Sunday, July 23, 2006

1 down, 1 to go


I just got the roster for music for MYC, and I'm on more bass than drums. This is fine, though it does raise some problems.

1) I am a better improviser on drums
2) If I'm tired or something similar, than I lose my spot in the music for bass
3) I'm not as good at bass
4) bass requires more concentartion, which is one thing I am terrible at (stupid ADD!)

Oh well... that's my life in a nutshell (is that sposed to be 2 words?)

CU Soon!

Trekky Update
Episode 18: The immunity Syndrome
Season 2: The Origional Series


Blogger Ascasewwen said...

So she finally sent the roster?! lol

4:24 pm  

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