Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Great!... now there's no where to put my Ice-cream and port!
The logical thing again to do, would be to clean my computer table... but no. She's no Mr Spock.

How funny is the word no where (it is two words right?)... I mean, it's not like I'm going to say there is no when that I can put my tea, etc... LOL! :P

Live Long and Prosper

Monday, March 26, 2007

It seems I have a delema at hand...
You see, there are too many things on my computer table...
Now, as a result, I have no where to put my tea...
I am now rendered disabled in the tea drinking AND computerising area...
At the same time...

(I know I could just clean my computer table, but that's too logical. What do you think I am...?... VULCAN!!! HA!)

CU Soon!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

HAPPY 100th POST!!!

Well here I am... celebrating my 100th post, alone, at 12 on a Saturday night!!
Fun times!

Everyone (being Helen, Katus and Ems) has gone to Ignotion... and due to mix ups, prior commitments and lack of finance... I'm not with them! I am posting though, that has to be an up side to the whole thing.

Today was fun. I had to vote. I had no idea where I was sposed to go to vote... mum said the school was a likely bet, but it wasn't there. Tis' all good. I found it eventually... managed to vote too after making my way through the onslaught of flyers (two of which were Liberal, none of which were labor)

After that I went to the seniors lunch... Serving seniors is always good fun! They are always happy to talk, be doted upon, and listen to music... they quite enjoyed the choir item. There were less people there than I would have hoped, but Roger gave a good talk after the choir item, so if just one person took it all to heart... that'd be great!!!

I had a nice quiet evening by myself. Had dinner, defeated Julie in "Swing Away Golf" on PS2, and watched 2 Miyazaki movies. The first one I can't remember the name of... the second one was "Grave of the fireflies". It was soo sad!! I don't know whether I really ever want to watch it again. too depressing!!!
I think next time I'll pick one of the other miyazaki's that I haven't seen... not sure which though!!

All in all it was a rather good night... you know, apart from the 'being all by myself' part.

1 hour extra sleep tomorrow morning... SWEET! I'll need it too. They're openning the Lane Cove Tunnel tomorrow... I've got to find a way to get to church on time in the morning without hitting newly developing traffic... ahhh well! I'll tell you all how it goes... If I make it out alive

Anyways... best be off to bed. Must sleep...
CU Soon!

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Here... take it! take it! I didn't want it anyway!... Is this the post you've been looking for?! All of you fussy, crazy, annoying people (Not to mention anyone in peticular *cough* Katus & Sarah *cough*)
Oh... BTW, if anyone hasn't read the 40 or so comments on my last post, I suggest you do. It is rather ammusing and quite clearly explains the introduction to this post.

oO[You know I still don't think I quite have the nack of spelling ammusing/amusing yet!]Oo

hmmm... what can I actually post on in all seriousness... AH!!! *light bulb* I've got it... The murder mystery!
Well considering I'm rather tired because I've been getting up early to do some typing, memory test thingies for Deb's assignment (which BTW deprived me of Chocolate, Port and TEA!!! YES! TEA!!)... also there is not much left to say considering Katus, Matt & Ems got there first and said just about everything there is to say-eth!

Ahh! Happy Memories!!

One thing I will say is...
THANK YOU Bec and Katus!!! you are awsome. You guys made an awsome night for us all!! Much appreciated

OK! I really hope that this post has satisfied the hunger of some of it's viewers temporarily... I'll be back soon! I hope!... If not, I give you all perm,ission to do that annoying single word comment thingy again... It is rather ammusing/amusing!!... (once again... If you don't know what I'm talking about, go to the comments on my last post!)

CU Soon!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

QQ of the week (so far)

Kate: *holding up salt and pepper shaker* Where does this live?
Ems: With the condiments
Helen: You could just say spreads
Ems: Coniments includes sauces
Kate: Sauce spreads!
Ems: So do bushfires, but you don't keep them in the cupboard!

The wrath of Hepsibar!!!

Katus had a very scary moment just today. Ems and Kate made biscuits last night, and this (obviously) rekindled the "all against amanda" (even though Amanda agrees) Cookie Vs. Biscuit debate.

I in no way disagree that Australians and English call biscuits 'biscuits'... and that Americans call biscuits 'cookies'... this, I am in total agreement with. I in fact call most biscuits 'biscuits'... though my exception seems to be my 'achilles heel' in Kate's eyes.

My argument is purely subjective... I classify fairly largish/medium, flat, crisp on the outside and soft in the middle, and usually with choc-chips... biscuits... "cookies", but only by nick-name. Like a Tim-tam is a type of biscuit for example...

This, it seems, is very much a contradictory statement. That I could agree to a biscuit being the Aussie term, but still call some biscuits cookies, completely puzzled, ok, maybe puzzled isn't the right term... perhaps... irritated or, frustrated Katus. [I should just warn those thinking of debating this topic with kate, think again!!! she can be rather scary...]

I tried to explain the "nick-name" concept to Kate, my example being that I may call Katus "katus", and another may call her "Kate", but she is still the same. That didn't go down too well. Two things came of that!

1) Katus pointed out so dutifully that a cookie could not both be a cookie and a bisciut. Just because I am of the oppinion that you could call it a cookie does not make it a cookie, just because it works for me... (katus, you may want to clear up this exact point... I cant quite remember what you said, and your memeory is like and elephants! )... We then stopped and related this argument to the subjective opinions people have of Christ. The "If it works for me, It has to be good, and right" oppinion many have. Though the cookie issue is much less important, I couldn't help but think that Kate did have a point with that one!

2) With the mention of "Kate" and "Katus", Kate then said that perhaps in another country she is called Hepsibar. I cowered from her glare behind the open cupboard door...

"what?!" she said, "don't you like the name Hepsibar?"
"I think it's cool" I said in fear.
She then passed me with a cup of tea and a biscuit, and stated, "It is cool!"

So there we have it... The debate continues!... I'll just summerise by saying;

[Love you Kate!!]

I'll CU all Soon!