Friday, June 29, 2007

Ahhh, Memories

Much to my delight, while cleaning my room the other day I stumbled across something most amusing.

I have found my MYC name tag from last year. It has all manner of entertaining things written on it.
On the same side as my name is written the reminders; "Tell Katus to get T-shirt", "Find phone", "Pappy's lead", "Prayer Points reminder", and funnily enough "Just do it!".
On the other side I seem to have written my alternative name of the time.
"Amanda, Roger the shrubbers assistant, who ran off with Roger the shrubbers incredibly handsome son, because she didn't particularly like, Roger the shrubber"

Kate's name tag has also been recently discovered. On one side, the traditional mirror image of "Kate", and on the other side, a rather large tally of how many vague looks I gave at MYC concerning the whole Jane Jilly Joe thing. How sad is that...

CU Soon!


Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Yes, but the tally highlighted my point at the time, no? lol

12:46 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly, my name tag had a dragon on it. Or was that Ignition last year? There was a dragon there at one time or another.

6:37 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

lol... I've no doubt there was Bella!

6:12 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TROGDOOOOOOOOORRR...burninating the countryside!

8:43 am  

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