Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My mother just asked me, "Why are you done up like a dog's dinner then?"
My response was, "...What?"
"A dog's dinner, you're done up"
(Just for the record I'm not "done up". I'm wearing my teal skirt and a yellow top, and it's all I could find that was clean..hehe)

"Mum~ the dog's dinner looks disgusting!"

Ahhh, those good old days

Ahhh, those Wednesday Arvo's. Last semester was great after CU on Wednesdays. We would have bible studies, talk, joke, and play celebrity heads with small fluro pink post-it notes. Great times...but this semester, its been kinda different. It still has its little purps (Is that even a word? I know you can put it in a sentance, but... yeah, never mind), but it's not... the same!...

HEHE... untill NOW!... this arvo was great...Almost how it used to be. A bunch of us there provin' you can have fun around a circular table. I can't remember any exact quotes, I'll leave that up to Katus the quotable quotes master!!

Maddie, Robbo and Mike were all sitting around challenging each other at snake on Maddie's phone. Mike had gotten to level 5...the game was on...when Robbo finally got to level 5 he looked quite pleased. Maddie didn't get there though, I blame her Uni work distracting her. There are more important things to do than read through work Maddie...tut tut!

I don't know how many times I had to explain the 'Amanda Pat' to the guys. Once each for Dougie, Robbo and Chris...hehe. Strange boys!!

I'm surprised how many people read the blog ring and dont comment...come on guys. If you read it, than comment...Otherwise it's just scary. At least say, "Hi!".

Bella had a picture of a Llama on her phone, I started singing the Llama song... SHE DOESN'T KNOW IT!!! Sooooooo...*drumroll* Here's a link just for you Bella!!

CU Soon!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


By request... (well not really. I wanted to put this picture on my site) I am putting a picture that I drew on my blog site as a post. It's a picture of Tareshima, a character from mine and a friends anime "Velvet Rifle Showdown".

Tareshima is the older, yet slightly shorter sister of two. The other sister is Araya. The two girls represent myself (tareshima) and my friend Annie, who is in England (Araya)... Who I miss!

Sdrawkcab Tsop... (Backwards Post)

Siht tsop si yleritne sdrawkcab. Llew, drow drawkcab dna ecnatnes drawrof. (Eheh... siht sdnuos dnik fo Naissur).

I desu ot eb elba ot kaeps sdrawkcab ylriaf yltneulf, tub I tsol taht ytiliba a elihw oga! Eno gniht I desu ot syawla yas saw, "My name is Amanda Jane Smith", hcihw fo esraoc setalsnart kcab otni Hsilgne sa 'Ym eman si Adnama Enaj Htims' . Won taht I kniht tuoba ti, taht si eht ylno gniht I nac llits yas yltneulf sdrawkcab.

M'i ton erus erehw I dekcip pu eht aedi fo gnitirw na eritne tsop sdrawkcab. I kniht ti saw no enomos sesle golb etis... ho llew.

I kniht s'ti lla ni eht yaw I nac esilausiv eht drow M'i gnikool rof, taht ym ytiliba ot kaeps sdrawkcab semoc morf. I naem, fi uoy ees a drow ni ruoy daeh, naht s'ti reisae ot yas ti sdrawkcab. M'i yllaer gnitteg kcis fo taht drow won... SDRAWKCAB!!! gniyona (Si taht woh uoy lleps ti Etak?... Yeh, uoy dluohs esingocer ruoy eman sdrawkcab Sutak, esuaceb uoy syawlla etirw ti sdrawkcab no ruoy sgateman [si taht eno drow ro owt?])

I kniht I evah dias hguone (Hoo... taht dednuos adnik ton!)

UC Noos!

S.P. esaelp od ton tniop tuo ym swalf sselnu uoy evah nekat eht emit ot daer ym eritne stop... knaht uoy!

Monday, August 28, 2006

A picture tells 1000 words

Hehe... I was reminded recently of a page of donkeys that was drawn by various 'artists' during a CU cafe moment. I went searching for the note book that contained this page of donkeys and became thouraghly (can't spell, don't care, didn't even try to get it right this time.) amused by what other art had been done in this book.

So I have gone to the effort to scan in some of these amusing pictures. As you will see, I spend my time very effectivly...hehehe


This is a random page of ...well... donkeys. See if you can actually spot mine...

Le Doug VS. Le Mandie

this is the second competition between Dougie and myself... guess who's is who's...

