Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I found out when Talk like a pirate day is on this year...

Amanda: Katus...?
Katus:... Hmmm...?
Amanda: When is talk like a pirate day this year?
Katus: The same day it is every year.

Now I'm brimming with useless information...

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

hmm.... I wonder when 'talk like a pirate day' is this year...

G'day to all my lovelies!

I've decided to post, even if this post is disjointed and random. The reason being that Katus might get angry if I don't... and for those of you who have viewed the subtle version of the Katus is angry face as I have, I would assume that the Katus is 'actually angry' face must be far worse. We love Katus none the less!! Infact we all love her all the more for being so Katusish.

Anyways... We have moved in. It's only been a week, and I think this thing just may work. It's all very interesting really. It still hasn't sunk in that I'm out of home. I guess it will soon.

Yeah, random blogs are fun. I'm going to do a Matt and just type and see what I come up with... this isn't really going to work though, because with these 'just type and see what happens' posts you usually need to go back and fix alot of spelling... the problem with that is I have to drive Helen to uni in about 10 minutes, so if I get too many words wrong, or if my computers does anything stupid... I will run out of time! So as a result, I believe I will finish this random rant right about.... HERE!!!

Well, that was fun!

"Chocolate and Cake by the Lake" is today. I dont think I will have time to buy or make anything for the occasion. I'm sure there will be enough food though. I have to go job hunting, which is lame, but nessisary. I would love to work in retail again, just because the pay is fairly good for a casual sales assistant, but I'll see what happens. I'll keep you all up to date with my job hunting progress...

I really would love to keep posting more regularly. You may all feel free to comment and hastle me... the comments are sent to my email, which then fills up and annoys me... so It may be to my advantage to post more often. (if that logic works)...

Well, I'd best be off. Must drive Helen and myself in the general Uni direction.

CU Soon!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Watch out New Zealand! Here comes Manda!!!

Scary thought!!

Well, about 12 hours till I go to NZ! I'm getting really excited now! I've wanted to go on this trip since 2 years before I was at uni. The strange thing is, now that I'm moving into H.o.S after NZ, NZ seems slightly less exciting... one thing cancels out another ...or something like that! ahh well, I'm getting more excited now! hehe...

I dont know what to say. I'm so out of practice with blogging. I cant remember how to make daily events make sense when written up online!... meh...

I cant wait till I move into the House of Snnnnn! Though I am sick of people complaining about the size of the TV... I'm sorry guys alright! I couldn't get a bigger one! dont worry if you feel a little left out of that joke. Once you see the TV you'll understand.
It's funny the things we take for granted though! I mean, God has blessed us with so many things recently. Just the fact that everything seems to be comming together so smoothly is amazing. God is so AWSOME!! lol... though Rotarua has been quite active lately. Who knows, our plans could be totally messed up if that volcanoe blows while I'm over in NZ!!! Woohoo! Fun fun!!


I'm going to head off now... gotta go and buy some 'working' pens. I'll just finish my tea and be off... *takes last mouthfull of tea* Yeargh! that was cold! I hate when I leave my tea too long!...

I'll be back on the 15th.
Have a wonderfull 'the rest of your holidays' everyone, and I'll ...
CU Soon!