Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Star Trek

If anyone read my "Holidays" Post, they will know that I intend to 'Go bolldly, where no man has gone before'. In other words I intend to start watching through 'Star Trek'. I Have started my "5 year mission" (sorry couldn't help myself), I've started my mission, and will be giving updates on where I am up to. (Below is my first entry).
*entry invoves the last episode watched, its name and where it comes from*

CU Soon!

Trekky Update
Episode 12: The Menagerie part 2
Series 1: Origional Star Trek

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I'd just like to say that I am not going do do anything rash, as I am not as devastated by Australia's defeat as I may have made it look in my last post. It is solely that the whole game it looked asif we actually stood a chance. "Way to get your hopes up Amanda".
There are much bigger things in life!!!
CU Soon!


A nation trapped in a game (or most of a nation anyway). Outrage echoes throughout a country as a questionable penalty is dealt in favour of Italy.
Ten seconds can make a world of difference.
My comments. Well, lets start at the beginning.
The heart breaking scene of Harry Kewell hobbling into the stadium on crutches, with a groin injury. *giggle* While this was unsettling for fans, the return of Mark Schwarzer was a happy event, being he actually makes an effort to save the ball instead of just being overprotective of his 'net'
Skipping ahead. Australia, though admittedly not as "smooth" as Italy, ('smooth' being a word I've been using lately to describe the playing of Soccer [or football as it should be called]) were actually giving the Italians 'one hell of a game'!!! Leading up to the game Italy had been saying that we had no chance, that they would 'thrash' us! Then we arrive on field and shock them. We scared them, because for a reasonable portion of the game, it looked as though we may possibly win! With Kewell in the game, I have very little doubt that we would have lost...but we didn't have Kewell. He wasn't there to try for the shots that no one else had the guts to take.
(I'm sounding like a crazy fanatic...sorta)
Now we arrive at the most crucial part of the game...the last 10 seconds?...what is that? and it was into over time too!
The replay has been reviewed over and over and over. The conclusion by many eventually decided (as I have heard), is that Italy's attacker and our defender did not touch. I'm not asure I believe that entirely, though the point I am making here is not "Did we obstuct the path of the ball?" 'coz in one way or another, Yes we did. The point here, is that the penalty dealt did not match the crime. We slid to save Australia from defeat. They tripped over. We pay for it Big Time!
*sigh* I wouldn't mind defeat in nearly any other cicumstance, but the fact that it was a questionable penalty just makes it hard to 'hack'!
It feels like it shouldn't be over, like we should have finished on level ground, on even footing. But in the end the ref makes the choice that changes lives, not the poor, sad and dissapointed nation, they call Australia.

Thursday, June 22, 2006



I've finished exams, and are officialy on holidays!

Below is my to do list:

  • Get a job
  • Watch 'Star Trek'
  • Finish chapter 2 of my novel and tidy up my random chapter.
  • Tidy my room...(some of you may get that 'joke')
  • Draw and/or colour in anime via traditional art methods or digital methods (e.g. below)

>>[BTW...I didn't draw this one. I only digitally enhanced it (meaning, I coloured it in)!]<<

CU Soon!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Biol114 (Better Known as 'Plummet Attack')

I had my Biology exam today. It actually went surprisingly well, that's what I hope anyway.
I was working through it quite quickly, so I decided to rest for a minute now and then. You know put my head down, shut my eyes, and think about the questions being asked instead of plunging straight into them. I found this method of doing an exam quite relaxing and helpful. I could let my mind bring the answer up from memory and not have to think too hard.
The only problem with this 'relaxing' way of doing an exam, is that I had background music running. Yes, you heard me right. Giving my mind time to relax brought a song up from memory also. So while I was mulling over the definition of 'primary and secondary endosymbiosis', I was hearing the 'Plumet Atack' song from 'Les Miserables'
I had some parts of the song in particular goin through my head. For Example:
"This is his lair, I've seen the old Fox around
He keeps himself to himself, He's laying close to the ground.
I smell Profit here!
Ten years ago, he came and payed for Cosette
I let her go for a song, it's time to settle the debt.
This'll cost him dear"
"What have we here?"
"Who Is this Hussy?"
"It's your brat, Eponine
Don't you know you're own kid
Why's she hanging about you?"
"Eponine, get on home, you're not needed in this
we're enough here without you"
"I know this house, I tell you there's nothing here for you
Just the old man and the girl. They live ordanary lives"
"I'm gonna scream, I'm gonna warn them here!"
"One little scream and you'll regret it for a year"
"What a palava, what an absolute treat
To watch a cat and it's father, pick a bone in the street"
"Not a sound out of you!"
"Well I told you I'd do it, told you I'd do it"
"Make for the sewers, don't wait around, leave her to me, go underground
You wait my girl, you'll rue this night.I'll make you scream. You'll scream allright!"
"Dearest Cosette - my friend 'Ponine
Brought me to you, showed me the way!
Someone is near, let's not be seen
Somebody's here!"
Try having that going in you're head during an exam...
CU Soon!
P.S. Sorry this post is long, but it was going to be longer because I origionally had the entire song lyrics written down.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