Blonde moment of the year

Yeah this explains its self...sorta. (Well Katus will get it anyway)

other random stuff



ANIME HEADS...when I could actually draw them...

Yeah well, that's all from me...untill I find "Le Doug VS Le Mandie" The First and original comp.

CU Soon!

Trekky Update
Episode 7: Day of the Dove
Season 3: The Origional Series

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Stupid Uni Work

I have to do work, so I'm just updating abit of info for my wonderful readers.

Firstly: I have more family members. I will put a new "House of Klauss" family tree up on my blog patient my little ones

Secondly: Auntie Bec has a blog...Welcome Bec, I hope your time with us "insane" people is enjoyable.

Thirdly: I'm eating my dinner at 5:30pm...I have to do work now if I wanna go to Tae-Kwon-Do tonoght...just for the record, it's pasta.

And Lastly:

Trekky Update
Episode 4: And the Children Shall Lead
Season 3: The Origional Series

CU Soon!

Monday, August 21, 2006

This story does have a point

My church is rather small, so if something happens...say, someones phone rings, most of the time people just laugh. Well that's what happened to me last night. I don't usually turn my phone off in church because nobody tends to call me at that time (the occasional message, but nothing more). My phone went off during the sermon with a loud happy ring tone called "Rhondo Caprio". It was a call from home. I hung up and put my phone on silent whilst everyone giggled and stared.

The sermon continued, untill... do you know that loud beeping noise radios make when you're recieving a message, well that happened through the piano speaker (so it was loud). I looked down at my phone expecting a call from home again, when my sisters phone went off. Her phone ring is also happy-go-lucky (It's called "Beach"- we both have the same 'nokia' model). She hung up!

We all had a good laugh. Sarah made a comment about someone trying to contact the Smiths. Me, thinking it could be an emergany walked out of churched and proceeded to call home. A rough version of the phone conversation is below:

Dad: Hello...
Me: Hello
Dad: Oh, thank goodness.
Me: Why are you trying to call me during church?
Dad: Mum's phone is off. Why aren't you and Emily answering your phones?
Me: We're in church! Mum always turns her phone off. I don't ever get calls so I leave mine on, but you called during the sermon.
Dad: ... We need milk!
Me: ... Why did you call during church to tell me that?
Dad: Because I would have forgotten later.
Me: You could have messaged.
Dad: You wouldn't have checked your phone... then I wouldn't get milk!
Me: Ok!?... Bye...
Dad: Bu-buy.
*hang up*

I walked back into church and sat down next to mum. She leant over and whispered, "What did he want?" I replied, "Milk!"

...*silent hysterics*

When I told Emily later her response was, "Why doesn't he drive up and buy some?"

Parents are funny!

The Psychology of Water

There was alot of Coffee tasting at "Coffee Cognizance" tonight. The Gloria Jeans people brought us water afterwards to wash down the coffee. It's amazing how much entertainment you can get out of a glass of water when you're hyped up on caffine. Me and Em, after having a good laugh at how we could so fluently slur our speech and race our words, decided to deldge deep into the psychology of a glass of water. We swirled our cups and looked deep into the water...

Em: How does the water make you feel?... My life is a whirl wind.
Me: I'm going in circles.
Em: I'm... in a dishwasher.
Me: I feel transparent...
*fits of giggles*
Me: I'm cold.
Em: I'm shallow.
Me: I'm bland, yet refreshing.
Em: multi-purpose... able to be frozen or boiled.
Me: I feel like I'm just going with the flow of things...
*fits of giggles*

A one time experience of insanity...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

I appologise to Alison for my terrible spelling... The correct spelling is:

The house of KLAUSS

Friday, August 18, 2006

Download Failure

Stupid downloads... My computer won't donload the photo of my rocks. That's probably a good thing for all of you innocent bystanders. You'll just have to miss out on my immense quartz collection, my pumice, my beatiful comparisons of Gabbro and Basalt which can again be compared to my Pink Granite, Not to mention my many pieces of sand stone.

Right now you're all thinking "thank goodness we got out of that one!"... shame on you all...


CU Soon!

'Collections' by Le Mandie

I have decided for no reason at all to show you some of my bizarre collections. I have chosen two specific groups to show you. These collections are of my Anime and my rocks. Other options could have been; Complete novel collections (Tamora Pierce, Narnia, LOTR, and Harry potter), All sims games (minus Making Magic and Sims 2 expansions... not really a collection after all) Sci-Fi movies and series (I'm sounding more and more like a nerd every moment), or even my collection af Christian T-shirts (including "God's Mega Quest", "Desert detectives", "Toowoon bay SUFM", "Jesus said, 'Follow Me'" and ofcoarse "Jesus, the alternative to religion, (not the religeous alternative)").

