Wednesday, November 29, 2006

"A Scanner Darkly" starts at the movies tomorrow. At first I was worried that it wouldn't be shown because it was strange, but then my Dad assured me that it would be showing due to the fact that Kianu Reeves is in it... they don't pay for well known actors for just anything.
I think SciFi is where Kianu belongs anyway. It seems to be what he's good at, but that's just my oppinion. Plus "Bill and Ted". Yes, can't forget those movies!...


Benny never ceases to amaze me with his stupidity. By the way I am not talking about one of the many human Bens I know. I am actually speaking of my Jack Russel mix Mini Fox Terrier. Ah huh, 'now it makes sense' you all say!

Yes for those of you with dogs, you will know how some breeds can be an "absolute 'pleasure'" to own. lol. I was being stupid. Jack Russels are hunting dogs... yes, Incredibly stupid hunting dogs. You wont believe what Benny just did. Him and Max, the other stupid dog, were locked outside coz they were defiling the furnature. So what does Benny do to get attention?!... Jump in the pond!!
[May I just note that the pond is filled with Salvinia minimus (whoot for Earth and Environmental Science), not to mention there is no water, just boggy mud and stink.]

Here be a pictature of dumbest maxumus after the incident of diving (yes he dove) into the pond!

Wow, Gosh! what a Turkey...!

CU Soon!

Monday, November 20, 2006


Yay... I'm posting again!... Whoot (yes I spell whoot with an H)

Me, Ems and matt planned to meet up after exams today to have lunch. I think one of my first comments to her was "Wouldn't it be funny if everyone just turned up"!"
Low and behold, soon after myself, Ems, Matt, Ben (W) and Dougie were all laughing away at one thing or another.

Priceless moments and QQ's;

Doug's face when Ben was explaining his "prophecy" about how in NZ he was going to be led along to a Club, and would be asked to dance. Then to escape the noise and so on he would walk out onto the balcony where he would meet a christian girl, and she would try to evangelise to him, only to find that he was already a

Dougie trying to explain "grinding to Ben"
Doug: think cheese grater

Matt laughing at usual about this and that.
Ben: So you told matt something. he's using it against you. *realisation*He IS an idiot !!
Amanda: I'm writing that down. now, do I have a pen?
Ems: Didn't you just have an exam?!

Dougie looking like an economics zombie when arriving at the cafe
Doug: I just don't understand the theory of second best.
Ems: Trust you not to get the theory of second best!
Doug: I just don't know how to be second best.

The other ammusing...and confusing... thing that hapened in the cafe; Ben mssg'd me to see if I and orthers were at uni. I mssg'd back that Me. Em, and matt were in the cafe. the next message I got was from Dave saying "Hey I'll be there in 10mins"...I was very confused. I thought my phone had messed up the no's.
When Ben arrived he said e hadn't mssg'd back. I'm still to find out whether dave mssg'd me by mistake...


Anyway... I hope all your exams are going well! I'll 'hopefully' keep posting on a regular basis. (lol)...

CU Soon!

Sunday, November 12, 2006


I have to say, that it is quite amazing how God can use some situations. I mean, look at the post "Woe is Me"... about two post below this one. I wrote that in a sad, lonely, confused and I'd also say a frustrated state. God has used my "Woe is me" state of mind to grow a group of Christian Brothers and Sisters in fellowship. There are so many really beautiful comments on that post and I am so encouraged to see how caring and responsive my friends are. God is awsome, and he can use the strangest things to bring us together and strengthen us!

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
- I Thess 5:11
CU Soon!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

This is pretty Cool

"Dearan, I cannot be your friend while you insist on being my enemy. If you really do love Phaline, than i am going to miss you."
Yeah, that's a quote I really like from my novel. I stick it every where; My blog, My art, my email. Actually Ben W just today told me that he had noticed the quote in my email signature. What he did with it was funny. He was curious about where the quote had come from, so he looked it up. He went to google and typed in the 2 names that appear, being Dearan and Phaline. Funnily enough, those names were no where to be found on the web via google. That is but two sites. animated angel at Deviant Art (My anime pics. site), and Animated Angel at blogger (this very blog site).
I thought that was quite ammusing, so I tried it out myself. Low and behold, just as Ben had said, only two sites came up when i typed the 2 names together... hehe
Yeah, so now Ben knows that the whole "CU Blog Ring" thing exists.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Wow! I've been blogging for 6(ish) months now...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Woe Is Me!!..

