Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Over all I've had a rather pleasing and productive day so far

Just before I start this post I'd like to say one thing. I apologise in advance for all of my typos, and spelling and grammer mistakes. Not to mention the entire sentances that make no sense what so ever. It seems that I'm discovering that ones speaking, thinking and typing is dramatically handycapped by the cold. I've notice over the past few weeks (which have been rather chilly), that speaking especially is difficult. Try saying abominable... :P (especially after watching PoP (lol))


My day started like any other day... HA!! as if. I got up at 7:30. That's not like any other day. I'm rather proud of the fact that I managed to stay awake enough after that to have tea, defrost my car and head to Artarmon and back with out dying... and before you say tea isn't a dying hazard, just ask em... Love you Em!!!

It seems that this morning was the coldest morning in Sydney in around 20 years. It was 2degrees outside and 8 inside when I got up. It was around 4 degrees when myself and Katus were frantically running from Kitchen to car with buckets of water, making every possible attemp to clear opur windshields of Ice that seemed to want to reform after each attempt.
Well, 'twas fun!

It was around the time that I'd usually get up when I got home from taking Kate from where she needed to be, to home. hmmm... I think that was one of those sentances that didn't make any sense... no, no it makes sense. To me anyway. (I do say anyway a lot)


I got home and worked on MYC music, which I am rather pleased to say is actually getting somewhere. Though, I think I may have more work still hiding for me in the area of powerpoint creation.
After some M*A*S*H, me 'n' Katus went to pick up her car from that place we were earlier in the morning, the one which I took Kate from to home, when I then took her to from home....
[hehe... that one doesn't even make sense to me! WHAT FUN!]

Now It seems that I'm doing more MYC stuff. I have the timetable I needed, and I have some music and musicians. I'm still after at least one more male singer to add the the ONE I already have, but things are looking better overall... In fact, I'm actually getting rather excited. I keep remembering all the things that I love so much about MYC.
I was looking through photos from MYC the past 2 years, I think that I'm really going to miss the trampolines... hehe

Anyway (there i go again)...

tO CAPS (hehe) it all off... We'll have a dinner guest tonight. How exciting!!

CU all soon!

P.S 4 sleeps to HP, 6 sleeps to MYC!! (and no, I'm not copying you Kate... I'm counting too)

Monday, July 16, 2007


I have really mixed feelings about MYC this year. Usually, I would not be able to wait till MYC. I'm finding myself rather the opposite this year. I CAN wait!
I have to wait... for emails and musicians and timetables so I can roster everything and everyone into the right places on the right days in the right sessions.

Just plain waiting is one thing... waiting patiently is another. I'm rather stressed at the moment. I need all the info before I can finalise music for MYC, but I don't have it yet, and I'm becoming impatient.

Could people please pray for me in my state of chaos. Please pray that I will be patient and persevere with the task I have been set. Please also pray for everything out of my control such as people emailing me, people who will help out and sound equipment. Pray that things will fall into place, and even if they don't, pray that I will put all my worry onto God and do what I can under the circumstances.

Lastly and most importantly to me, please pray that my attitude will be one which Glorifies God

Thanks heaps 'yall...
CU Soon!
(maybe a little too soon... :P)

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I need something new to raplace the "as my ring master always says..." that is below 'ANIMATED ANGEL'...

Any ideas???

Success... nearly

I have very nearly finished my crocheted blanket. I have made all 24 squares with a 4mm crochet hook and 36 stiches across.... (hehe) All of the 24 squres have been crocheted together using the very same 4mm crochet hook. Now all I have left to do is once again use the 4mm crochet hook to crochet around the edge of the blanket... WOOOOO!!!!

hmmm... I was told by Sarah that two posts back was very strange. Ha! That should not be a surprise as I myself am very strange!!!

I succeeded in making 2 new dishes this week. Firstly I made potato and leak soup... twas good. I also made Chilli con carne. That was also good.

Wow, it seems I'm talking about nothing in particular in a random order. What fun...

CU Soon!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Ahhh, Memories

Much to my delight, while cleaning my room the other day I stumbled across something most amusing.

I have found my MYC name tag from last year. It has all manner of entertaining things written on it.
On the same side as my name is written the reminders; "Tell Katus to get T-shirt", "Find phone", "Pappy's lead", "Prayer Points reminder", and funnily enough "Just do it!".
On the other side I seem to have written my alternative name of the time.
"Amanda, Roger the shrubbers assistant, who ran off with Roger the shrubbers incredibly handsome son, because she didn't particularly like, Roger the shrubber"

Kate's name tag has also been recently discovered. On one side, the traditional mirror image of "Kate", and on the other side, a rather large tally of how many vague looks I gave at MYC concerning the whole Jane Jilly Joe thing. How sad is that...

CU Soon!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Join me in my world of make believe.

