:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plus if I got a blog it would be really boring. Today I cleaned my room so I could study. Today I pretended to study. Today I played 50 games of FreeCell while procrastinating about studying. Today I opened a book to study but then I had to go to dinner...and then there was tv...
See, I don't need a blog; I can recount my whole life on yours.
Also, I elbowed a junior today and it was WAAAAY more fun than it should have been. Feeding my inner sadist.
And there were cute violin boys warming up for the ‘music society’ when I was packing up. mmmmmmm, hot musicians :)

9:25 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

see, You do have things to Blog.

6:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you see what I'm really like in the way I blog, it's time that I stopped and started working, I think! Cause if so I am even more mad than I realised. Hmm. Interesting. Meh. There's my 101st new thing to be learnt of the day! Let the blogging continue.

9:29 pm  

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