Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Highlights of the day

~It jusk sunk in that we have our wooden chair back after it decided to fall apart (much to the shock of Ems and Doug) on my birthday. This is rather exciting because the TV room now looks ten times better and the stray pillows now have a home.

~I found the talk at CU today rather encouraging... but I had trouble taking notes on it, so i may very well forget what it was about before long. That's quite sad. It was a good talk on Trinity though.

~I got up at 7:15 today and went for a run with Emily at 7:45... how exciting!!! I think it should be made a regular thing. I must admit that my ammount of energy that early in the morning scared Kate into as good as slamming her bedroom door in my face!!! HAHA!! I thought it was amusing. i forgive you Kate. It is only natural for one to want to hide when one is scared.

~I bought some cheap deep red wool, and i intend on crocheting a scarf with it. Should be rather fun. I only hope that I can keep the chain length the same the whole way this time... :P

~My wonderful grandparents put my birthday money into my account.

~I decided to visit home, and considering no one was there I took it upon myself to play 'Oblivion'. I only got to play for about an hour, but all the same I managed to join two guilds. Awsome.

~Just life in general is looking up. Praise the Lord for that. Also praise him for all the support I have had during these difficult times. He has never left my side!!

CU Soon!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Aren't you all so proud of me...?!
I woke up at 9am this morning... and actually got up out of bed to start my usual routine of wandering around aimlessly. hehe... I mean, people were still home when I got up.
Now that's exciting!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Opening Dialogue

Once again, the "Politically Correct" will take over the world and rule us all... :P

Opening Dialogue for Star Trek: The Original Series... Spoken by William Shatner - Captain James T. Kirk:
"Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise . Her five-year missoin: To explore strange new worlds, seek out new life, new civilisations. To Boldly go where no man has gone before!"

Opening Dialogue for Star Trek: The Next Generation... Spoken by Patrick Stewart - Captain Jean-Luc Picard:
"Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission:To explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life, new civilisations. To boldly go where no one has gone before!"

DO YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCES??... I mean apart from the "continuing mission" part.
It doesn't really annoy me that much, but I just thought I'd bring it up. It's rather sad when the most exciting thing I can think of blogging at the moment is a change in Star Trek monologue... *sigh*

CU Soon!

Monday, May 14, 2007

To Boldly Go Where No Man[da] Has Gone Before

Hehe... did you get the play on words?... not that it matters, because NO ONE WATCHES STAR TREK APART FROM ME!!!... you're all mean and boring!!!

It both excites and saddens me to announce that I have finally finished the meagre 3 seasons of "The Original Series" of Star Trek. Yes great memories have been had, but now it is time for me to move on and continue my journey through space. I am pleased to say, that I am going to be shortly begining Star Trek: "The Next Generation" *insert echo here*
This is gong to be rather dificult for me. As you may well know, I have a strong conection with Kirk, Bones, and my dear Mr Spock. It will be hard to leave them, though I am excited none the less the be moving on. I will be adventuring with characters such asJean-Luc Picard, Geordi La Forge, Data, and WARF!!!... sweetness to the max!!! In next Gen Klingon's actually look like Klingon's... Isn't that fantastic!?!... Oh wait, I remeber now. No one cares because NO ONE WATCHES STAR TREK APART FROM ME!!! (hehe... lather, rinse, REPEAT!!)

[ Actually, I remeber talking to someone about Trills once... OK, own up]

Well must be off now. One last glance at the crew of the original Enterprise!!
Farewell Captain James T. Kirk ( T is for Tiberius... :P)

And Welcome Captain Jean-Luc Picard...

Live Long and Prosper

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I'm a horrible Friend!!

Can you believe what I have done. The one day i happen to beging posting again, just happens to be my best Freind's birthday... and what do I do. I LEAVE HER OUT OF MY POST!!!


Well here it is. A little late, but with lost of Love all the same!!!...

HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY SARAH!! (for yesterday)

Also... for today...




Love you all and CU Soon!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

"We need dinosaur power, now!"

I slept in this morning. Some of you may say, "yeah, that's our Manda". Well Manda doesn't think it's like Manda to sleep in till 1pm and miss CU. Yeah you heard me... I missed CU, my motivation to get up in the morning and go to uni. This brings me to the conclusion that my sleeping pattern is incredibly out of wack. I couldn't sleep till 3am last night despite the fact that I have been incredibly tired the last week. I just sat there reading Harry Potter... the only thing that can get me to sleep at the moment... (lol, makes HP sound really boring... hehe)

Anyways, I have decided on two things. Fristly, my physical health has been somewhat lacking. Myself and Ems are going to start jogging in mornings and nights, or whatever we can managed. Perhaps this will then encourage futher physical activites. Secondly, I must train myself to get up atleast by 8 or 9 in the morning. 10 is not excusable every morning... not to mention the dreadfull 1pm this morning.

I really hope I can get my health back on track...

I was up late last night anyway. I was talking to Tom (the one with golden locks at my Partae). We were randomly searching u-tube for stuff... Now as a result I am really wanting to buy the "Ah! My Goddess!" movie. I found an AMV (Anime Music Video) on the tube. Yeah Domi got me the first series for my birthday and now I really wanna watch the movie again...

Speaking of movies... the 5th harry potter movie comes out soon. I also gat a trailer of that from U-tube. Woohoo!!!

...also along during my wonderous journey through U-tube I decided to find some slightly more Thrilling things to view. These included clips from the 3rd Doom game... I really wish I had the guts to play it, cept you only get to have your torch OR gun out. This means you are either defensless or blind at any one moment. Also I found a trailer for SILENT HILL... hehehe!!
For those of you who were at my 21st and happened to be watching the dancefloor during "Toxic" may have wondered why on earth me and my little sister were dancing so spasmodically... Well Silent Hill is the answer. It's an awsome movie based on a freaky game (yet another one I still have to bring myself to play). BTW, dont wathc the clip if you're not up to it. though mind, the clip is no where as 'good' as the movie.

Anyways. I must prepare for Parish Council, have dinner (mmmm... potato and leak soup) and be on my way.

CU Soon! (unless I miss it again :P)

Trekky Update
Episode 23: All Our Yesterdays
Season 3: The Origional Series