I had my Biology exam today. It actually went surprisingly well, that's what I hope anyway.
I was working through it quite quickly, so I decided to rest for a minute now and then. You know put my head down, shut my eyes, and think about the questions being asked instead of plunging straight into them. I found this method of doing an exam quite relaxing and helpful. I could let my mind bring the answer up from memory and not have to think too hard.
The only problem with this 'relaxing' way of doing an exam, is that I had background music running. Yes, you heard me right. Giving my mind time to relax brought a song up from memory also. So while I was mulling over the definition of 'primary and secondary endosymbiosis', I was hearing the 'Plumet Atack' song from 'Les Miserables'
I had some parts of the song in particular goin through my head. For Example:
"This is his lair, I've seen the old Fox around
He keeps himself to himself, He's laying close to the ground.
I smell Profit here!
Ten years ago, he came and payed for Cosette
I let her go for a song, it's time to settle the debt.
This'll cost him dear"
"What have we here?"
"Who Is this Hussy?"
"It's your brat, Eponine
Don't you know you're own kid
Why's she hanging about you?"
"Eponine, get on home, you're not needed in this
we're enough here without you"
"I know this house, I tell you there's nothing here for you
Just the old man and the girl. They live ordanary lives"
"I'm gonna scream, I'm gonna warn them here!"
"One little scream and you'll regret it for a year"
"What a palava, what an absolute treat
To watch a cat and it's father, pick a bone in the street"
"Not a sound out of you!"
"Well I told you I'd do it, told you I'd do it"
"Make for the sewers, don't wait around, leave her to me, go underground
You wait my girl, you'll rue this night.I'll make you scream. You'll scream allright!"
"Dearest Cosette - my friend 'Ponine
Brought me to you, showed me the way!
Someone is near, let's not be seen
Somebody's here!"
Try having that going in you're head during an exam...
CU Soon!
P.S. Sorry this post is long, but it was going to be longer because I origionally had the entire song lyrics written down.