Friday, July 28, 2006

"A Slice Of Heaven"

I just got back from MYC. It was fantastic!
I've got way too much to talk about, it won't all fit (well) onto one post, so I'm going to spread it out over the comming days. Hopefully I'll be able to get some photo's soon, but that all depends on when Andrew Y. puts stuff on the CU site.
The talks were Excellent! They were on Holiness. It's amazing how sometimes you can forget how huge God is, and forget to fear him. I've noticed that sometimes things take the focus in my life, there are some things that can take the place of God at times. I have to cut them off, or be Heaven Focused. Yeah, excellent talks.
Some of the coming posts will include; Quotable Quotes, Photo's, video's (hopefully), and detail on the awsome topic of Holiness.
Well, stick around and I'll (eventually) tell you all about it.
CU Soon!


Blogger rainweb said...

LOL!you know when you were saying at camp how you were worried you would lose your place on base, and showed us what it looks like, when you're strummin,then you peer at the music, then look perturbed, then try playing the note on the sheet and its wrong??I SAW YOU DO THAT and it was so funny coz you'd impersonated yourself exactly.i mean, not that it was funny that you were confused...but you're so cute manda!!!

10:42 pm  
Blogger rainweb said...

i think everyone should know that on the hams sandwich post i transalted kate's gibberish into poetry...well, not poetry, but i got it, and i like it, so everyone has to read it.
wait- thats my blog...

10:48 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

I was watching to see if you'd do that but most of the time I couldn't see you when you were on bass so I missed it. :o(

11:43 am  
Blogger Amanda said...

wow, I read all that then, and it made nearly no sense. But, yeah, I did do the Bass Face. Sorry you missed it Kate.

1:38 pm  

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