Tuesday, October 31, 2006

STUPID [insert complaint here]!!... yeah! Think about it!!

yaarrrggghh! I just deleted the whole post on my hair being short and I'm too tired to re-do it right now... In other words it'll probly never get done!!!...

Here's a photo anyway...*cries for lost post*


I need some of that chocolate right now...


Oh well I guess i'll leave you with the QQ of the whole hair experience straighteningy sorta thingy!!...lol

Dougie: Oh, are you wearing a wig!?



CU Soon!


ahhh... the memories...

Friday, October 27, 2006

"A Scanner Darkly"

Finally, a sci-fi movie I can look forward to! It looks confusing and clever... just the way I like it!... Blood and guts, Romace, Fantasy, War...these are some styles of movie I find entertaining...yet none has ever compared to the pure thrill of watching a REAL Science Fiction Movie!!!
(Turn up the volume and cross your fingers this video works)

Thursday, October 26, 2006

It's 12:11am and all I have to say is... Stupid Addictive OGame!!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Thank goodness the Fair Trade tea is nice enough to make up for the evils of skim milk *cue scary music*

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I am please to present into our CU blogring family...*drumroll*...DOUGIE!!!! He haseth a Blogger Blogeth as of today! Whoots and Huzzahs all around... eth!!

Hit or Miss!

I remembered what I was going to post (If that comment seems out of context, than read the post before this one)

I have this thing I do. when I can't sleep I turn on my TV. The channel I usually pick is SBS! It's a hit and miss thing. You've got to be careful, there are some dodgy things on late at night on SBS. Those are misses!! The hits are what I'm talking about!

Here are some recent HITS

"The Nanny"... The Iraqi version. An exact copy of the English one. I could even recognise the episode. It was the one where Fran goes to some premiere with max and he makes her leave the house with a handbag that doesn't match. etc. etc. creepy, but ammusing!

An asian movie. Those are always cool. This one was about destiny. The two main characters had met on a train and at a fair and fallen in love. I couldn't follow the whole story, 'twas abit difficult. They wanted to find each other but couldn't. turned out they had nearly met again heaps, but had never actually seen each other. Someone took pictures of the girl and the guy turned up in the background of every picture. It was really cool. They lived right next to each other, and she'd listen to him playing the violin without even knowing it was him. They ended up together in the end though, so it's all good! Whoot!

I think i was a French movie set mainly in Japan and quite abit of it was in Japanese. It was about a girl from France named Emile who went Japan to try and start a writing career of some sort 9can't remember). Some of the Japanese were really terrible to her. One woman espesially thought that she was inferior and stupid and treated her that way. In the end Emile quit to go back to France and start her career there. It was really sweet at the end though. Emile made a career for herself. She got a letter in the mail in japanese form the horrible woman. It said "Omedetou" which means "Congratulations"...

This one was just last night. It was a French movie about a woman and her son. The son did break dancing. The dancing was sooo cool. The mother yelled at her son alot, and the son was rebelios and disobedient. There were two break dancing teams that were going to compete against each other to go to America. One was UCB's the other was LD's. The son left home and the mother tracked him down to his rehearsals with the UCB's...he kicked her out. Then she met the LD's. She started going out with their DJ's...kinda weird...It was funny. Then she learnt some break dancing moves and joined the LD's with her old fashioned dance moves... like the Nicholas Brothers! In the end The mother and LD's go up against the UCB's and the son. I don't know who won, all I know is that the mother and son made up through the complexities of break dancing solo's and responses...meh?! The dancing was cool though!

Yeah, so it's worth checking out SBS at night! Like I said before though, be careful. It could be a HIT, or it could be a MISS!... are you game?
(Sorry that was totally random!)

Tis a post *Yargh*!

I haven't been posting much lately. I'm not sure why that is. Prehaps it's that I have little to post about, or that I lack the motivation to type anything at all... not exactly sure...

I had some specific content/theme that I wanted to post about but I can't quite remember what it was. All I know is that I was reminded of it last night. Oh well, prehaps in another post later today.

There have been various complaints about my absence at the Uni Cafe yesterday. There is in fact a story behind it, and here it is.
It was a sunny monday morning...wait was it sunny?... I can't remember. The weather is all messed up and I can't remember one day from the last! For now we'll say it was sunny.
So! It was a sunny monday morning when I got up. I got dressed in my stripy grey top with an orange skirt that no one at uni has seen yet I believe (Me thinks I should wear it tomorrow). I was planning to go fill up my car on the way to uni. Little did I know, I would never make it to uni (on time anyway!). I did my hair, like I always do. To my great surprise in styling my hair I discovered that I could tie my hair back into a little ponytail. Actually, it was more like a stump.
I've been growing my hair. My mum got pins out and tried to make it look acceptable to wear out. It was when I wore a head-band with it. By the time I had waited for my hair to dry to see how sucessful the pins had been it was too late for me to go to uni. You will indeed all see in time, the great absorbant powers of "Amanda'su Maghti Thicku Hairu!" *that has to be yelled in a japanese accent...prehaps also with an echo*
Yeah... so there it is!