I think it's difficult for people to understand what my "Woe is me" mood is exactly. They all say, "but you can serve God without a boyfriend", and "God provides all we need". I know that so well. I do admit that sometimes I don't put all my trust on God, and there is almost doubt in my mind, but never anything that would 'logically' make me feel the way I do.

I feel alone, even though God gives me friends and family that love me
I feel cold, even though God holds me in an embrace so warm and comforting
I feel desperate and rushed, even though God's timing is the best
I feel worthless, even though God himself has paid the price for me
I feel useless, hopeless and helpless, even though God uses me for his own plan to further his kingdom... and I know it's not up to me.

There is a conflict between emotions and logic, and emotion always wins. It's the same in all of us. We try to justify actions or feelings with logic. For example;

"Why did I yell at my husband just now? All he wanted was for me to sit down for a moment and rest from housework. It must be that I'm tired. He askes now? He never helps out! There is still too much to do"

This is what logic may lead this woman to think of the situation. In realitly it may be this;

There is nearly no housework left to be done, and her husband truely does want her to rest for a moment.
The reasons behind it could be, for example;

"My mother used to yell at me when I wasn't working. It was a shamefull thing to have fun!"

The emotion, despite her logic of "I shouldn't yell at my husband over something like this", gets the better of her. She feels shame, hopelessness and fear, which are quickly covered by one of the easiest things to control... Anger. Yes you heard me. Anger is being in control. We avoid our real emotion with a cover we can use and control. i'm not saying anger doesn't get out of control. It does, but thats the action. I'm talking of emotion.

You can see now what I mean by my emotion gets the better of me. I know the reality. I trust God!! But the feeling of I'm worthless and no-one loves me is still there, brooding and fluctuating... out of control.
Feeling sad, as I do for "no particular reason" at the moment, is another control feeling. Anger and sadness are two of the biggest cover emotions.
When I say "no particular reason", I dont mean for no reson. Like I was saying before, this is an inappropriate reaction to the situation. I know somewhere in my emotional memories there has got to be a reason for my feelings or worthlessness, helplessness, and lonelyness. Something that is triggered by a similar situation to the origional. So just like the woman, where a similar experience to the childhood version popped up... My "wanting" a BF situation must have a childhood equivellant. (I'm not sure if this is making any sense)

Anyway, whether it makes sense or not, I have been having difficulties with this and my lack of motivation when it comes to doing...well, just about anything. Both are not normal, and both are inappropriate. Could people please pray that God may help me find the hidden emotions behind the cover behaviors of feeling sad and procrastinating. Also pray that I may work around them, especially the motivation/procrastination one as exams are nearly here.

You are all so encouraging to me and I thank God for your friendship.
CU Soon!

P.S. All of this info. was from a book called "Self Therapy" by Muriel Schiffman... It's a really good book. It helps you to discover and tame self defeating behaviours. If you have any questions about the book, I'll bring it into uni/church/wherever... though it is my dad's, and he is reading it at the same time as me.

P.P.S. I really can't be bothered going through the whole thing and fixing spelling mistakes. So, yeah...

Friday, November 03, 2006

2 Funnies in 1 conversation...

Spot the two funnies...

Tareshima says:
I cant wait 2 hrs

δαφε says:

δαφε says:
no probably not

Tareshima says:

δαφε says:
wow i sparked quite the debate there

δαφε says:
lol mac vs pc

Tareshima says:

Tareshima says:
exactly 2 hrs now

Tareshima says:
abot earlier

Tareshima says:
I clicked the wr0ong button

Tareshima says:
ok when I strt tyoping spastic, it means i nedd to got o bed

δαφε says:

δαφε says:
i'm finding fuel for the fire on your blog

δαφε says:

I think I should go to bed...

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Dream Force Alliance!
'Tis my alliance in
OGame. I did make it I did. I also did make the Logo I did...
Here is the logo I did make!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Snnnnn *headdesk*

Matt said Snnnnn again... and here's the proof!! [Muahaha]

Tareshima says:
I cant believe we are having a conversation about this

Tareshima says:


Tareshima says:

Tareshima says:

Tareshima says:
*snnnnnail picture*

Wiggum says:
yeah but it's *headdesk* can't u have a convo about it??

Wiggum says:
snnnnn lol

Wiggum says:

Tareshima says:

*** note: *headdesk* is an emoticon of someone violently hitting there head against a desk