[Insert Title here]

I'm soo tired.
I still have two exams to go. I keep getting distraced because my brain is already setting itself up for holiday mode. All I wan't to do is draw anime, watch as many star trek episodes as is possible, and write some more of my novel. Instead I'm stuck staring blankly at my computer monitor. (Which in any other circumstance, I would find fun)
At least I can read the Bible without feeling guilty. Do you know that God uses second born or youngest children alot in the Old testament. Also he uses barron women. That's pretty cool!
I'm avoiding my work, so I'm gonna say goodbye and CU Soon!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Bride of Dracula

For all of you out there who are Youth Leaders at your church, you may be able to relate to what I am about to say...
At youth group on Sunday, our games were of the theme, "Vampire Hunt"! This meant that our youth worker was kidnapped by Dracula and the kids had to kill dracula to find her again. In order to kill dracula the 'kids' (and I apologise to any of my youth group 'kids' who read this and may be offended by the word 'kids', but its the easiest word to use. Sarah, I'm thinking of you here), the 'kids' had to visit three characters set up around the plaza and perform tasks to get a clue. Then with the clues the 'kids' would go to the church, run through a 'scary' maze and kill dracula with holy water. Good Fun!
My part in all of this was to play Bride of Dracula. This involved putting on white clothing a veil, terrible makeup and fangs (which I couldn't talk in). Then I had to walk out onto the plaza and stand around waiting for the 'kids' to find me.
Whilst standing around in the middle of a public area, I had three different reactions from strangers walking past...The first woman walked past with two childeren and commented on how lovely I was looking. I said "thank you" and hissed at one of her childeren. Another woman and her family walked past, she looked scared and walked past me, as far from me as she could manage. The third woman looked stunned and then giggled.
It's not as bad as my friend Dave. He was frankenstein's monster and was followed around by some children who obviously found him ammusing. Also from what I've heard two girls were trying to pick him up!
The things we do!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Swan Lake on Ice

Hi all,
I was going to comment on swan lake on Ice, but it seems I'm having a bad case of writers block.
What I can say about it, is that it was quite good. Have you ever noticed that the bad guy in a movie/show/etc, seems to be the most attractive/best actor/most skilled at something. Well It seemed that in swan lake the Rothbart Character was the best, or at least most enthusiastic skater.
Then again they don't give out prizes for the most enthusiastic do they. Except at primary schools. Those kids then grow up to be greatly dissapointed when they find out that scociety expects more from them than solely, "Good enthusiasm"! It's a shame really.
Wow... it seems my writers block has been cured amidst my rambling. Huzzah!
The quote of the day as Katus calls it was said by none other than, myself.
(let me remind you, the quote of the day is usually a 'blonde' comment, so it's nothing for me to be proud of. "Then why is she writing it down?" you ask. That's a story for another time....)
It goes like this:
Me: o Rothbart is going to put a spell on him, naughty.
To tell you the truth, it's actually not that funny out of context. I find it much more ammusing to recelect Kate's fits of laughter when I stood next to her...Don't ask
I smell Dinner, so I'll be off.
CU Soon!

Friday, June 16, 2006


I had my first exam today. Geos268 to be exact. For those of you who don't understand Macquarie Uni Geology linguo, that's geophysics. It was allright, though could have been better. My hand was having major cramp issues. Every 2 minutes I had to stop and shake it out. I kept curling it up into an "evil claw" position, and while that somehow helped with the pain, I kept thinking It was about to attack me.
I have provisions in my exam for 10 minutes rest for every hour (If you really want to know why then leave a message, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can). Have you ever tried to ask for a rest break in an exam. You're never quite sure how loud your voice is going to be. So as it happened, in the sentace "can I have a break now?" I heard about 5 distinctive tones; ranging from quiet squeak to hoarse whisper.
I'm going to see swan lake on ice tomorrow. For Katus' birthday, or something. Should be fun.
CU soon!


Hello, and welcome
This is my first entry and I have no idea what I'm doing.
I'd just like to welcome anyone who cares enough to read this first blog entry. If anyone knows how to create my own layout or how to work any other features, it would speed up the learning process, making my blog more pleasant to read, sooner.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
God Bless