Wednesday, August 02, 2006

What a Day

Jane-Jilly-Joe is freaking out. She's had a very interesting day. (Just incase you don't know, I'm Jane-Jilly-Joe.
It's Mac Uni O-week and Cu has a stall. It's heaps of fun being able to meet with Christians in the middle of the campus grounds and talk to people about coming along to CU. There was a band playing in a blow up V stage and V were giving out hackie-sacks, head bands, and get this, mini blow-up guitars. They were literally air guitars! LOL Me and Kath were doing the "Jesus Rocks the World" dance. A little boy walked past me and looked longingly at my air guitar, so I gave it to him. Soooo cute. Then I looked longingly at Tom's Air guitar, and he gave me his. hehehe.
It turns out that according to Ben, I dont have a 3 hr prac on Wednesdays for GEOS230. Instead there is a Lecture on Thursday and also the Prac on Thursday is the only one. This now means that I can hang out after CU on wed. Huzzah!
Jane-Jilly-Joe finally talked to said person #1 today. She freaked out and bumbled her way through her words. So sad J3. So Sad! But at least it's done.
Ah, Life is interesting!
P.S I know there were some good quotes today, prehaps looking at Kate's blog may be amusing. (Is that how you spell it Kate?)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So proud of you!!! Keep me posted ;)

8:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done, Manda! Keep on smiling, chickadee, and leave it to God. The hardest thing to do, but the only way to handle it! He has it all under control. yay!

I hope that this works... all CU girlies are welcome to come and see my site on lol. :-) most exciting! He he he.

But, again, well done Manda! You are very brave!

9:58 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Ditto to what Em said except for the bit about her blog. :o)

11:02 pm  

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