Thursday, February 01, 2007

Watch out New Zealand! Here comes Manda!!!

Scary thought!!

Well, about 12 hours till I go to NZ! I'm getting really excited now! I've wanted to go on this trip since 2 years before I was at uni. The strange thing is, now that I'm moving into H.o.S after NZ, NZ seems slightly less exciting... one thing cancels out another ...or something like that! ahh well, I'm getting more excited now! hehe...

I dont know what to say. I'm so out of practice with blogging. I cant remember how to make daily events make sense when written up online!... meh...

I cant wait till I move into the House of Snnnnn! Though I am sick of people complaining about the size of the TV... I'm sorry guys alright! I couldn't get a bigger one! dont worry if you feel a little left out of that joke. Once you see the TV you'll understand.
It's funny the things we take for granted though! I mean, God has blessed us with so many things recently. Just the fact that everything seems to be comming together so smoothly is amazing. God is so AWSOME!! lol... though Rotarua has been quite active lately. Who knows, our plans could be totally messed up if that volcanoe blows while I'm over in NZ!!! Woohoo! Fun fun!!


I'm going to head off now... gotta go and buy some 'working' pens. I'll just finish my tea and be off... *takes last mouthfull of tea* Yeargh! that was cold! I hate when I leave my tea too long!...

I'll be back on the 15th.
Have a wonderfull 'the rest of your holidays' everyone, and I'll ...
CU Soon!


Blogger Ascasewwen said...

*does dance of joy for H.o.S.* Praise God that it's all coming together!

Really though Manda, you have to admit it is a little unreasonable to expect us to watch that tv, I mean you need the Hubble Space telescope just to see the screen. I know, I know, be grateful for what you have and all that, but still, there are limits.

Give my love to NZ, tell it I'm coming back as soon as I can. *feels the travel bug nibbling*

As for the volcano, given Ben's prediction of us blowing ourselves up in H.o.S. you'll just be getting in early.

Safe travel and an awesome rock-filled time to you. xo

6:04 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a lovely time, my beautiful girl! I am sure you will. And you shall come back for continued excitement!!

Girls and boys, I propose we do a CU trip to NZ sometime in the next few years, with anyone who wishes to come. I've always wanted to go!! And with a few of us it'd be cheaper - and more fun!!

The TV is miniscule - you should have seen Mum's face last night. She was so disappointed with it.

Have a lovely time, my sweet!! And try not to get blown up, please - we need you to help us scare the world in the H.o.S!! :-) x

8:00 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

lol... I bet your mum was dissapointed with the TV... I can actually imagine the look on her face

9:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was worth seeing, I assure you. She did not actually realise it in at first, but came back five minutes just to make sure. Her face was priceless - as were Doug and Ben's!!! I love my mummy. Lol.

10:04 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Zealand parents, lock up your children :) Travel safe darling. Much love and prayers go with you.

11:02 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooh...CU trip to NZ sounds very fun...if I can afford it and also go to Tonga. Always feel I should get around to visiting my friend who's now studying in NZ.

9:25 pm  
Blogger rainweb said...

nope. travelling bug has officially been squashed in me...for a very long time.
i mean, was great, and always grateful for the experience and the friends and everything...
but i couldn't handle it.

8:23 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you alive??? Your parents assure me that you are, but I just wanted to check! I expect an exceptionally long email/blog entry about all your exciting adventures and how you nearly blew yourself up. Missed you lots. Love love love Sarah

11:20 pm  
Blogger Emzzz said...

MANDA!!! Why haven't you blogerised yet, you lazy manda. I'm getting bored of reading the same blogs over and over and over again, although they still are quite entertaining. Heh

Please blogerise again, lazy face


8:59 pm  

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