Wednesday, August 02, 2006

More amusing things

I forgot to add some things that hapened today. One quote I can't remember, but other things I can.
This afternoon, me and Alison were pretending to be on a roller coaster. We went around a corner, up the hill, paused at the top, then our arms flew into the air as we plumetted downward. Then back up, a sharp left turn, and two loops, in between which we had our photo taken. It looked more amusing than it sounds.
More funny stuff. A girl was giving out lollies. I took some and brought them back to the CU stall. Then everyone else wanting lollies went to get some. I was hoping all morning that the girl giving out the lollies wouldn't walk past the stall, because her first thought would have been, "So! The christians took all my lollies!"
Me, Katus and Alison attempting to do a round with kids songs was fun, though being that we were in the middle of the path outside the stall, I wouldn't be surprised if we had less people signing up to CU today than the other days.
I know there was another quote, but I can't remember it... yaarrgh!
Oh well, I'll put it down when I remember it.


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