Thursday, September 21, 2006

Dear readers of the 'Animated Angel' blog site,

I am sad to say, that you will have to find your fun times, laughs and stupid stories somewhere else for a short while. This is due to two things. Firstly, I will be away for 5 days at Hill End for a geology field trip and will be unable to post. Secondly, we, as a household, are disabling one of our phone lines. This particular phoneline has been un-used by us except for unwanted "non-existent" faxes trying to come through, and of coarse, the internet. So to save money and agrivation, my father is changing the internet to our normal phone line. As a result our internet will be down for the period of a week, or there abouts.

There is an upside to this situation. During the changing of the phone lines, our internet will be upgraded. So a faster line, means faster uploading of my posts.

I thank you all for being such faithful readers of this particular personal blog site, and I hope that you will stick with me during this slight inconvenience.

Thank you for your time
Sencerely, [Insert Name Here]

P.S CU Soon!

So much to say, so little time

I have so many things to report on. I'll be as brief as i can, only putting in highlights as I have to prpare to leave on a field trip.

Jemimah's 18th

I went to Mima's 18th last Saturday. It was really good. I was expecting myself, Dave and Sarah to sit around being bored, and Sarah was expecting to be ignored. We don't see Mima all that often.
Jemimah was really friendly after all these years. Her friends were great and we had an awsome time. I was really surprised to see Charlie from Uni turn up. You can look at my Pics. site to see me and Charlie doing the penguin.
I taught some girls elephant face, which a few of us then proceeded to play. I'm sure it was ammusing to watch... keeping in mind, this was a cocktail party.

Womens Day

Womens day at CU was really good. There was a nice mix of topics, and bible based talks and examples from real life situations. Liz Burns, our guest missionary told us about her time in Tanzania. It was really encouraging seeing how people there persevere in faith and service. Also Liz put a real positive swing on being a single missionary, saying that she was free to go places couples or mothers couldn't go.
Myfanwy reminded us to be thankful instead of complaining. When we thank God for things, then we are grateful for them instead of finding fault in them. I found that really helpful.

WAM (women and men)

The mixed Men's and women's night was fun. We voted for a movie...hehe. Bill & Ted won!! Most Triumphant! Though only 4 of us ended up watching it in the end.
Finding out how incredibly ticklish Mike A. is was halarious. Robbo only had to reach out a hand and Mike would be nearly falling off his chair in fear of being tickled. Matt's blog has more on WAM night.

Small Group Social TO Insomnia

Our small group had a social on Tuesday. It was great getting together in the "holidays" and chatting. We saw a movie. Well I should say, started to see a movie. Snakes on a plane was abit much for the girls, and being also a girl, I decided that out of friendship I'd sacrifice the rest of the movie to hang out with Kath, Linda and Kat.

After the social Kat, James and myself went ten pin bowing, which was really fun. We had fish and chips and gelato afterwards together.

After that we headed off to Insomnia. I had to pick Matt up from his house and take him to the Cafe. Well, intraditional Amanda style, I got lost. WE got to Insomnia eventually.
Refer again to Matt's Blog for info. and my pics site for pics. (Coz' I'm in a rush)

Sorry this has been a very short and boring post. I can go into details when I get back from my field trip to Hill End. Pray for me. I just got my *women's troubles* and have to trek around possibly without an immediately avaliable toiltet near by, which is a Bugger... (sorry to the guys for that bit of info.)

I love you all and will CU Soon!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

MSN is funny

The things we say on MSN...

Me: Tonga has had a $.8 earthquake today
Katus: wow!
Me: 4.8 is what I meant
Katus: yeah, i worked that out
Katus: i speak fluent accidental shift


Live Long and Prosper

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Just Like Katus, I quite enjoy the rain, and just like Katus I find the aray of umbrellas that appear in the rain quite ammusing (hey kate, I spelt it right).

I have made an observation whilst at uni that you're more likely to have an asian randomly walk into you when walking along a path, then an Aussie. No offence meant, but I think that Asians don't look at you and move aside so as to avoid a collision. Instead they plow straight on, possibly hoping the other party will move before impact takes place. On the other hand, Aussie's make very brief eye contact, or at least glance up, then they unconciously start to move sideways. This way, a collision is generally avoided.