Ok... moving on

Exams are fast approaching. For many this means study. For me it means try to study, but instead end up procrastinating!... Here is my list of awesome procrastination games (which I have ashamedly been playing);
- DOA 4 on X-box 360
- Perfect Dark zero on X-box 360
- Sims 2 in PC
- Call of Duty on both X-box 360 and PC
- AQ! on the net... yes Matt, I know. AQ is addictive when your trying really hard not to work...*giggles*

Ahh dear! I be a silly one Yargh! ***still can't believe I missed "talk like a pirate day"***

CU Soon!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Wednesday Arvo.

Sorry it took me so long to post. We are currently renovating. The flood is reboarded and mum 'n' dad have been painting it. For anyone who knows where my room is in relation to the hall and lounge room. That whole area is wet. I have to reach around the corner to get in and out of my room, so I have had little motivation to get to my computer let alone post... so yeah, sorry!

Wednesday arvo after CU was fun though. I got my fairtrade tea and it tastes good...mmmm. Emily was delighted to get her chocolate. The tea box was handy, it had step-by-step intructions on how to use the tea.

Katus: "How to use a tea bag"
Bella: How do you use a tea bag?
Katus: You eat it.
Bella: So, what do you do? Take off the paper and pour it out...?
Katus: No. You eat it all. Paper, Tea, and staple. It's a staple diet! *Buddum-Ching*

Also Em had a cup of hot water.
Nora: Why are you having hot water on it's own? Isn't it a bit warm? (Nora wanted me to put a note up that she was refering to the weather)

Bella, Ali 'n' me were singing in the cafe after CU. We had to stop,. I think we were drawing attention to ourselves, with the three part round of "He is Alive... and we are glad"

Here's a definition for you.
Church Mother Syndrome; Where a man/woman indicates that they are "leaving", yet some minutes later are found to be chatting with someone else; normally someone closer to the exit.

According to Katus, Chris has Church Mother Syndrome...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I dreamed a dream of times gone by

Yesterday was good fun. I'll recap it with my usual sub-headings...

Thin Section

I had to get to uni by 9:00am yesterday (which is relatively earlyish for me). The reason being, I was making a thin section from a rock which I picked up at Hill End on my Geos field trip. T'was good fun! I haven't finished it yet though. I have to go back in at 9:00am tomorrow morning to cut, grind, and polish the slide. Should be good to look at when it's done!

At the Cafe

The cafe was really funny yesterday. you can refer to Katus' blog. I'm not sure if Matt's gonna put anything up on it, but If you like you can look at his blog anyway.
Anyway. In the hours between 1 and 3ish the Cafe was very noisy. This can be attributed to a few things.
---- Alison ex-communicating people from the "house of Klauss" because they thought she was angry.
-Alison: I went on a camping trip with Tom, and I became really angry
-Pete and Chris: Became angry?!
---- Doug decided to sing "All by myself" everytime Chris said something depressing about himself... which happened quite a bit.
---- Dougie also singing "wake me up before you go go" to Katus with his arm around her. Jenny asking if anyone had scissors soon stopped dougie singing.

I can't remember anything else specific...the whole thing was HALARIOUS!!

Nursing Home

Ash and Jonno were visiting the nursing home in the arvo so me, Em and Matt went along as well. It was really quite good. I talked to two women, both with completely different backgrounds and perspectives of life. One had little family left to visit her. The other had people who weren't even her family visiting her. It was a good experience and I'd encourage people from CU to have a look into it.

Crazy Dream

I had 'The Most Awsome' dream last night, being myself, I have to tell you all about it...hehe