I live in a fantasy world, sometimes a little too much. I have had a few people ask me how I can live in my imagination nearly 24/7. I say to those people, spend less time thinking about how it is possible and try just doing it... here I'll help. Here are some questions that I have written and answered. Have a go (keeping in mind you shouldn't get carried away... after all, it's not real. :P)

1) If you could come up with a nickname for yourself, what would it be?

- Easy! The Animated Angel. I have a memory of an anime where feathered wings fly out of someones back. It's kinda stuck with me.

2) If you could have super powers, what would they be and would they alter your looks or personality?

- Obvoiusly for me wings would be a big one, I'd love to be able to fly. Otherwise I think electrical or electromagnetic powers (like Jubilee or Polaris from X-men) None of this would alter my looks, but Ithink I would be a braver person... right now I'm thinking defensive powers match my personality.

3) The governments of the world send the whole planet into chaos and war. Eventually all that is left is an apocalyptic war zone where you must defend yourself from the scumm of the streets. Decribe your ideal character for this setting.

- I'd go with the hot chick on rooftops theme I think... hehe. I think I'd want my hair to be in a long plait. I'd want black shorts and high boots. A long, scarlet coat that could whip out behind me as I jump from roof top to roof top. Laced half gloves and a utility belt to hold my sai blades and hand crafted 44 magnum with silencer.

4) If you could live any where, on Earth or other, where would it be?

- I'd live in the valley of Tarnn on Charity, the 5th planet from New Sol. The valley is beautiful. I think I'd be happy to live anywhere by the Lake of Kahmel, perhaps in a Tarnnish style cottage where the sun will rise over the Galla Ranges to the East. Or perhaps I'd live in the Morra Morn Valley to the west of Tarnn's capital.

5) You've just finished building a robot. What does it look like? What is it for? Would you use it for good or evil? :P

- I think my robot would most likely be used for good... though I must admit I would be tempted to go on a rampage through NY or Tokyo, the top 2 cities for distructo Bots to reign free. I think I'd like to be able to pilot my Robot if it were for evil purposes. Being the power hungry maniac I am I would not leave the whole thing up to the robot... that would be silly. I think an over the top shade of blue or emerals green is required for armour in this case. Perhaps a black cape with gold lining and a black helmet for the robot. Yeah, that'd be cool. Oh yeah, did I mention that it would be mega sized...?

6) Describe your favourite colour?

- A blue like that of the ocean spray as it crashes down apon the rocks.

A green that reflects upon the lolling waves of a quiet lake.

A grey like the rolling of a dark tempest that no man can control.

A darkeness like that of the deep despair.

And the light and warmth of a mothers embrace.





It is rather easy to make something of nothing. whether is be in a good way or a bad way. Imagination can very well get the best of you. You're mind runs away with you. It creates scenarios that can never be fulfilled. It distracts from reality. It tempts you to believe in a reality that doesn't exist, in which you are alone and the only escape is to delve deeper into imagination. It can create false hope and waste time.

This is where I live.

Imagination to me is a threat, yes. It is also an incredible, beautiful gift from God. What other creature on Earth can think in an abstract way? We are truely blessed to be able to imagine the glory that is heaven, or to stare for hours on end at a landscape and only imagine how intricate and comlicated creation is. Where we do not understand, we can imagine.

CU Soon!

Friday, June 22, 2007


Isn't it funny? (not haha funny) I have no exams and still I find ways of procrastinating. Why am I procrastinating? What am I trying to avoid? I have no answers for these questions as of yet. I can state quite happily though, that Yahoo Games is a fantastic way of avoiding life in general (considering I can't pinpoint what I'm avoiding). I think I've done like seven 1 hour free trials in the last 3 days... mind, I havent done the whole hour on some games coz they were STUPID!!!

I'm also procrastinating right now I think [GO BLOGGING! GO!]. I have written out a to do list in light of Kate's 21st... I think I'm avoiding doing half the things on the list. I must admit though, I think I've done rather well so far for someone who avoids nothing by 'Lame Gaming' in 1 hour slots.


CU Soon!

Thursday, June 21, 2007


I was driving from Mac centre after dropping Ems at an exam and picking up the very last roll of ply 12 navy 'wool', when I heard some fascinating news on the radio. It seems that in Malaysia some idiot has kidnapped a 1.2m statue of Homer Simpson from a cinema. Haha!!... i'm not sure what they were thinking. From what I've seen, It has to be one of the ugliest Homer Statues... ahh well.

Some "Brighter" news... I have Jubilation Lee gloves. It seems that on a few occasions I have been told that if I were an X-man I would be Jubilee... I never quite saw this myself considering I've always pictured Jubilee as being kinda... well Asian. I'm not complaining, I wouldn't mind having that sorta mutant power. My favourite Mutant has always been Beast though... oh dear... my poor house mates, having to listen to this all day. hehe...

Anyway... I think I shall go and watch "Alien vs. Predator" while no one else is here.

So long and thanks for all the fish

(ps. I couldn't find a picture of jubilee's gloves online... not the ones i'm after anyway. Though it's not like anyone will mind :P)