All of those were fine...*cough... Nerd!!*... but I chose two specific ones I could take photos of... hehe!


Photos and lists are below...

Evangelion series, Evangelion Movies, El Hazard, Now and Then-Here and There, GeneShaft, Bubblegum Crisis (origional series), Gundress, Blue Submarine No. 6, Argentosoma, Crystania, Sin, Sakura Wars series, Gun Smith Cats AND Witch Hunter Robin.

Ninja Scrolls, Final Fantasy, Sailor Moon (origional series), Sailor Moon R (series R), Macross Plus, Chobits, Nadesico series.

Gasaraki, Fruits Basket, Burn Up Excess, Burn Up W, Noir, Ryvius, Dangaizer-3, Guardiean of Darkness, Black Magic M66, Vampire Hunter D, Sol Bianca, Neoranga, Gundam-W, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Escaflowne movie, Escaflowne series, Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 (new series).

There are also series and movies that are not mine: KL-FL, Miyazaki movies, Kino's Journey, Heat-Guy J, Last Exile, Metropolis, Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Helsing, Outlaw Star, ummmm.... I can't think of them all off the top of my head

You get the point!!


Geology ROCKS!

hehe... this one's not as bad...

... Download isn't working *phew, they all say*

I'll try in a different can't excape me...MUAHAHAHAHA!

The House of Alison is now officially called... *drumroll*

The House of Clouse

Trekky Update
Episode 26: Mission Earth
Season 2: The Origional Series

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A Warm Jacket & a New Family

I'm WARM At last!! Some of you may have read a previous post of mine. It talks about awsome people at CU and Alison has a good quote. The quote is what I'm refering to here. A decision has been made (for those of you who know what I'm talking about). I have stopped waiting for the duna, I have no duna to even wait for. God has now instead blessed me with the warmest jacket I have ever worn. He has given me a freedom from my obsessive nature. In denying me what I want he has given me an even greater gift... A greater knowledge and understanding of him, and an un-dying trust in his control over my life. And that, in the end is of so much more value to me!!

On a different note...hehe. I have a new family. Well, the family has been building up over a few weeks, but I think it's at a considerable size now for me to tell you all about it !! lol!

The House of Alison

Not shown above are my God Mother Beckie, and My daughter Bella's invisible friend Kate. Katus wanted to be a disinterested bystander, but I think invisible friend is more interesting, at least untill I can convince her to be my daughter! hehe

Mummy Kath keeps calling me Andy, she wanted boys you see. So I'm Andy, Susie is Sam, and Em is Matt. Horrible Mother. Though I can't speak, my Daughter has an invisible friend...

It's a crazy Life!!

P.S. I hope you can all read the family tree...I'm not sure how clear it is!! Hehe... tiny font!!

P.P.S. all the "???"'s are the legitimate fathers of the childeren, and they are serving in the navy!!

Monday, August 14, 2006


How exciting. I took my echo around the block afterwards to see what it was like driving by myself. I was surprised to find that it was actually easier than having a liscenced driver watching your every move. Then again, looking over that last sentace it's actually quite easy to see how I'd be more relaxed without someone breathing down my neck. hehe. I did the worst reverse park I have ever done... ever! It was terrible! I bumped the curb when reversing, then when I straightened up I messed up the gear changes and jolted the car backwardds and forwards. When the guy spoke to me afterwards he said, "You've passed. You need to work on your reverse parking though. You didn't get any of that right." My response was, "I'm actually usually good at reverse parking... really!" I was telling the truth, that was by far the worst I've done reverse parking.

BUT I PASSED!! YAY! I wouldn't say I'm a bad driver anyway, just inexperienced. On the way home I noticed people not indicating, shooting straight through stop signs and speeding. I bet if they did the test I just did, they'd fail! Just goes to show I've got to be extra careful driving when there are crazy people about... oh, wait... I am a crazy person! lol

CU Soon!


I'm going for my P's in about an Hour... scary! (for others... hehe). I'm just posting this to get over some of my nerves. I believe I'm fairly compitant,but I'm afraid I'll get really nervous and make a cruicial mistake.

I have to do my ISYS assignment...stupid! So many things are due in week 4 of Uni. Oh well.