It started with me designing a landscape using sims 2. I made a huge lake with the shovel tool and built up hills around it. I looked at it for a moment or two from heaps of different angles. It was so familiar to me. I moved away from my lake to follow a river. The river ran through a valley...you know where this is going! Well, most of you should.
I started adjusting the valley, it was a tight ravine that I was initially walking through. There were people with me. And knowing that walking was no way to go where I was. I ran forward and launched myself into the air.
The wings in my stories are made of magic, not solid material. They fly out of the back with force. I felt this force from my own back, as much as you can feel force in a dream. I could fly. Not a half hearted dream hover, but flying.
Next i came to a palace perched on a cliff face... smaller than in my stories, but recognisable all the same. I had become Tanya. I was wering a head-dress which was somewhat like chain mail over my face. It looked amazing... not like chainmail at all, but beautiful. The other girls also all had interesting adornments. Maree had japanese ribbons and short hair into buns... I don't remember Chase and Celene though.
From there my dream became for a short while a game design. I was designing a game based on my books. t'was quite cool. I'm not sure why but it had a story similar to 'lord of the rings' though...meh!?
It soon returned to a life like state. I crossed the bridge by the waterfall. Assasins rose from the water like they were part of it. I don't remember much here, but I do remember running, and as I crossed the bridge it collapsed beneith me to leave me hovering mid air. You heard me, again I was flying!
Then my dream took me to the other regions. For the first time, my dream gave me what my regular imagination never has quite done. I could finally visualise some of these places. I saw the desert region. Mayhlem's palace, a long corridor, an open padonga like structure the view from which was only sand. Quite amazing!
I saw the islands. They were finilly a relevant to me.
Lastly I saw the crystal Capital. A sunken city of old. The origional settlement of men from earth crushed by a large crystal metior. The City, now made up of tall crytaline buildings and a tall palace. all of which are half in/half out of the water.

The whole thing was so spectacular! God is awsome!

CU Soon!

Friday, October 13, 2006

SUFM. SUFM. SUFM is here again.

In 2 hours I will be leaving to pick Laura up from her house and will start the long(ish) journey to Katoomba. Yes, atlast! My Beach Mission weekend away has arrived. Huzzah!!!


I'll be away for the weekend so I won't be posting untill Sunday night at the earliest, so feel free to chat amongst yourselves. If Sarah turns up say hello coz' she's missing out on the mission weekend because her HSC exams start next week. Don't stress yourself too much sarah!...

What is sad, is I wonnt be able to come to the trivia night for Pete and Em's Mission. So I'm gonna leave you guys some answers that will surely win the night for you!

1. Madagascar
2. Amanda rox
3. Madagascar
4. 2 Kings 8:1 (the only place in the bible you find canablism)
5. The Nile
6. Frodo... No. Pippin
7. 1984
8. Madagascar
9. the Bee gee's
10. Kwame, Wheeler, Linka, Gi and Ma-Ti

If all else fails, stand up as a group and sing the national anthem. When I get back I expect to know how many people stood up and joined you.

CU Soon!


Thursday, October 12, 2006

Fun with a Petrographic Microscope

Oh dear...

Was I having a blonde day today or what! I got to my 3hr Geos230 prac and I was gone... I couldn't concentrate at all!

Me: Francis, have you done sample 8.1 yet
Francis: Nope
Me: can you?
Francis: sure...why?
Me: i can't find the multiple twinning in Chloritoid anywhere! It's sposed to be really clear but I can't find it. Can you?
Francis: Did you flip down the polaroid lense.
Me:..........Ohhhh! I'm an idiot

Most of you who read this blog are no doubt, confused and not amused. I'll explain. See, I'd like to think of myself as actually quite good at mineral identifications. Multiple twinning happens frequently on a mineral called Plagioclase and it looks stripey, but only under polarised light. Me, looking at the stupid mineral in plain light, saw nothing but this...

Of coarse you can't see multiple twinning under plain light! You need to polarise it so it looks like this...

This is something I should have known... and this is why for 10 minutes after I was laughing and banging my head on the desk!...

Things picked up from there though. Soon after that to my surprise, my brain started working again...Huzzah!

Nathan, the Tutor only proving my brain was working...

Me to Nathan: Is there such thing as Chrinoidal Limestone?
Nathan to me: Yes there is!


Me to Francis: No. There's no Hornblend. It's all biotite, the extinction angle is zero. There does seem to be some discolouration caused by chemical alteration in the biotite though.
Nathan to Francis: It's biotite. It's been partially altered to form chlorite.


Me to Alex: I think it's biotite. It may have just been smudged though. That would explain the wacky birefringance!
Nathan to Alex: No! It's not Biotite. It's a mineral we haven't encountered yet!

*Well, 2/3 isn't too bad...Whoot anyway!*

Later I was amused to find that Alex's pencil case which is one of those ones you can slide letters into to spell your name, did not actually say Alex on it. It said John. Supposedly that is it's name. That was funny enough without Francis pointing out the fine print to me above and below the name John!

I am a pencil case
Hello my name is
My owner is a lovely girl named ALEX!

Well... that was my bizarre Geology lesson!
CU Soon!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Wednesday arvo was fun today! Sarah came to CU with me...WHOOT!!! She fit in nicely, well according to James... my comment was "Is that a compliment or an insult?"

