Friday, August 04, 2006

Quote of the Day

Thanks to Rach and a 3 hr palaeo prac, I have aquired a quote of the day.
Rach: (whilst looking at strange fossils) It's a starfish brain with a butt and a non butt
Yeah you can talk to Rachel about that one...hmmmm. It was (as rach called it), one of those moments where if Ash was there she would have laughed at it. Well, I though it was funny.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is turning into a golden era for random quotes!

11:49 am  
Blogger Amanda said...

I know! Blondes everywhere! *screams and holds head* run away! Save yourself!

Ok, That in itself was random enough

12:03 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

To quote one of my friends, "I'm a natural blue."

Ok there's some Finding Nemo backstory behind that quote but it refers to blondeness.

12:29 pm  

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