Saturday, July 22, 2006

2 sleeps and counting


Two sleeps to go till MYC! (ha, I counted that one)
I'm soooooo excited, and by carefully assessing my state of exctiement and my expectations for MYC, I have come to the conclusoin that I will have a horrible time! Yes that is my conclusion, because if I am expecting too much from something, there is ussually no way that thing can fullfill my desires and live up to expectations.....SOOOOO... from now on in, I am expecting NOTHING. I am going to have a terrible time because of my previous assumptions, which actually means because of my new expectations, I will actually have a good time...

Maybe I'll just be neutral about the whole matter...

CU Soon!


Blogger Amanda said...

there are so many typos and sopelling mistakes in that last post.

5:10 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

haha the irony of that comment!

Sadly I can't remember the exact wording and nor can I remember where it is to look it up, but there is a part in Anne of Green Gables (Or perhaps A.o. Avonlea) where Anne and Marilla are discussing Anne's tendency to get excessively excited about things and very disappointed if they don't work out, and Anne said that the flying was worth the flump. Marilla said she'd rather go without flying or flump, and the narrator observed that she missed out on a lot that way.

8:28 pm  

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