Sunday, August 06, 2006


My little sister and some friends organised a surprise party for my friend Laura yesterday. The plan was Emily, my little sis was going to go to Laura's. Then her and Laura were going to walk back to the the Hargreaves where Laura believed Claire was waiting, ready to go up to the plaza to get dinner for Laura's Birthday. When Laura and Emily reached the top of Claire's St, Emily was to prank Claire's mob. She had even practiced so she could push the buttons with her phone by her side and not looking at it, as to not draw attention. Funny Child! So we got the prank and hid. I was on light duty. We'd already practiced on Dave, Claire's Brother. So Emily walks to the door making lots of noise, and Laura rings the doorbell. Claire answered the door.
Claire: Hi Laura, Happy Birthday! Come in... How are you?
Laura: Fine (hugs Claire)
Emily: why's it so dark in here? (I rolled my eyes...way to make it obvious Emi)
Claire: (pulling Laura further into the house). So have you had a good... 1 2 3!

I flick on the lights and everyone jumps out and yells surprise!
Good fun. I think we nearly killed Laura though! lol...

Quotable Quotes from the partae!

Emily: Everybody look at me. (people turn and look. Emily counts them) Now I'll try the people in the kitchen.

Lochlan: (whilst Laura is blowing out a single candle) Try and blow them all out with one go!

My big Sissa Sarah moved out yesterday. We were helping her set up her room.

Me: This would be easier to do if we were playing sims. Then we could turn the bed and table, and wardrobe without effort.
Emily: Yeah, and you could change the walls to match the furniture, and the windows.
Me: The only thing you couldn't do which you can do in sims, is design your own family...(silence... giggles)

CU Soon!


Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Hehe funny stuff. I love the 'look at me' one, I must try that sometime. Your lil sister is cool.

3:43 pm  
Blogger rainweb said...

HAH!the amanda giggle!

8:47 pm  

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