At night after church, Sarah has to set up gymberoo (which is some crazy toddlers gym thingy). Myself, Dave, Emily, Rachel and Laura all sat up and kept her company. It's always amusing to watch/participate in rolling around the church hall floor on scooter boards which are incidentally meant for 3 yr olds. lol... Rachel recorded it on Sarah's phone. One recording has me flying past backward on the board and the camera following me. Quite Funny! My little sister is insane. Quite randomly she yells out, "I can bark like a cougar!" then she made this growling screechy noise. Rachel tried to record her doing it again, but Emily couldn't stop laughing. Insane Child with no evedent relation to me! *shifty eyes*

I saw one of the sweetest things yesterday at church. One of our families is going through a rough time. Thier youngest daughter has to have a trachiotemy, which is really quite sad. The lady doing prayers was quite sympathetic and started crying at the beggining of prayers. There was a pause, I looked up and saw her husband walk up to the microphone, and he continued her prayers for her. It was really touching to see how God, even though things can be tough, will always give us someone to encourage us, or help us, or even just to hold us for a little while. I'm always encouraged by the fellowship of God's people.

Well that's all from me for now, till I get back from my P's Test

CU Soon!

Trekky Update
Episode 24: The Ultimate Computer
Season 2: The Origional Series

Friday, August 11, 2006

Warning!...this post is long

I apologise in advance for this post as it is very long. I havn't been on my blog in days and have an accumulation of things to say. Things will be under sub headings as this is the easiest way for my readers to pick and choose their information. Thank you for your time...


On Tuesday night I went to Ashleigh's house to play games and chat. Myself, Ash, Em, Dougie, Ben, Robbo, Matt and Ash's little brother all hung out eating sugar and laughing at Doug's 'terrible' pick up lines, which I dare not repeat. lol. (There not as bad as I'm making them sound). The whole night I was coughing, and at one point I started having a coughing fit and everyone stopped and stared. I think Ben thought I was dying. He looked quite concerned.
We were having a general discussion about how guys mutilate themselves, and how that's stupid. (tut tut). Robbo and Dougie's response was to play "Elephant Face". Instructions are as follows: 1. put left hand open on face. 2. put right arm straight, through left arm, so you look like an elephant. 3. swing arm violently, hitting the other player.
Really quite amusing!


At CU this week we had talks on dating. We also had a pannel answer questions on the same topic. It was really interesting to discuss some of the issues that christians have with the topic of dating, and how to go about it. Most of my thoughts on dating and marriage were affirmed during te meetings. One of the things I thought was interesting was how Ian said that these are all different ways of preparing to serve in a relationship, and the topic of finances came up. I'm broke! This may be something I need to consider fixing or talking to God about before I start any relationship, because I do not with to be a burden on my significant other... (not like I have one, but I should be prepared).
Chris in Thursday asked the pannel, "why don't girls just come up to you and say what there thinking. Why do they just giggle and expect the guy to do the work?" That was interesting, but kinda true. I guess girls want to be persued (that's what Ali said too). At the same time, we can't expect guys to know exactly what we are thinking. If a girl likes a guy, she should pray, talk to close friends, consider the issue carefully, then if the situation calls for it tell the guy she likes him!. I'm speaking from experience. And while saying something hasn't solved all my problems (obviously) I have gotten my feelings into the open, and then allowed the male in question to 'take charge' of the situation.


No. Not quite yet! I'm finally going for my P's on Monday! Pray that I don't crash and kill a whole row of school children.

Which Bank...?

The bank didn't realise I was still a student so they started charging me monthly for my savings account. I went and fixed that today. I have two quotable quotes about my bank experiences, and funnily enough they are both exactly the same.

Me: I have to go to the bank
Ali: Which bank?
Me: the commonwealth bank...

Alison thought I had set her up!

Me: I have to go to the bank
Maggie: Which bank?
Me: *sigh* The commonwealth bank...

Random Quotes

Pete: (eating chocolate which claimed to be 'the finest in the world') It's the world's finest chocolate, if you compare it with...Saturn

Whilst me an Ali were eating the same chocolate
Ali: It's funny...(pulls face)
Me: But not ha ha funny...

Robbo: (whilst playing Bartok, a version of Uno where you can't point or you get a card) You've got to fist!

