Sunday, July 16, 2006

Spock and Kirk?

I was searching the internet the other day to find wallpaper for 'Star Trek'...Nerdy, I know. I ran into some interesting theories. One of which caught my attention, solely because of how totally, absolutely rediculous it was.
You've probably all heard the "Are Sam and Frodo more than just friends?" rumour. STUPID! Well this one's even more stupid!

"Spock and Kirk; the Romantic Relationship!"

What IDIOT thought that one up?!?...Really?

Proof, as they call it includes things like:

  • Spock squeezing Kirks hand and telling him that he is a good friend
  • How close Spocka nd Kirk get when they talk
  • The little looks between them
  • Spock is a faithful First officer who sacrifices himself on may occasions to save Kirk

Thats just some of it...

MY ARGUMENT...which even with my lack of Trekky nerdyness makes more sense...quite logical really...

  • Spock is not human, the same strange things humans do are completely foreign to Vulcans
  • Spock is a logical being. The idea of having a romantic relationship with a man, and especially a human man, would offend any Vulcan. It is simply Illogical
  • Spock is unable to be romantic! He is Vulcan. He supresses emotions. When someone says he is being emotional or showing human tendancies, he gets offended...well as offended as a Vulcan can get...taking offence to something springs from emotions. Spock prides himself on his logic, and when someone says, "You're cruel, harsh and logical" he says "Thank you"
  • Spock very rarely shows emotions. He is half human, but being brought up on Vulcan knocked all desires to show any human traights from head and heart (which, by the way is in his left side, not chest)

How could any sick creature say that Spock and Kirk are Gay...? Really. The Screen shot above is of Spock and Kirk in the first Star Trek Movie. Spock is sacrificing himself to save the ship. This is a "logical" descision that he makes. Though one must admit that there does seem to be a hint of emotion in his sacrifice. Spocks last words to Jim as the radiation levels reach critical point are "Live long, and Prosper" The saddest moment in all the movies and episodes I've watched so far. Now, for someone to suggest that Jim and Spock are romantically involved offends me! It is one of the most beautiful relationships in all of Star Trek...This is because Spock, unwilling to show emotion due to his Vulcan heratige, still somehow feels that Jim and Bones are 'friends'. He almost feels something for them.The First series holds the gratest interactment between characters out of all the star trek series, and that is the Spock, Jim, Bones, relationship.

I've gone abit off topic. I ramble when I really get into what I'm saying. I Love Spock...he's great! Yeah, I'm defending his honour...ok, he's not real Amanda...I've gone abit crazy so I'm gonna sign off!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You havn't got any comments. I wonder why...

2:53 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

who are U?...

2:06 pm  
Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Anonymous is probably an advertiser. Activate word verification on your comments and you should get rid of it.

3:13 pm  

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