Katus: How am I sposed to take a picture of my own blisters?

Becky deciding that a great inspiration for people to buy fair trade products would be to read from her Politics text book.

Also the whole Trogdor thing...hehe. I drew trogdor

Yeah, tis all crazy!

CU Soon!

Monday, October 09, 2006

To my darling eldest daughter...

Please be carefull when you go to Tonga. They have had more earthquakes. Yesterday they had four. One was 6.2, two were 5.4 and one was 5.3!

Don't panic too much. Though tose numbers are not pretty, the earthquakes are in the Tonga region, not actually Tonga itself.

What to say...

Lord it's you who gave me life and I can't explain just how much you mean to me...

Sorry, I side-tracked for a minute there. This post is an update of my life;

Today was ammusing. I went into uni to do research and buy cardboard for my poster and as usual found myself sitting amongst Cu'ers in the Cafe... typical. 'Twas good fun, till 2pm when everyone 'cept me and jenny decided to skidaddle (hehe). It's all good though, because Katus cam, then Pier and Lauren. I couldn't help but bring up the topic of an ammusing torture for my novel... hehe. Lauren's was my faverite and I may actually use it.
Lauren: How about being beaten to death with a stick of celery?

Uni work
I hate uni work, but being at uni I have to deal with it! I still have to finish my poster for Palaeontology... then why am I posting you ask?... [discussion topic!] (lol)
After this week I'll be free from any major assessments for a while...WHOOT! *dancing turtle*

Sarah will be coming to CU on Wednesday... I think she was angry with me on Sunday for destroying her sadness that the Doctor couldn't actually say "I love you" because there would be complaints from long time watcher. She didn't like that. I hope she can forgive me for spoiling her deep despair, just as I have forgiven her for shoving her hand over my mouth to shut me up...*tee hee* I LOVE YOU SARAH!

Stupid Telstra
I'm with AAPT which uses Telstra's network I believe. Telstra have changed things around to make way for their NextG net thingy...STUPID! I now have no coverage...none, anywhere. My mobile is (hopefully temporarily) useless.

I feel generally sad at the moment for no reason...but I do that. (By the way, I know you people. Now that I've said that you all being loving are going to be all like "I love you", "Smile", and "Your special"... come on. I know you all care but just this once I'm actually not looking for sympathy... Insult me, make me laugh, comment on something totally random...just this once. If I didn't say this I know you'd all only focus on the Amanda is sad thing)

Well, I'd better be off. Gotta finish my stupid uni work. Toodles!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

BSD - Discussion Topic

Discuss >>>

What is an ammusing torture?

"This was because they would have to chain her to a 12 foot pole and ____________________ before she allowed three strangers to guard her 24 hours a day."

Please remember that the torture;
- must not already exist.
- must not involve tecnology, if possible.
- should be AMMUSING... obviously.
- Must be appropriate. It is in the context of a 10 yr old girl

Remember, Be Creative!
I just highlighted my entire blog...I think it would look great in INVERTED colours!
Let's hear it for Dave... Huzzah!

Dave is posting again...that's great! Now I have more distractions, whoot!

To all the CU 'stalkers' out there

To you who are reading my blog, and other CU blogs. I'd appreciate it if you commented. A simple "Hi!" under your name or even anonymous would suffice. Just so I know how many people read my blog. I promise not to get you involved you needn't do any more but let me know you're there now and then. I would really appreciate it!

Some points to make on this subject;
- My knowledge you are there makes me less paranoid.
- I can adjust my posts to better suit your entertainment needs. (ie. personal jokes and so on)
- I do not require you to "get involved". don't feel under pressure to "be a part of it all". I'd just like to know you are there.
- More comments, even just "hi!" makes me look cooler/more popular! lol...
- Doesn't everyone just want to feel like they are important and are "acknowledged"

That is all from me...

CU Soon!

Ed says....

It's someone's special day today. Wow, that sounded lame... Yay for Nana. It's her birthday. She's very slowly reaching the correct grandmother age...hehe
Here is a very special picture just for you... (It's the real Ed)
Hope you have a very wonderful day. We all love you soooo much!
Love, Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tirvruski IV

Friday, October 06, 2006

Choose your own adventure

Due to my current obsession with all things Tarnnish, I have decided to actually finish chapter 2 of my novel. Or at least a drafted version, which is better than nothing...

I think I have decided to cut straight from the informing of Royal selection to Tanya leaving for the Palace. I'm not sure yet if there'll be anything in between, but I'm gonna leave it out for now and see how it goes. Also, I'm still not sure what to write once she gets to the palace. As Katus knows I have an awsome decription of the palace as she approaches it, but from there on I'm just not sure.