St John's anglican in North Ryde has a new sign up which says.
God thinks you're to-die-for"

(~I found the sign Rach!~)

Life in General

I feel so confused. I'm trying to stay on top of things and organise myself early in the semester, but I'm having real difficulty doing that. If people could pray that I'd keep my thought on track and keep ontop of my work before I become overloaded, It'd be much appreciated. It's really great that we can put prayer points down on our blogs, and that people then pray for them. Thanx for being great friends!

CU Soon!

Trekky Update
Episode 23: The Omega Glory
Season 2: The Origional Series

Monday, August 07, 2006

There! I have added some more friends to the non-CU friend list so that David won't feel so lonely.

Blog Crazy!

wow! It seems that there are alot of CUers that have pre-existing blogs and I didn't know about them. I've added some of them to my "Friends" It turns out I'm allready on the friends list of some blogger's. I'm on Matt's. HI Matt! Now poor Dave is the only non-uni blog friend. I would make Sarah get a blog, but she's doing her HSC and I couldn't tempt her. That's just Cruel!

I have this nasty cough thingy. It's making my throat dry and ouchie, but you didn't really want to hear about that did you?! teehee

Sunday, August 06, 2006


My little sister and some friends organised a surprise party for my friend Laura yesterday. The plan was Emily, my little sis was going to go to Laura's. Then her and Laura were going to walk back to the the Hargreaves where Laura believed Claire was waiting, ready to go up to the plaza to get dinner for Laura's Birthday. When Laura and Emily reached the top of Claire's St, Emily was to prank Claire's mob. She had even practiced so she could push the buttons with her phone by her side and not looking at it, as to not draw attention. Funny Child! So we got the prank and hid. I was on light duty. We'd already practiced on Dave, Claire's Brother. So Emily walks to the door making lots of noise, and Laura rings the doorbell. Claire answered the door.
Claire: Hi Laura, Happy Birthday! Come in... How are you?
Laura: Fine (hugs Claire)
Emily: why's it so dark in here? (I rolled my eyes...way to make it obvious Emi)
Claire: (pulling Laura further into the house). So have you had a good... 1 2 3!

I flick on the lights and everyone jumps out and yells surprise!
Good fun. I think we nearly killed Laura though! lol...

Quotable Quotes from the partae!

Emily: Everybody look at me. (people turn and look. Emily counts them) Now I'll try the people in the kitchen.

Lochlan: (whilst Laura is blowing out a single candle) Try and blow them all out with one go!

My big Sissa Sarah moved out yesterday. We were helping her set up her room.

Me: This would be easier to do if we were playing sims. Then we could turn the bed and table, and wardrobe without effort.
Emily: Yeah, and you could change the walls to match the furniture, and the windows.
Me: The only thing you couldn't do which you can do in sims, is design your own family...(silence... giggles)

CU Soon!

Saturday, August 05, 2006


I stayed up late last night, or is it early this morning. I don't know. Me, Dave, Deb and Shell decided to sit around and watch movies all night. I finally got to watch "A Mid Summers Night Dream" which is good, 'coz I've been wanting to watch it for ages. Though it is a bit more difficult to appreciate early in the morning. We aslo watched "Billy Connelly, Live" If that is how you spell his name. He does this thing where he starts to tell a story, then he gets side tracked with all these little minor details and mini stories, then he eventually just flips back to the main point. Quite funny.

I've had 4 hrs sleep and I have to go to Tae Kwon Do. Well not have to. I am choosing to go, because I 'should be recieving a green tip belt. I graded last week. My reverse turning kicks were appalling (I really can't spell. I'll blame it on the lack of sleep!)

Oh well, I'm likely to fall asleep mid kata and get kicked in the head. Fun times.

What's even better is were holding a surprise party for a friend tonight, so I'm gonna get even less sleep. I'm just hoping this isn't the day this particular friend happens to stumble across my blog. That'd be funny(or not).

Maybe I'll nap in the arvo!

CU Soon!

Trekky Update
Episode 20: Return to Tomorrow
Season 2: The origional Series

Friday, August 04, 2006

Quote of the Day

Thanks to Rach and a 3 hr palaeo prac, I have aquired a quote of the day.
Rach: (whilst looking at strange fossils) It's a starfish brain with a butt and a non butt
Yeah you can talk to Rachel about that one...hmmmm. It was (as rach called it), one of those moments where if Ash was there she would have laughed at it. Well, I though it was funny.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I've Got It!