Maybe it's just a cultural thing

Never-the-less, I noticed this particular 'Asian' trait to be dangerous today. It was raining and umbrellas have pointy bits. I find myself having to choose between loosing an eye or jumping into a puddle to escape the flowery umbrellas of doom.

Aaanyway...that was my random two cents for today

CU Soon!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Rules for Holy Living

1Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
5Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.
7You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. 8But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. 9Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. 11Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.
12Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
15Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. 17And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Colossians 3:1-17

Friday, September 08, 2006


I've been sitting at my computer all day doing work. Now I've come to a point where I can no longer work. My brain is numb and my eyes hurt which makes me feel dizzy... not fun. So what do I do. I take a break. not off the computer, that'd be too smart. Instead I just change locations within the computer... so here I am posting!

Today has been going really slowly. On one hand that's a good thing because of all the work I still have to do. On the other hand, I just really want tomorrow to come. I want to spend a day with Sarah, and show her around uni. I want to meet up with friends and just relax and enjoy the relationships that God has given me.

This brings me to another thought. I'm not sure at the moment how I should act in my life. I've become very self centered in that I wish to enjoy everything I do... sure, 'doesn't everyone?' you say. Remember, I said "self centered". I have recently been out for MY OWN joy! I am finding it difficult to rejoice in God in all aspects of my life. This does not mean that I am moping around all the time or that when something specifically sad comes up I can't deal with it. In those situations the focus IS on God, because I find that there is nowhere else to look...
I am speaking instead, of the situations where I could be having fun, or I could be thinking about God, but instead my focus is on other possibilities.

Take today for example. I have been sitting at home wishing that it were tomorrow so I could go out and "enjoy the relationships God has given me with people". I do not wish to do work, so my attitude towards my work is half-hearted and is contemptive (if that's a word). In other words I am not making good use of THIS situation God has given me.

What should my attitude be...?

I have been thinking about it a bit. God has given me relationships with CUers and Sarah, Yes. But he has also given me my parents. I should respect and honour them by doing my uni work. Does this mean that I am to "enjoy" my work though???
I feel tired, like I have achieved nothing... but I've done work!?! It is only just now in thinking of my attitude in all situations that I have energy, that I feel like I have achieved something. The only way I feel like I have ever achieved something, is when God achieves something in me! He has achieved in me today a greater will to please him in all situations and a better understanding of what that means...


So, after that interesting insight (or ramble as some people like to call it) into my life, I move on. Batteries? you ask. Well I need to charge some batteries is all!
First were my 'spiritual batteries', which are now more sufficiently full. Next were my camera batteries so I could take photos tomorrow. They are in the charger. Also, my phone has 2 bars left. I'm still to deal with that! lol! Lastly, I have no enery physically...So I will now go and have a cup of tea...hehe.

Bye the way... If anyone gets bored and needs a quick giggle heres a good site. Katus gave it to me a while ago on MSN.

CU Soon!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Clap on. Clap off... Clap on!

Sorry that was just random!

I really havn't been posting all that much lately. I think It's because I'm slightly behind with my posting that I am becoming incredibly behind with my posting. Let me explain. I'm a bit behind, so I dont post an event. Then another event happens and I dont know which one to post first. I'm lost...!
I have decided to make this a catch up post. So from here on in, I should start posting normally again... hopefully!

Camp Rev

Last weekend my church's youth Group "Revolution" had it's weekend away. It was really great. It's really the first official Revolution camp we have ever had. My church has been gradually building up no's over the last 6 or so years (correct me if I'm wrong), so It was really good to see that due to our increased no's we could finally have a youth camp!

Tim Ascott (again, spelling, correct me if I'm wrong) spoke on the topic "Why should I?": Why should I: Trust Jesus, Pray, Read the Bible, and Go to Church?! The 'kids' gave really great rections to the talks. They were asking questions and discussing the topic. For the first time in some of the 'kids' lives, they had the chance to have a proper quiet time, and they were really enthusiastic about the concept.
The 'kids' asked really great questions about churches and music nad other stuff.