Some ideas include; a banquet upon arrival, some elimination of prospects before the next chapter ("The Procession"), some classes/lessons in etiquet/fighing/magic/flying/etc... The problem is. There will be classes after the choices of Royals as the princes and princesses position is one of training. So maybe that should be kept to a minimal here. Also "The Procession" will be devoted mainly to the training tasks.

I don't know... I'd ask my readers for help, but I doubt any of you actually have any idea of what i'm talking about... except prehaps Sarah, and maybe Kate. Also if any random person reads this and feels like stealing idea's 1. don't!! 2. I really hope you don't understand what I'm talking about! 3. DON'T!!

I read through my prologue and chapter 1 today... I got so into it. So sad what happens to Kate...Not Katus Kate...lol (I'm gonna stop giving away plot now)

If anyone has any great ideas, even if just for Blog discussion, then go ahead and comment. I don't mind... ok. I'll start. What should be served at the banquet?... Discuss.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I am Tarnnish, see me soar

I really have lost all care for blogging on past events... particularly my Hill End field trip and the day in the city. If you really want to you can look at Kate's and Matt's blogs to see photos and read all about the day in the city.

Highlights from My Field Trip:

- Nathan digging a massive hole in the new road at hill end with the back of the bus. You can look at my Pics. site for the GPS co-ordinates, which were written on my hand.

- The baby lamb... sooo cute

- Singing in the Kitchen with Ben, Steve and Alex, while Frances looked on confused and ammused.

- The giant Goanna which jumped up in front of steve to claim it's territory (which was an old tree). Also the same day, Lauren nearly stepping on a goanna. We think the Goanna's were out that day because there were alot of lost lambs out and about.
"We all like sheeop have gone astray"

-The Red-Belly-Black-Snake. It was trying to get away from us, but many of us (Not me) only insisted on getting closer to it to take pictures... T'was like watching a horror movie, "No, don't go down that corridor! There's an axe weilding maniac waiting to kill you!"

- The many bizarre comments me, Ben and frances got when we told people we were going to look at the stars instead of staying up to get drunk on the last night.

- Nathan and Dick are awsome tutors. No more needs to be said! (even though no geologists read this blog page)

Highlights from the Lindt day out:

- Me, getting lost, once again... though I did get to insomnia on time this time, and I beat Ems and her crew to Inferno.

- Ben and Matt darting in and out of the Bar at The Rocks to get AFL score updates.

- The awsome Charicature of all six of us... Being; Me, Ben, Ems, Matt, Katus and Beck (AKA Sunny... ooh, by the way; Welcome back to Blog life Sunny!!!)

- The many rediculous photo's taken all around Circular Quay and the Opera House...hehe. I finally got my Anime shot!

- Moving from one place to the next as to not go home, but get the most out of one day as is possible... From Lindt Caffe to the rocks to walking around the quay to procrastinating and deciding on what to eat to Inferno to Insonmia and finally, to Ben's house and watching Narnia till 1:00am

- If you go to insomnia, there should now be a drink on the menu called "The Amanda". It's a Butterscotch and Coconut Italian Soda... quite nice!
"I'm glad I'm a nice drink!"

Now onto other things
Yes onto other things indeed... I think that I just may have to move in with Ems and Katus. My Tea drinking habbits are becoming worse. I seem to be drinking it every spare moment... well not quite, but I'm well on my way.

Sarah was going to come to CU this week or next week. She chose next week, so for those of you who were hoping to meet her, you'll have to wait another week. This is good for Ems and Matt who might not be there this week anyway, though they should make every effort to be *nudge nudge*
Instead, Neko Sama, a small girl who befriends Tareshima and Araya in Velvet Rifle Showdown, will be at CU. Sorry, I got abit lost in my own fantasy world for a second there... Neko sama is to Tareshima, as Emily (Amanda's little sister) is to Amanda.
Yes! My crazy, 15 yr old sister has decided that she will be joining me tomorrow at uni. Strange, I know. Supposedly she went to EU at Sydney with Dave and now wants to see what CU's like... Far superior, no doubt!!

Well, that's all from me for now.

CU Soon!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Lets get Ready to Ramble!


My net is back up and twice as fast... oh, and to my Nana, sorry for constantly putting my personal details on my site. I have fixed that. Please tell me if the alterations are to your liking.

I hate being offline for so long. I now have so much to say, but it's so much more difficult saying it well when it's been all bottled up for a week.

I'll do seperate posts for my rambles! Hehe... also to remind you all, there will be updates on my pics site.

CU Soon!