I got the quote from Katus who is also a legend, thank you very much!
Band Guy: "This next song is about being cool"... "Take a photo of me baby, because I'm soooo Coool"
It was the slick, smooth way he said it that was funny. All compliments to Kate for helping me remember that. More fun stuff on her post from 'today'.

More amusing things

I forgot to add some things that hapened today. One quote I can't remember, but other things I can.
This afternoon, me and Alison were pretending to be on a roller coaster. We went around a corner, up the hill, paused at the top, then our arms flew into the air as we plumetted downward. Then back up, a sharp left turn, and two loops, in between which we had our photo taken. It looked more amusing than it sounds.
More funny stuff. A girl was giving out lollies. I took some and brought them back to the CU stall. Then everyone else wanting lollies went to get some. I was hoping all morning that the girl giving out the lollies wouldn't walk past the stall, because her first thought would have been, "So! The christians took all my lollies!"
Me, Katus and Alison attempting to do a round with kids songs was fun, though being that we were in the middle of the path outside the stall, I wouldn't be surprised if we had less people signing up to CU today than the other days.
I know there was another quote, but I can't remember it... yaarrgh!
Oh well, I'll put it down when I remember it.

What a Day

Jane-Jilly-Joe is freaking out. She's had a very interesting day. (Just incase you don't know, I'm Jane-Jilly-Joe.
It's Mac Uni O-week and Cu has a stall. It's heaps of fun being able to meet with Christians in the middle of the campus grounds and talk to people about coming along to CU. There was a band playing in a blow up V stage and V were giving out hackie-sacks, head bands, and get this, mini blow-up guitars. They were literally air guitars! LOL Me and Kath were doing the "Jesus Rocks the World" dance. A little boy walked past me and looked longingly at my air guitar, so I gave it to him. Soooo cute. Then I looked longingly at Tom's Air guitar, and he gave me his. hehehe.
It turns out that according to Ben, I dont have a 3 hr prac on Wednesdays for GEOS230. Instead there is a Lecture on Thursday and also the Prac on Thursday is the only one. This now means that I can hang out after CU on wed. Huzzah!
Jane-Jilly-Joe finally talked to said person #1 today. She freaked out and bumbled her way through her words. So sad J3. So Sad! But at least it's done.
Ah, Life is interesting!
P.S I know there were some good quotes today, prehaps looking at Kate's blog may be amusing. (Is that how you spell it Kate?)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

5-way IM

The funniest thing ever just happened. I was on Msn and I got Emily to join ashleigh and Katus and Bella the the conversation...hahaha. 5 way Instant Messaging is sooo funny! I had no idea what was happening, everyone was typing so fast. I was laughing so hard.

Farewell to Holidays

I'm back at uni. I started at 9am this morning, not a time of morning I'm used to. ISYS123 Is gonna be the easiest subject I've done, from what I can tell and what I've been told...I just hope that's true. I'm in a class with Rach, who's doing Archaeology which means this (palaoentology) is going to be the only class we're ever in together. (I do Geology)
I've been praying lately that I'll be able to apply what I've learnt at MYC, about being Holy, because I usually walk away from camps all pumped up but when I get home I don't actually do anything about what I've heard. So I'm gonna apply!
On a similar note, I want to buy a prayer diary which I can write people's prayer points in. I've become more regular in asking people what I can pray for them, (I give all credit to God for this enthusiasm), but I can forget the points they told me. So If I write them down in a book, I wont forget! Yay!
We are SO blessed to be able to have great fellowship in Australia. God has given me so many awsome brothers and sisters in Christ. They encourage me in so many ways. Some put up with my whining or obsessing, others help me to focus on God's Glory, other's are good for a laugh, and other's pray for me constantly. It's amazing!
Just today I was talking to Emily and Alison. Fantastic women of God! They were helping me sort out a relationship issue. I panic and blow things out of propertion when it comes to liking a guy. They brought me down to earth and gave me no reason to doubt God's intentions for my life. Now I just have to go and DO IT! (I apologise to those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about!)
I miss MYC. Today I just wanted to start singing out loud in the Uni Cafe, but people might look at me funny. I don't really have any quotes from MYC, but Katus has ALOT of good ones.
Quote of the day goes to Alison during our relationship talk
Alison: Not being in a relationship is like wearing a jacket and being in a relationship is like wearing a duna. While you're waiting for the duna you take off the jacket, and that's when you feel the cold.
SO cute Alison!
God Bless & CU Soon!
Trekky Update
episode 19: A Private Little War
season 2: The Origional Series