Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Farewell to Holidays

I'm back at uni. I started at 9am this morning, not a time of morning I'm used to. ISYS123 Is gonna be the easiest subject I've done, from what I can tell and what I've been told...I just hope that's true. I'm in a class with Rach, who's doing Archaeology which means this (palaoentology) is going to be the only class we're ever in together. (I do Geology)
I've been praying lately that I'll be able to apply what I've learnt at MYC, about being Holy, because I usually walk away from camps all pumped up but when I get home I don't actually do anything about what I've heard. So I'm gonna apply!
On a similar note, I want to buy a prayer diary which I can write people's prayer points in. I've become more regular in asking people what I can pray for them, (I give all credit to God for this enthusiasm), but I can forget the points they told me. So If I write them down in a book, I wont forget! Yay!
We are SO blessed to be able to have great fellowship in Australia. God has given me so many awsome brothers and sisters in Christ. They encourage me in so many ways. Some put up with my whining or obsessing, others help me to focus on God's Glory, other's are good for a laugh, and other's pray for me constantly. It's amazing!
Just today I was talking to Emily and Alison. Fantastic women of God! They were helping me sort out a relationship issue. I panic and blow things out of propertion when it comes to liking a guy. They brought me down to earth and gave me no reason to doubt God's intentions for my life. Now I just have to go and DO IT! (I apologise to those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about!)
I miss MYC. Today I just wanted to start singing out loud in the Uni Cafe, but people might look at me funny. I don't really have any quotes from MYC, but Katus has ALOT of good ones.
Quote of the day goes to Alison during our relationship talk
Alison: Not being in a relationship is like wearing a jacket and being in a relationship is like wearing a duna. While you're waiting for the duna you take off the jacket, and that's when you feel the cold.
SO cute Alison!
God Bless & CU Soon!
Trekky Update
episode 19: A Private Little War
season 2: The Origional Series


Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Ergh, my sympathies for the 9am start, I've got the 9am Tuesday start too. I left at 7am this morning and still didn't get there on time, but refuse to leave earlier.

Re: fellowship and B/SIC: Amen, sister!

Aw, I wish I could have been part of the Emily/Alison conversation. I'm at uni so little that I don't tend to hang around much and when I do I seem to be the only CUer around. :o( You'll have to tell me when you've got breaks, I need more hanging out time because I'm sick of scuttling in and out :-/ Especially given you said you won't be able to come down to the caf after CU this semester? (or did I imagine you saying that?)

Btw I'm praying for you regarding the relationship issue. Keep me updated.

lol Can singing in the caf be worse than sitting with a bright pink post-it stuck to your head, with a table of people who also have bright pink post-its stuck to their heads?

haha, I love Alison's quote! I'm gonna have to steal it to put on Katusville, because to quote her, she's my hero. hehe

Sorry about the novel length comment.

7:21 pm  

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