We had some activities, which were indoor rock climbing and sailing, which was really fun. In the evening of the Saturday we played a game called "Children of the Revolution". The game envolved our student minister ringing a bell and yelling for everyone to get to the meeting hall, "This is not a drill!" It was army style fun!
When we got into the hall Tim was playing army style drumming. David, our student minister was the captain. He had a Russian... no, Jamaican... no, german... His accent kept changing. One thing he kept making us yell was "For the Homeland!!"
The kids were in four teams and had to save Borris, or whatever we had named the cushion with legs. They had to do training in a specific area, like Engineering, Leading, camouflage, Medic's...etc. Basically the whole thing ended with me + three other leaders minding glowsticks and black cloth on Trig Hill with torches... hehe, Spotto!

Aaaany way! The weekend was a great success! Praise God for that!!!!

Other Stuff

Random Info...lets see. Hehe, I know where to start.

In My yr 9&10 Bible study group we've been going through 'sermon on the mount'. One of the girls, Rachel has been dying to read the "adultery" section of the sermon since we started. Today was the day we were actually doing the Adultery part, and Rachel was sick, so she wasn't there. We got to the Adultery part, and a suggestion was put forward that we call Rachel and she could read it out over the phone...
My mother walked into the room on her way out to Bible study just as rachel's voice is heard reading "If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away."


What else. Lets see. I have three assessments due next week...FUN! *rolls eyes* Two of them are major assesments. NOT FUN! The other one just takes up an unesissary amount of time.

This Weekend

Tgis comming weekend is Open Day at Uni. I'm going to show my Best Friend Sarah around. She's interested in looking at the Phsyc and Ed stuff. Should be fun. I'd really like Sarah to come to Mac Uni next year, but I know pressure won't help the situation. She has to decide for herself. I'll respect her decision to go somewhere else though. (But it would be nice to go somewhere with Sarah [apart from church] once in my life!!)

The same day...this is Saturday by the way... A CU Social is happening at Lissa's house. I really want to go coz' I didn't get to go to the Inferno social last Thursday. The only problem is, I'll be showing Sarah around uni. I told Sarah I would, and I love spening time with her, so I'd be ok to miss the social. I really would have loved to take her to the social with me. The last lecture she wants to go to will finish at around 3:00pm though, and that'd make it difficult to get her and me to the soc.
I guess I'll just see what happens on the day. So far It looks like I'm leaving Sarah half way through the day to go to the social alone...

I have nothing else to say for leave me alone! Just don't go. I didn't mean it... really! Please come back!... Please!
*whispers* Come Back!
Now no ones here I can sing! *sings* All by Myself. Don't wanna be, All by myself anymore!

Oh you're still here! I'll CU Soon then!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Well worth the drive

Well, It's been nearly a week but I finally got around to posting abouty the CU social last thursday. If you want to laugh your head off, than I suggest reading Kate's post.

I finished my Beach Mission meeting last thurday night at 8:30pm and arrived at insomnia cafe at around 10pm...what happened inbetween you ask me...hmmm?? I'm a fairly new driver and It really doesnt help when every one is going to Pennant hills and you head to Turramurra...but nobody told me the change of location so that part is not my fault. (don't appologise Em, It's not your fault... Luv U Em!). From Turramurra I drove down Kissing Pnt Rd and headed for the Comanara Parkway (I know I cant spell). Some moron was riding my tail half the way... some people just want to die!! Basically the whole thing ended with Em and Matt walking across the station to get to me, parked in a Bar carpark, and Em and Matt directing me to parking from within my car...good times, good times!!

I love some of the CU guys. They are such Gentlemen!! The first thing that happens when I walk into the Cafe is A great welcome. Ben stood up and offered me his chair next to Katus. Katus then told me to ask Chris how dinner was. I did... hehe. supposedly something or "someone" was missing... again I direct you to Kate's Post.

I think Matt has pics of The whole evening...I suggest looking at them... hehe