Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I am Tarnnish, see me soar

I really have lost all care for blogging on past events... particularly my Hill End field trip and the day in the city. If you really want to you can look at Kate's and Matt's blogs to see photos and read all about the day in the city.

Highlights from My Field Trip:

- Nathan digging a massive hole in the new road at hill end with the back of the bus. You can look at my Pics. site for the GPS co-ordinates, which were written on my hand.

- The baby lamb... sooo cute

- Singing in the Kitchen with Ben, Steve and Alex, while Frances looked on confused and ammused.

- The giant Goanna which jumped up in front of steve to claim it's territory (which was an old tree). Also the same day, Lauren nearly stepping on a goanna. We think the Goanna's were out that day because there were alot of lost lambs out and about.
"We all like sheeop have gone astray"

-The Red-Belly-Black-Snake. It was trying to get away from us, but many of us (Not me) only insisted on getting closer to it to take pictures... T'was like watching a horror movie, "No, don't go down that corridor! There's an axe weilding maniac waiting to kill you!"

- The many bizarre comments me, Ben and frances got when we told people we were going to look at the stars instead of staying up to get drunk on the last night.

- Nathan and Dick are awsome tutors. No more needs to be said! (even though no geologists read this blog page)

Highlights from the Lindt day out:

- Me, getting lost, once again... though I did get to insomnia on time this time, and I beat Ems and her crew to Inferno.

- Ben and Matt darting in and out of the Bar at The Rocks to get AFL score updates.

- The awsome Charicature of all six of us... Being; Me, Ben, Ems, Matt, Katus and Beck (AKA Sunny... ooh, by the way; Welcome back to Blog life Sunny!!!)

- The many rediculous photo's taken all around Circular Quay and the Opera House...hehe. I finally got my Anime shot!

- Moving from one place to the next as to not go home, but get the most out of one day as is possible... From Lindt Caffe to the rocks to walking around the quay to procrastinating and deciding on what to eat to Inferno to Insonmia and finally, to Ben's house and watching Narnia till 1:00am

- If you go to insomnia, there should now be a drink on the menu called "The Amanda". It's a Butterscotch and Coconut Italian Soda... quite nice!
"I'm glad I'm a nice drink!"

Now onto other things
Yes onto other things indeed... I think that I just may have to move in with Ems and Katus. My Tea drinking habbits are becoming worse. I seem to be drinking it every spare moment... well not quite, but I'm well on my way.

Sarah was going to come to CU this week or next week. She chose next week, so for those of you who were hoping to meet her, you'll have to wait another week. This is good for Ems and Matt who might not be there this week anyway, though they should make every effort to be *nudge nudge*
Instead, Neko Sama, a small girl who befriends Tareshima and Araya in Velvet Rifle Showdown, will be at CU. Sorry, I got abit lost in my own fantasy world for a second there... Neko sama is to Tareshima, as Emily (Amanda's little sister) is to Amanda.
Yes! My crazy, 15 yr old sister has decided that she will be joining me tomorrow at uni. Strange, I know. Supposedly she went to EU at Sydney with Dave and now wants to see what CU's like... Far superior, no doubt!!

Well, that's all from me for now.

CU Soon!


Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Remind me to keep well away from uni tomorrow :-P

hehe Your little sister is cool- crazy people generally are.

7:08 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

OK. Stay away from uni tomorrow!

10:13 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no way I can get to CU because of prac, sadly, but I shall be in the cafe at 3. But then I have one on one with Tiff til 4. But then I am there! :-)

Why is Matt not going to be there?!

12:00 am  
Blogger Eh? said...

I have an assignment I need to start, and it's due friday...and it involves me using a calculator for once...i.e actual proper work = no time to do anything else...

"...though they should make every effort to be *nudge nudge*..."

Nudge nudge??? Wha???

I thought we talked about your tea habits...and, especially, if you were consumed by the other two here...oh dear...*no comment*...

2:06 am  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Tea drinkers unite and take over the world! Viva prawn!

(the second one was a Fawlty Towers quote but it's funny so it can go in)

7:32 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

the *nudge nudge* was just a hint that I wansted you guys there... tiz all.


7:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a) Yay for tea in large quantities!!!!
b) We consume drinks called 'Amanda', not the actual person. She'd take too long to cook. And then there'd be no Manda pat. Which would be sad.
c) Thnnnnn (thnail with a lithp)

8:10 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

Just to clear things up...even though no-one has mentioned it...

...The heading "I am Tarnnish, see me soar" was a take on the song, "I am Woman". I was walking around the house all day singing the Tarnniah version...so being the random I am, I decided to make that my post heading.

BTW...Tarnn is a region in Madrock which is on a planet far, far way...and... oh, never mind!

4:05 pm  

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