Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Join me in my world of make believe.

I live in a fantasy world, sometimes a little too much. I have had a few people ask me how I can live in my imagination nearly 24/7. I say to those people, spend less time thinking about how it is possible and try just doing it... here I'll help. Here are some questions that I have written and answered. Have a go (keeping in mind you shouldn't get carried away... after all, it's not real. :P)

1) If you could come up with a nickname for yourself, what would it be?

- Easy! The Animated Angel. I have a memory of an anime where feathered wings fly out of someones back. It's kinda stuck with me.

2) If you could have super powers, what would they be and would they alter your looks or personality?

- Obvoiusly for me wings would be a big one, I'd love to be able to fly. Otherwise I think electrical or electromagnetic powers (like Jubilee or Polaris from X-men) None of this would alter my looks, but Ithink I would be a braver person... right now I'm thinking defensive powers match my personality.

3) The governments of the world send the whole planet into chaos and war. Eventually all that is left is an apocalyptic war zone where you must defend yourself from the scumm of the streets. Decribe your ideal character for this setting.

- I'd go with the hot chick on rooftops theme I think... hehe. I think I'd want my hair to be in a long plait. I'd want black shorts and high boots. A long, scarlet coat that could whip out behind me as I jump from roof top to roof top. Laced half gloves and a utility belt to hold my sai blades and hand crafted 44 magnum with silencer.

4) If you could live any where, on Earth or other, where would it be?

- I'd live in the valley of Tarnn on Charity, the 5th planet from New Sol. The valley is beautiful. I think I'd be happy to live anywhere by the Lake of Kahmel, perhaps in a Tarnnish style cottage where the sun will rise over the Galla Ranges to the East. Or perhaps I'd live in the Morra Morn Valley to the west of Tarnn's capital.

5) You've just finished building a robot. What does it look like? What is it for? Would you use it for good or evil? :P

- I think my robot would most likely be used for good... though I must admit I would be tempted to go on a rampage through NY or Tokyo, the top 2 cities for distructo Bots to reign free. I think I'd like to be able to pilot my Robot if it were for evil purposes. Being the power hungry maniac I am I would not leave the whole thing up to the robot... that would be silly. I think an over the top shade of blue or emerals green is required for armour in this case. Perhaps a black cape with gold lining and a black helmet for the robot. Yeah, that'd be cool. Oh yeah, did I mention that it would be mega sized...?

6) Describe your favourite colour?

- A blue like that of the ocean spray as it crashes down apon the rocks.

A green that reflects upon the lolling waves of a quiet lake.

A grey like the rolling of a dark tempest that no man can control.

A darkeness like that of the deep despair.

And the light and warmth of a mothers embrace.





It is rather easy to make something of nothing. whether is be in a good way or a bad way. Imagination can very well get the best of you. You're mind runs away with you. It creates scenarios that can never be fulfilled. It distracts from reality. It tempts you to believe in a reality that doesn't exist, in which you are alone and the only escape is to delve deeper into imagination. It can create false hope and waste time.

This is where I live.

Imagination to me is a threat, yes. It is also an incredible, beautiful gift from God. What other creature on Earth can think in an abstract way? We are truely blessed to be able to imagine the glory that is heaven, or to stare for hours on end at a landscape and only imagine how intricate and comlicated creation is. Where we do not understand, we can imagine.

CU Soon!


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